AYS News Digest 16.01.2023: Evros Border Wall — with or without EU funding

Deaths at the Polish-Belarus border // MSF closing Projects Lithuania and Latvia // UK Rwanda Appeal // One death a day on Paris streets…

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
6 min readJan 17, 2023



Evros Border Wall — with or without EU funding

Photo Credit: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

140km. The Evros region, where Greece meets Turkey, and where the EU ends. The existing border structures have largely been created with EU funding, but this hasn’t yet extended to a physical barrier. Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has announced that a 140km border wall will be built, whether the EU supports the construction of it or not.

400 In addition to the artificial barrier, 400 additional personnel will be deployed in the area, 250 of whom will start next month. Although the Minister of Citizen Protection Takis Theodorikakos, already claims that the border is “impenetrable, it is inaccessible”.

Tensions between Turkey and Greece have risen recently, with Theodorikako also addressing Turkey with the command to stop exploiting people and to respect the Greek border.

Migration policy is likely to be a strong point in the spring elections, which were announced this weekend. The election will be the first held under proportional representation. Turkey will also be holding elections in the middle of this year.

The racist treatment of people who do manage to arrive in Greece is continually evidenced. The sad news of a death in Ritsona camp of a resident who waited three hours for an ambulance to arrive is characteristic of how people are treated. As with other European Nations, the preferential treatment of people fleeing the war in Ukraine is evidence that regimes know how they should behave, but chose to ignore the plight of those who do not look like them. Greece’s migration minister, Notis Mitarach referred to Ukrainian refugees as “real refugees” and those from war-torn Syria and Afghanistan as “irregular migrants”.

The Greek regime also denies any part in illegal pushbacks but has boasted of “averting” 150,000 arrivals since 2022. The actions of Greece have not escaped the attention of the UN, UNHCR or the European Commission, yet no real action has been taken.


Deaths at the Polish border

Details have emerged of a man who was found dead on 7th January. The Yemeni citizen who has been named as Ibrahim, died whilst others in his group sought help. The group presented themselves to Polish authorities, asking for medical assistance for their friend who was himself a doctor, but were instead pushed back to Belarus. More than 200 people have gone missing at this border since this route has been used.


MSF closing projects

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is closing its projects in the Baltic countries stating:

“restrictions and circumstances prevented our teams from providing care to migrants with full confidentiality and in accordance with our principles.”

MSF has been providing various kinds of health support since September 2021 when people started travelling from Belarus. Due to the change in infrastructure and continued pushbacks, they are no longer able to effectively deliver the help that people need.

“Continuous pushbacks at the border are denying vulnerable people from seeking international protection in Lithuania… this significantly limits MSF’s access to provide essential medical and mental healthcare.” GEORGINA BROWN, MSF PROJECT COORDINATOR IN LITHUANIA AND LATVIA

Also in Latvia, two people are facing criminal charges for helping people-on-the-move. Project manager of the organisation “I want to help refugees” Ieva Raubiško, and a colleague both face charges for helping a small group of people in winter conditions in the forest. A state of emergency was declared in 2021 and has been extended five times, leading to asylum claims not being accepted in the border area, and regular pushbacks. Numbers of people attempting this route have risen again since August, with winter conditions making it especially dangerous.


Protests at the Alpine border IT-FR

Hundreds gathered to protest the erection of fences at border controls in the Alps.

This area has previously been a site of protest, with a former customs building being squatted and evicted several times in the last few years, where activists provided solidarity and support.


Rwanda appeal

The High Court has ruled that the result of the legal challenge against the Government regarding sending asylum seekers to Rwanda may be appealed. To learn more about this and to support the legal challenge, visit Asylum Aid.

Meanwhile, a group of researchers have provided evidence of the individuals and businesses which stand to profit from the Rwanda deal.

One month after lives were lost in the Channel

More than 30 days have passed since at least four people lost their lives in the English Channel. Few details have been provided about the people, or even how many people are still reported missing. The total number of people in the boat was never confirmed, and local police have suggested that six people remain unaccounted for. Calais Migrant Solidarity have repeatedly highlighted the lack of Search and Rescue presence,

“Despite all the surveillance technology deployed in the Channel, and all the resources at the disposal of His Majesty’s Coastguard, Border Force and the Royal Navy, it appears that no one knew about this boat until the alarm was raised by Utopia 56 and Alarm Phone after receiving distress calls from those on board.” Calais Migrant Solidarity

The ongoing investigation will likely be lengthy with no real outcome. It is reported that the Royal Navy will end their involvement in Channel rescues, leaving the Border Force, (who have fewer resources and less training) to take up the slack.

Additionally, Monday 16th January saw Ibrahima Bah appear in court. The 19 year old originally from Senegal is charged with “attempting to facilitate illegal entry to Britain” for his involvement in the fatal crossing. The trail date has been set for June this year.

Albania nationals and modern slavery

Figures have been published showing the number of people from Albania reaching the UK by small boats was greater than any other country. The numbers were published by Migrant Watch UK, a source not directly funded by the government, yet with a publicly stated anti-migrant agenda. The report continues to state that there is a loop-hole in UK legislation which is encouraging people from Albania to claim to have been victims of modern slavery, yet it fails to publish true figures for the successful outcomes and the Refugee Council pointed out that anyone who claims asylum has the right to have their claim assessed fairly.

The deportation of people back to Albania is hailed as a success by Home Office Minister Robert Jenrick, whilst this Twitter thread reveals the stupidity of the Home Office, including who rejected a visa application, with the incorrect country mentioned.

The response of Home Secretary Suella Braverman to Holocaust survivor Joan Salter shows the utter lack of humanity, logic and compassion.


One death a day on Paris streets

15 people have died on the streets of Paris so far this year. Collectiv Mortsdelarue reported on 13th January, resulting in more than one death per day.

This comes as calls to ensure children are not spending winter outside from Utopia 56. They met with children and their families representing 35 children from as young as one month old.


Housing for refugees has reached its limit

Local councils have asked for the people not to be transferred as housing solutions are reported to be full. 294 German municipalities have expressed concerns about funding from the Federal Government, with the additional pressures that newcomers place on health-care also highlighted.


90 people were rescued from a boat that had left the Gambia and taken to Cape Verde. However, among the group five people are reported to have died, with two bodies being recovered from the vessel. Cape Verde, a small, independent archipelago off the West African Coast, has previously rescued people who are likely en route to the EU Canary Islands, but rarely so many at one time.

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.