AYS News Digest 13/1/23: Active rescuers vs. inert officials — a permanent battle

More clashes between the Italian Interior Ministry and sea rescue NGOs, with the former back to claiming that civil society SAR constitutes a ‘pull factor’ / Congolese refugees fleeing the war face an increasingly hostile regime in Rwanda, despite what the UK says / 28 properties from military bases in Leuchars and Rosyth to house refugees from Afghanistan / several really important reads we recomment you take a look at

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
5 min readJan 14, 2023


Photo by Janosch Diggelmann

FEATURE — New moves from the Italian state to make SAR NGOs’ lives and work difficult

Ocean Viking reached the port of Ancona on Tuesday, January 10, with 37 people on board. The Geo Barents, operated by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) was also ordered to disembark its rescued migrants in Ancona on the Adriatic sea the same day. Reportedly, the organisations said they will obey the orders, but will not stay silent.

“Our position remains unvaried: it is unacceptable to send us to Ancona while other suitable ports are much closer, especially in these weather conditions. This goes against international maritime law and the best interest of survivors”

At the same time, the Italian authorities are “investigating whether there are any relations between NGOs and human traffickers”. The minister of interior even blamed the rescue ships and organisations for the poor condition of the boats departing from Africa, saying that the smugglers count on SAR vessels and thus people agree to embark on dangerous boats.

The intentional decision to disembark in Ancona instead of one of the nearer ports added to the journey, risks, and the fact that all the time spent heading there and back could have been spent saving more people. Also, it prolongs the hardships of the people on board.

“As expected, the weather has significantly deteriorated with 40 knot winds and six-meter-high waves, adding pain to the 37 survivors who just escaped death,” SOS Mediterranee stressed, adding that 95% of passengers were seasick.

The Italian state intends to control and run rescues themselves, and to cut off private rescue organisations (especially those from other countries). That would be the gist of what the minister had to say on this topic. We will be watching how the story unravels, especially given the quick steps taken by the new government, obviously eager to stem the number of SAR actions and, ultimately, saved lives.



Some good news which shows there can be some justice now and then

Greek legal authorities have dismissed the cases against humanitarian SAR volunteers Séan Binder, Sarah Mardini, Nassos Karatsikos, Pieter Wittenberg et al, although we need to stay alert to the plight of ‘two cases remaining of Greek defendants which have been referred to a lower court’

The court on Lesbos on Friday rejected charges against a group of aid workers and volunteers who participated in migrant rescue operations, ruling on procedural grounds to return the case to the prosecution for refiling.

This means the misdemeanor case has collapsed as the five-year statute of limitations on the espionage and forgery charges expires in early February and the prosecution is unlikely to have enough time to refile the case. One Greek defendant still faces a misdemeanor count of forgery.


Despite UK government assurances to the contrary, Rwanda is a dangerous place for refugees

Congolese refugees fleeing the war face an increasingly hostile regime. The Rwandan government has announced it will no longer accept refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“We are going to ensure that everybody realises that it is not Rwanda’s problem. I am refusing that Rwanda should carry this burden”, Rwanda’s President said. UNHCR raised questions as to the legality of the announcement. Also, this raises concerns about Rwanda’s human rights record, as UK’s Rishi Sunak says he will ensure the plan to deport people from the UK to Rwanda works. Read more here.

Twenty-eight properties of military bases in Leuchars and Rosyth to house refugees from Afghanistan

Up to 100 Afghans at any time have been housed in hotel accommodation in the Kingdom, and there are currently 51 arrivals from the country.

In a welcome change from the usual rhetoric from UK officialdom, Fife council, in Scotland, has been able to negotiate the use of former defence housing for refugee use, and is unapologetic about the humanitarian need to make this resource available.

Occupancy would be arranged on a similar basis to previous established Resettlement Schemes which have operated successfully in the past. Ongoing support for the Afghan families relocated to Leuchars and Rosyth would be provided by the Fife Resettlement Team and Link Living.


  • An Intercept article on US border policy. The rhetoric may have changed but the cruelty has not: Biden’s Border Plan Drapes Trump Policies in Liberal Rhetoric (theintercept.com)
  • In places where crossing the border of the global north becomes a matter of life and death for thousands of people, a special kind of border is created. This border, which William Walters calls a humanitarian border (Walters 2011: 138), is marked by the parallel and even synergistic action of security and humanitarian logic, and saving lives is an integral part of it. Our volunteers, researchers in the field of migration within the scope of ERIM, the project of the Institute for Ethnology and Folklore, write a series of interesting and important pieces worth your time: Spašavanje života (ief.hr)
  • New Yorker article on the plight of refugee families who are left without confirmation that their loved ones are still alive: The Crisis of Missing Migrants | The New Yorker
  • The extraordinary story of a Syrian refugee who recently gained Canadian citizenship against the odds and who is now a Red Cross case worker and Flood Rescue Team member:
  • Lund University have developed a digital programme that integrates refugee stories, local community stories and the means by which both seek to record their lived experiences:

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.