AYS Daily Digest 29/07/2019: Two Cases of Violence in Greece

Police violence during flight boarding to Lesvos/ Rainfalls in Bosnia / Police violence in Morocco / Protest against deportations in London

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
3 min readJul 30, 2019



The brother of photographer Arash Hampay, was reportedly kicked and pushed by a police officer at Athens airport, as he was checking in to board a flight to Lesvos. Video footage released by Hampay shows the incident, which led to an urgent internal investigation by the Greek police, according to Keep Talking Greece.
The news blog also refers to Greek media quoting police sources saying that, “the officer stopped the man to check his papers. The latter [Hampay’s brother] pushed him away. probably because he was drunk, and then the police officer kicked him as shown in the video.” Although the kick cannot be verified in this video, he is clearly pushed. An onlooker in the video even asks the airport staff why this police officer pushing this man.

Norwegian TV2 today did a feature on the Skaramangas camp outside Athens. They conducted an interview with volunteer an from ‘A Drop in the Ocean’. The bottom line of the newsflash is that the refugee situation is on-going and still very much an issue, even if the global and Scandinavian headlines have moved on.


After rainfalls in Kljuc the fields are flooded and make it even more uncomfortable for illegally pushed-back people to stay there.


AMDH Nador published a video documenting another case of how the armed forces abuse the people in Nador. They say that they are taking their phones and money. Then after that they continue to be violent towards them, push them into their vehicles. Before they forcibly return these people back to their country of origin, violating international, as well as EU, law.


Activists staged a protest at the depot of Hallmark Connect, close to Heathrow airport in London, to demonstrate against their transfer services of detainees to the airport in order to be deported, Vice reports. As of yet, company has not made an official response.


Sea-Eye’s Alan Kurdi arrived at the Libyan Search And Rescue (SAR) zone.

Salavamento Maritimo rescued 156 people from three boats at the Alborean Sea.


The number of people diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) at Zintan detention centre has been increasing since MSF started working in the camp, according to journalist Sally Hayden. It is estimated, that more than 80 percent of the detainees are currently infected with the disease, but up until a few days ago, there had been no hospitals referrals for months.

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.