AYS News Digest 2.10.2023: Life rafts in the Aegean indicate pushbacks

Maltese coastguard interferring // Belarus activitist trial // Libya expulsions continue // Press denied access to camps GR // Austria deportation flight to Iraq // Worth reading and more…

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
6 min readOct 4, 2023



Life rafts in the Aegean indicate pushbacks

Photo Credit: Lalizas International ISO 9650–1 Rettungsinsel Liferaft

27 life rafts have been picked up by the Turkish coastguard in the Aegean between the 24th September until 1st October, with 574 people being rescued.

The life rafts are made by a single manufacture — Lalizas — in Piraeas, the same manufacturer who supplies the Greek coastguard. People found on these rafts are claiming that they were forced into them by the Greek coastguard, who then set them adrift.

These life raft cases have been a constant in the Aegean for three years, with an average of 8 cases a week registered, always in Turkish waters. However, since the sinking of the Adriana off the coast of Pylos this July, only 4 life raft cases have been registered in the Aegean sea, until this last week.

Aegean Boat Report say:

“This sudden reappearance of life rafts in the Aegean Sea, is most likely linked to the high increase of arrivals on the Greek Aegean Islands, where Greek authorities once again use rescue equipment as a deportation tool, a border management strategy they have used successfully, without scrutiny by EU, for many years. Arrivals are skyrocketing on the Greek islands, this is how they will handle it.”

It seems that as soon as scrutiny is lifted from Greek authorities that they are more than happy to return to this illegal practice of pushbacks.

Already this year 2500 people have drowned in the Mediterranean.

Sea and SAR

Pilotes Volontaires discovered two boats in distress during flights on Friday. One was a small inflatable dinghy containing a family which was rescued by the Italian coastguard. The second boat contained about 30 people. On Saturday the first boat was allowed to dock in Lampedusa. It is unclear where the second boat has been taken, but it seems also Lampedusa.

Another 47 migrants who had set off from Zwara in Libya were rescued and taken to Lampedusa, arriving on 2nd October. Amongst them were Syrian families, children and a boy in a wheelchair.

Sea-watch international has called out The Maltese Rescue Coordination Centre for preventing merchant vessels from rescuing two boats in distress that they discovered on 2nd October.

“Close-by merchant vessels seemed eager to rescue. But the Maltese Rescue Coordination Center was hindering them and advised the vessels “to not take any advice from Seabird”.”

Later one of the boats was re-discovered with new life vests on board as well as fuel.


On 3rd October the appeal decision for human rights activist Nasta Loika will take place. She was sentenced in June to 7 years in prison for her activism which includes the protection of foreign nationals and stateless people in Belarus. Nasta has reported being subject to torture whilst in detention.


Chaima Issa, a Tunisian Political activist, goes before a military court on 3rd October. She is accused on false charges under a repressive Decree (Law-54) by the increasingly autocratic Tunisian authorities.


Mass expulsions continue

Illegal mass expulsions from Tunisia to Libya continue, with 400 people forcibly transferred to Nalut in Libya on buses from Sfax on 29th September. They are currently being detained in Nalut by the Stability Support Group’s no. 60 Battalion.

This practice has been going on since early July with close collaboration between Tunisian authorities and Libyan militias. Two videos released by Refugees in Libya shows incredibly overcrowded conditions and one man saying that they had been on hunger strike for 3 days. Another asks for the embassy to be called and for water.

The EU is funding these sorts of illegal and inhumane practices through the support of both the Tunisian and Libyan regimes.


Press denied access to camps

Access for journalists into refugee camps in Greece has been suspended until further notice. On 2nd October journalist Lydia Emmanouilidou posted that her recent request to visit Samos camp was rejected.

This is another worrying step that further reduces the need for accountability from the Greek government by journalists and others who are demanding greater transparency into the functioning of these camps. This is even more important since recent reports such as this one in May by Al Jazeera made clear that so-called “model” camps on the islands failed to provide even basic services, including the provision of water.

Refugee Support Aegean note there has been an unexplained overnight shift in the capacities of some CCAC on the Aeagen islands. For example, on Lesvos the nominal capacity has been reduced by 52% to 3,840 from 8,000. They note that previous reporting suggests this to be a more accurate estimate of capacity for Lesvos. Although this is a positive step towards realistic estimates of camp structure capacities, it does now mean that Lesvos is well over its capacity, currently holding 5013 residents. Conversely in 3 out of 4 of the other island structures nominal capacities have been increased.

On Friday 29th September the Maritime Court Prosecutor ordered that the mobile phones of the 13-strong crew of the Greek coastguard vessel “920” present at the site of the sinking of the Adriana in June to be confiscated.

With around 120 days having elapsed since this tragedy, it is likely that any information on these phones that could provoke inconvenient questions for the Greek Coastguard has already been dealt with. Still, we hope that this step could prove insightful for the many families and survivors that want answers.


Loss of life in Northern France

Utopia 56 reported that this week between Calais and Dunkerque there have been 3 migrant deaths: one man drowned in the canal, another crushed by a train and the Eritrean woman who drowned trying to cross the Channel.

Authorities have charged a 21-year old for driving the boat in this failed crossing attempt, even though it is clear that communities and individuals are often forced or pressured to do these things by human traffickers.

In Lille more than 40 young people living in tents are facing violence in the streets. They are not able to sleep and many have become ill.


Deportation flight to Iraq

A charter flight on 3rd October is scheduled to deport people back to Baghdad from Vienna. This seems to be a direct result of the Austrian foreign minister’s visit to the newly re-opened Austrian Embassy in Baghdad. A protest was organised for the evening of 2nd October in front of the Rossau Lände policie detention centre.


A demonstration was organised by Pro Asyl in support of Afghani nationals who are facing deportation from Germany even though they previous worked for Germany in Afghanistan and their lives are at risk should they be returned.

Worth Reading

Roots in Northern France are looking for a volunteer coordinator for their activities around Dunkirk.

Germany struggling to accommodate and provide services for migrants applying for asylum here

Lithuania and its attitudes towards migration here

How EU trade policies in Tunisia contribute to migration on Al Jazeera here

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.