AYS News Digest 14/07/23: A month after the Pylos shipwreck

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
Published in
5 min readJul 15, 2023

120 people rescued but 11 boats are at risk // 20 people die after 18 days at sea // Ocean Viking detained // NGOs file complaint against Italy’s deadly Sea Rescue Law // New project in Ventimiglia // People moved to Wethersfield Barracks // Protest called in London.

(Photo Via Human Rights Watch: “one thing is clear: this horror was avoidable”)

FEATURE: A month after the Pylos shipwreck

One month after the shipwreck off Pylos in Greece, from which at least 600 people are still missing, protests were held in several European cities asking for answers and for action. Multiple articles and testimonies have stated that the Greek Coast Guard were present when the ship sank and are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people, having caused the boat to capsize by attempting to tow it with ropes.

Protests also took place in Thessaloniki and Berlin.

(Photo Credits: @schoenbesetzen and @infolibregr)

In Athens, people who are still looking for their loved ones joined the demonstration.

(Photo Credit: Vedat Yeler — Caption: He is looking for his brother Fahad Ali, who disappeared off #Pylos. Today, during a protest in #Athens, he showed a photo of his brother on his mobile phone and asked about his fate.)

While the Greek state stays quiet, Refugee Support Aegean have taken up the legal battles for the survivors.

It is our duty to restate the obvious, one month after the shipwreck:

Enough is enough! Human lives must finally be respected — no more deaths.

An independent, thorough and effective investigation into the circumstances of the shipwreck must be carried out, taking into account the questions arising from published testimonies and media investigations in relation to acts and/or omissions of the competent authorities.

Regular and transparent official information must be provided on the process and findings of the investigation.

The survivors of the shipwreck must be referred to appropriate facilities, benefit from fast-track family reunification procedures for those who have family members in other European countries, and receive international protection.


120 people rescued, but over 11 ships are at risk

(Photo Credit: Sea Watch)

The search and rescue vessel, Aurora, helped in two boats in distress on the 12th of July. One was carrying 80 people, the other 40. The Italian Coast Guard brought both groups to Lampedusa.

However, Alarm phone has been alerted to at least 11 other ships currently at risk on this route.

Rescue needed now!

20 people die after 18 days at sea

Twenty people have died in a Senegalese canoe that had been at sea for eighteen days. The forty survivors were taken to the city of Dakhla in the Western Sahara. Walking Borders demand greater search and rescue capacity in the area.

Ocean Viking detained in Italy

On 11th July, the Ocean Viking was detained by the port authorities of Civitavecchia, only five days after the crew and guests had come under fire from the EU-funded Libyan Coast Guard. The detention is based on a particularly restrictive interpretation of an aspect of maritime law not previously brought up during their inspections. Any detention of rescue ships puts lives at risk. More than 1,890 people have already gone missing in the Mediterranean this year.

Five NGOs file a complaint against Italy’s new Sea Rescue Law

The law decrees that rescue ships must go to an assigned port, often at a great distance, thus necessitating long journey times which keep boats out of rescue areas for prolonged periods. It has led to the detention of at least four rescue ships; Louise Michel, the SEA-EYE 4 and MARE*GO and the Aurora. The five complainants are Doctors Without Borders (MSF), SOS Humanity, EMERGENCY, the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration (ASGI) and Oxfam Italia. They state that the law is incompatible with EU and international law and directly puts lives at risk.


New project in Ventimiglia

No Name Kitchen have started a new project in Ventimiglia where they will continue to document human rights violations and pushbacks while supporting other groups and providing showers.


People being moved to Wethersfield Barracks

Care 4 Calais are calling for volunteers and donations for people being moved to Wethersfield Barracks. The ex-military base has been widely criticized as unsuitable for housing people fleeing violent situations and was planned to be used for other purposes by the local council, who have asked for a judicial review of the Home Office’s decision to use the space as housing.

Protest called in London

(Image Credit: Stand up to Racism)


A Penalty Tax on Migrants is no Solution to Public Pay by Migrant Voice. Increasing visa fees and the National Health Service surcharge to pay towards a public pay increase is a penalty tax on migrants.

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.