AYS News Digest 13/9/23: Italian authorities risk lives of 44 people

Police violence in Lampedusa // Trapped group under fire from both sides in Evros // Attempted mass suicide in asylum detention // State of the Union address leaves many worried about the state of the Union // Worth reading and more…

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
4 min readSep 14, 2023


(Photo Credit: Refugee Support Aegean. Today marks 3 months since the deadly shipwreck of the «Adriana» vessel on June 14. Forty survivors of the shipwreck filed yesterday a criminal complaint against all responsible parties before the Naval Court of Piraeus.)

FEATURE: Italian authorities risk lives of 44 people

The rescue ship Louise Michel disembarks 68 people in 24th rescue operation this year, after being ordered to abandon search for a boat in distress.

Italian authorities ordered the crew to abandon the search for a boat in distress with 44 people aboard, who had been in contact with the emergency hotline, Alarmphone. After the crew of the Louise Michel brought 124 people safely to Trapani last week, another 68 people could finally disembark in the Sicilian city on 7th September. In the 23rd and 24th rescue operations this year, the crew of the Louise Michel responded to two distress cases during 4th September. Following the first rescue in the morning, of 24 people from a wooden boat which had been reported by theAlarmphone emergency hotline , the crew was informed of another distress case, a rubber boat with 44 people on board.

The Italian Rescue Coordination Center in Rome (MRCC) was also informed about the rubber boat and requested Louise Michel to search for the boat. Several hours later, the MRCC asked our crew why Louise Michel was still in the south and not heading towards Italy. Louise Michel informed MRCC that the search for the boat was ongoing. The response from MRCC was an order to proceed north without delay.

“First they told us to look for the boat with 44 people in distress, then they told us to turn around again, abandoning the people at sea while a storm was approaching. They even told us the boat was ‘not at sea anymore’. Without giving any information. This is unacceptable. They seem prepared to let people drown.” — Operational Coordinator of Louise Michel.

Shortly after the order from MRCC, the Frontex aircraft spotted the boat and forwarded the position to Lousie Michel crew, who thankfully found the boat in the late evening and took all people on board. The already worsening weather forced Louise Michel to seek shelter in front of Lampedusa, before being able to continue the voyage to the assigned port of Trapani.

Ordering a rescue ship to leave 44 people at sea when a storm is upcoming, and forwarding misleading and false information about rescue operations, is unacceptable. With over 2323 people known to be dead or missing whilst crossing the deadly Mediterranean Sea this year, 44 additional people could have lost their lives due to the actions of MRCC Italy.


Police violence in Lampedusa

Lampedusa remains desperately overcrowded and basic needs are not being met. Instead of support and access to services, people are met with police repression.

In very distressing news, a five-month-old baby drowned when the boat carrying 46 people capsized and just before the Coast Guard vessel arrived.


Trapped group under fire from both sides

According to reports, a group of people trying to cross the Evros River into Greece has come under fire from both Turkish and Greek soldiers.

We are in the middle of Evros. Both Turkish soldiers and Greek police are shooting at us. We don’t know which way to go. Because both sides are shooting at us. We are victims and we are being pushed back for the second time in the same day. Can anyone hear our voice? You can see. Friends are leaving. They come back again and we’ve lost many friends. We don’t even know where they went. Did they drown? Did they go to the Greek police? Did the Turkish military take them? We don’t even have any information about some of our friends. I wonder if anyone will hear our voice. — Translation of the video by Vedat Yeler

Some people in the group, including women, are said to be missing. Their whereabouts is still unknown at the time of writing.


Attempted mass suicide in asylum detention

An “attempted mass suicide” took place at the UK’s largest immigration removal centre (IRC) during a protest on 28th March, exposing “extreme levels of distress” in detention. Four–six people tried to take their lives during the protest which took place two days after the death of Frank Ospina from Columbia.


State of the Union address leaves many worried about the state of the Union

Ursula von der Leyen delivered her address to the EU on 13th September and clearly underlined once more the EU’s move away from human rights and towards a discourse of security. Of the many concerning remarks she made, she included references to reducing ‘irregular flows’ in the Western Balkans—read pushbacks, and the new agreement with Tunisia—read people stranded in the desert dying of thirst.


Endorse the manifesto for better civic space and civil dialogue across all Europe! - 2024 European elections are a key opportunity to turn the tide of shrinking civil society space and limited civil dialogue all over Europe, and make sure the new European Parliament and Commission will commit to concrete steps for a better recognition, protection and engagement of civil society.

Making pushbacks public: Secrecy, material witnesses and devices of dis/appearance

EU deal will only worsen racist abuse of migrants in Tunisia

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.