AYS News Digest 14/6/23: Foul play as hundreds dead after Greek shipwreck tragedy

Sea Watch’s Aurora saves 39 people at sea / Nadir deployed in Central Mediterranean again / Refugee Week event list for UK, Greece and Croatia / Events, insights and reports on rescue mission, statistics and calls for action

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
Published in
6 min readJun 15, 2023



Foul play as hundreds dead after Greek shipwreck tragedy

Photo circulated by the Hellenic Coastguard.

Up to 500 people may have died and more than 100 people rescued after a large vessel capsized in Greek waters.

The incident occurred 47 nautical miles off the coast of the island of Pylos and both Greek and Italian authorities were informed of the presence of the boat, as was Frontex. It is thought that approximately 750 people were onboard the vessel, including around 100 children, and that their journey started in Libya.

What Really Happened?

An early report of the tragedy stated that there were a large number of other vessels in the area which is “unusual” in this situation, as was the fact that such an overloaded boat wasn’t stopped sooner. Official reports failed to mention that the Greek Coast Guard may have been towing the ship at the time of capsize. This has neither been confirmed or denied by Greek authorities — with Greek politician Alexis Tsipras stating:

“There was indeed a report” that the boat overturned while being towed by the Coast Guard — “I’m not an expert to know if it’s true”. The Press Project.

The scale of the incident has garnered headlines in many mainstream news outlets, yet it is the family and friends of those who have needlessly lost their lives at the hands of the EU who AYS wishes to acknowledge today.


Photo: Sea Watch

“A 12-hour mission comes to an end. After the crew of Mission Lifeline’s Rise Above discovered 39 people in distress at sea and stabilized the situation, our Aurora brought them on board and safely ashore on Lampedusa, against the instructions of the Italian sea rescue control center. They instructed us to head for a port in Trapani, 32 hours away due to bad weather conditions.

“It would have been impossible for the Aurora crew to reach the assigned port in Trapani without unnecessarily endangering the 39 rescued people. The journey would have taken at least 32 hours due to the weather conditions. Nevertheless, the Rome MRCC insisted,” the team reported on Tuesday.

While more than 1,160 people have drowned in the Mediterranean this year alone, according to the IOM, civil sea rescue remains the scene of political power games — the stakes: human lives.

Photo: Sea-Watch

Refugee Rescue are looking for a volunteer maintenance co-ordinator to keep ‘MO CHARA’, the RIB they operate in partnership with SEA EYE off the SEA EYE 4, operational, see more info here.

Salvimento Maritimo Humanitario showing pre mission trainings on how they approach and manage an overloaded dinghy to prevent panic, capsize or other ways that this delicate situation could get out of hand:

ResQship’s SV NADIR is preparing to deploy to the Central Med SAR zone for her 4th mission of 2023. You can support the mission here.

ABR’s weekly report:

“We have registered 15 pushback cases in the Aegean Sea this week, involving 344 men, women and children. In five of these pushback cases the Greek coast guard used life rafts, 72 people were forcibly removed from Greek islands and left helplessly drifting on six life rafts on the Aegean Sea. For more detailed statistics go to http://aegeanboatreport.com. / ABR Statistics.”


As the performative cruelty of the UK Home Office towards people on the move ramps up further, yesterday saw the highest single number of PoM land on UK shores in one day so far.

InfoMigrants reported: On Sunday, the Home Office stated that 616 people traveling in 12 boats had been detected crossing the Channel from France to the UK. These numbers exceed the previous daily high of 497 people on 22 April this year.

The total number of migrants entering the UK by boat this year has reached around 8,000, compared to more than 10,000 at the same point in the previous year. In 2022, the total number of Channel crossings stood at 45,755.

However, the restrictive and unsustainable policy decisions from the Home Office are widely criticised and, despite the intention, it is believed these will only exacerbate the already poor situation when it comes to handling the issues realted to migration.

Read more here.


Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts & culture festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

Croatian Refugee Week programme is available here.


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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.