AYS New Digest 15/09/22: A young sub-Saharan woman killed by Moroccan police

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
Published in
6 min readSep 15, 2022

Moroccan police opened fire on 35 people leading Canarias// Six people died after being pushed back by Greek authorities// Ivorian man expelled to Morocco from Spain despite court order// Save the Children reports abuses of children in transit along Balkan Route//Evictions in northern Serbia// and more

Protest against the expulsion of an Ivorian man to Morocco led by Spain government. Credit: Coordinadora de Barrios


Sub-Saharan woman killed after Moroccan authorities opened fire on a group of 35 people on their way to the Canary Islands

On 12 September a woman was killed and three young Moroccans are in a very serious condition after being shot. Two more were run over a car while trying to flee. According to the testimonies, the Moroccan authorities opened fire on the group (35 people, with 15 women and two children) at Akhfennir beach. Akhfennir is located in the south of Morocco off the coast of the Canary Islands, close to Western Sahara. The group was trying to board a boat leading to Spain, due to the absence of a legal path to reach Europe

In addition to the Moroccan government, the Spanish government is being held responsible, and with it the whole of Europe. Europe’s externalisation policies led to the financing of this violence, structural violence in border regimes. In fact it is so stated in a manifesto that condemns the genocide on the southern border of Morocco.

“We do not accept that with our taxes, the Spanish government is paying the Moroccan government to perpetrate the phobic black necro-politics that justify this constant bloodshed”.

Among the demands and denunciations contained in the manifesto, clarity is also demanded regarding the events of 24 June (here in our 24/06 digest), in which numerous people were killed. There is in fact a thread of continuity linking these murders, the result of border policy. The manifesto states:

“These facts show that, after the massacre in Melilla on 24 June, the use of violence by the Moroccan police is accepted and protected by the functions conferred on them by the European and Spanish states”.

Read here the manifesto; it can be signed by individuals and associations


Six people died after pushback by Greek authorities

Two children and four adults died, while 73 people were rescued. Read more here.

According to the Turkish coastguard:

“It was found out that after they were put on a Greek coastguard boat and their valuables were taken, they were put on a total of four boats at a location close to Turkish territorial waters and left to drift”

Also here:


Children on the move are being systematically and sexually abused along their way to Europe, reports Save the Children

Via Save the Children

Children in transit on the Balkan Route experience physical and psychological violence during pushbacks by border police. This is the most common type of violence described in Save the Children report, based on interviews with 48 children, most of them unaccompanied boys; as well as interviews with field workers supporting refugee and migrant children. Read the report here:

For years Border Violence Monitoring Network has systematically denounced this type of violence in its monthly reports and in its database of pushback testimonies.


Squat in Sombor was evicted (northern Serbia)

According to some eyewitnesses, the authorities forced squat residents to board three buses. Unaware of what would happen to them, they were taken to Sid’s camp, Principovac, without receiving any information. This is the second eviction within a few days in the same area.

For years now, the situation in Serbia has been critical for people in transit. Violence, evictions and a lack of human rights are the order of the day.

It is important to give voice to the local civil sector, particularly those vocal about the reality on the ground. Klikaktiv is one such watchdog organisation present in the field since a while back, so we recommend our fellow activists’ reports to anyone following the topic. The Facebook page is here.


Syrian man in critical conditions after being rescued

The lives of many people are at risk every day at the Belarus-Polish border. Some organisations such as Fundacja Ocalenie continue supporting and rescuing many people in critical condition. On 14 September, a Syrian man was found and rushed to hospital, as reported in a tweet.

People in a forest while risking their lives at the border. Picture via Krzysztof Boczek

Pushbacks are systematic at this border, and there is no guarantee that people seeking a safe place can apply for asylum.

Kurdish woman with two children at risk of deportation to Iraq, despite Isis threats

At the same time, deportations policy , although following regular process, put the lives of those brought back at risk.

On 14 September, a Kurdish woman with her children was about to be deported to Iraq: her life would have be in danger, as she was threatened by Isis because members of her family are peshmerga. Some activists tried to stop the deportation, allegedly succeeding (as reported in this tweet).

Protest against deportation in Okęcie. Via Oko press


A young Ivorian is returned to Morocco against a court order suspending his expulsion

“The police told me that they could not send me back to my country and that the Ivorian Embassy accepted my deportation to Morocco. I was able to see the ticket that was on the table and on it was written Casablanca. I am afraid, Morocco is not a safe country for us sub-Saharans”.

This is the testimony of the Ivorian man reported by Caminando Fronteras and Coordinadora de barrios, who denounced the events at this link.


After being stranded at sea for days without food and water, 207 people have been rescued

“This case shows once again that seafarers are being abandoned with distressing situations in the Mediterranean”.

The chief of Humanity 1 ship (Sos Humanity rescue organisation) thus condemned the lack of help from the authorities.

Read more here:


Call to protest the renewal of the Italy-Libya memorandum

On 2 November 2022, the Italy-Libya Memorandum will be renewed, strengthening EU cooperation with the militia-led Libyan coastguard.

It is thus urged in the appeal to protest

“In Solidarity with Refugees in Libya, we want to take to the streets all over Europe to stop this memorandum, on Saturday 15 October, in front of the Italian embassies of our cities”

The protest organised by refugees in Libya since October 2021 remains unheard. The European Union daily contributes to structural violence faced by refugees in the African country funding and training the so-called LYCG, Libyan coastguard. LYCB is responsible for the pushbacks on the Mediterranean Sea, where people are still drowning every day.

Read more here


  • Mixed migrations-hebdo provides a comprehensive overview of the week’s events, with a special focus on the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan.

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.