AYS News Digest 11/01/23: #Free Them All — A year since the attack on peaceful protesters outside UNHCR Headquarters in Libya

A network of Italian organisations supporting criminalised boat drivers // Turkish border guards shot dead one Syrian refugee and injured three others // Borderline-Europe supports boat drivers criminalised and facing imprisonment in Italy // Ocean Viking finally found a safe port, after travelling through extremely dangerous weather conditions // and more…

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
4 min readJan 11, 2023



A year since the brutal attack on peaceful protesters outside of UNHCR Headquarters in Tripoli, Libya

On 10 January 2022, 4000 individuals gathered outside UNHCR headquarters, and remained there for over 100 days, peacefully protesting the treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in Libya. As a response, the head of all Libyan detention camps, Mohammed Al-Khoja, called on his militia to shoot at the protesters and disperse them. Many were then taken to Ain Zara camp.

UNHCR did nothing to support the protesters.

Organisations call for the release of the 250 protesters currently detained in Ain Zara camp, as well as the release of the over 3000 asylum seekers held in other detention centres across Libya.

Conditions in the Ain Zara have been exposed countless times, highlighting abuse at the hands of guards, the lack of sanitation facilities, the cramped conditions, and the lack of adequate food.


Turkish border guards shot dead one Syrian refugee and injured three others

On Sunday, the Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC) reported the incident. The individual had lived in Turkey for two years, was then deported back to Syria, and was attempting to cross back into Turkey before he was shot.

Source: The New Arab, ‘Turkish guards shoot, kill refugee, injure three others on Syrian border’, 11/01/23

He is among hundreds of Syrians who have been shot by Turkish border guards. SHRC have called on Turkey to use ‘peaceful methods’ and stop using live firearms on Syrian refugees in the border areas.


Borderline-Europe supports boat drivers criminalised and facing imprisonment in Italy

Borderline-Europe estimates that around 350 people were arrested in 2022 by Italian authorities after arriving by boat, compared to roughly about 225 in 2021.

The organisation is currently in contact with 84 people who have been criminalised for acting as boat drivers, 54 of whom are imprisoned. A migrant solidarity project (Sans-Papiers Drop-In — Arci Porco Rosso) has allowed the organisation to connect with several individuals who are still on trial or who have completed their sentences. They have also attended court cases, contacted lawyers, other NGOs and solidarity groups that have helped to establish a network of support for criminalised boat drivers.

This article highlights the crucial role of such a network in challenging the criminalisation of boat drivers, and providing the necessary support to those who are currently in prison or awaiting trial.

Below is a list of some of the organisations that are a part of Borderline-Europe’s network:

Rete Antirazzista Catanese

Circolo ARCI Thomas Sankara

Cliniche Legali — Dipartimento Giurisprudenza (uniroma3.it)

NapoliMONiTOR — Cronache, libri, disegni e reportages

(1) Comitato Territoriale Cipressi | Palermo | Facebook



Ocean Viking finally found a safe port, after travelling through extremely dangerous weather conditions

Amid poor weather on Tuesday, water started to reach up onto the lower deck of the GeoBarents ship. Passengers were moved to the upper deck:


Over the last year, 244,000 individuals have sought asylum in Germany

This is an increase of 27.9% from 2021. In the last three months of 2022, numbers increased further due to the use of the Balkan route to reach Germany. The most common nationality among asylum seekers is Syrian.

An additional one million Ukrainian refugees arrived in the country in 2022.


Interim Age Estimation Science Advisory Committee report

There has been ongoing discussion surrounding age assessments of asylum seekers arriving in the UK. Correct age assessments are crucial to protecting individuals’ wellbeing, however they can also be incredibly distressing and intrusive. Different methods include x-rays, MRI scans, dental imagery and interviews.

The report suggests continuing the use of interviews arranged by social workers, and, in specific situations, the use of biological assessments. It emphasizes the fact that combining these two methods can be highly distressing for unaccompanied minors who have likely experienced significant trauma already.

The report clearly states that interviews should be used to assess the ‘likelihood’ that an accurate age assessment can be made, rather than to identify the exact age of the individual and whether they are over the age of 18.

You can find the full list of recommendations here: Committee proposes “likelihood ratio” approach to refugee age assessments — Free Movement

Email your MP — support Afghan families:

Email Your MP about helping Afghan refugee families reunite — Safe Passage

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.