AYS News Digest 24.8.2022 Border Fence and Frontex in Serbia

Two bodies found near Melilla // Asylum seekers encouraged to leave Croatia // Strasbourg failing asylum seekers // Recommended articles on ‘Climate Migration’

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
6 min readAug 25, 2022



Border fence under construction Serbia — North Macedonia

Photo Credit: Klikaktiv

It has been revealed that a border fence is currently under construction at Serbia’s southern border, which is little known by the wider Serbian public.

Serbia is a popular country on the Balkan route, as it borders several EU countries. Recent changes in the route have led to more people attempting to reach Hungary via Serbia rather than going via Bosnia to Croatia, infamous for illegal pushbacks.

The organisation Klikaktiv conducted field research in June this year and last year, and found that the construction of the border fence, which started in 2021, has now increased in length by at least 10 km. Communities local to the border oppose the fence as they are experiencing significant disruption to their daily lives. Details about the logistics of the construction work, as well as the financing are unavailable to the public, whilst a Serbian decree also authorised work to start at the Bulgarian border. Local communities remain uninformed about a fence in this location.

“We firmly believe that the fence policies will not prevent refugees from coming to Serbia and passing through it, but will only make their journey more perilous, pushing the people in need in the hands of organized criminal groups of smugglers and traffickers in human beings.” Klikaktiv

It is no secret that smugglers are instrumental in the movement of people, yet it is also widely known that making routes through borders more difficult only leads to more dangerous journeys for vulnerable people. The crossing of the Channel between England and France is a case in point, as people resort to small boats when vehicle routes became virtually impossible. This was also observed by Klikaktiv, who reported that after a police operation to remove smugglers from the North Macedonian town of Lojane, activity was merely shifted to another town.

The report published this week, which contains this news, also contains details of Frontex’ involvement at the Serbian border. You can read the full report here.


Two bodies found near Melilla

There has been more sad news of the loss of life at the border with the EU and the Spanish territory of Melilla. Young people from Morocco frequently attempt to enter Melilla by swimming. Two bodies were discovered in the water. Families are requested to contact AMDH Nador to attempt to make identification.


A person in the Evros region of Greece reached out for medical assistance. At the time of writing, Greek authorities had provided no assistance and the person in question was running low on phone charge.


Asylum seekers encouraged to leave Croatia

In Croatia, as we reported earlier, many people are being discouraged from applying for international protection in the country. Upon being apprehended by the police in any area of the country, since recently, the people have usually been given a notice that states they are to leave the European Economic Area within seven days.

According to the testimonies of the people AYS spoke to, their fingerprints have not been entered into a database of any sort, but we are not certain yet if they are registered within the national or eurodac database in some other way (probably not). Most of them are then left on their own to pursue their dream of continuing the journey to their destination in one way or another, and are left without any support. These people have no way to check into a hostel or any other official accommodation in Croatia, and most are spending their days out in the parks and public spaces of the capital.

Although most people are less likely to see Croatia as their end station (which is largely due to the slow and ineffective asylum system, poor conditions and economic situation), those who wish to settle there or have no other particular destination in mind and simply wish to access the EU asylum system and start life somewhere, are reportedly not being provided with a chance to express the intention to seek international protection. We plan to further investigate the circumstances surrounding this.

Photo Credit: AYS


The end of the Balkan route for many is Trieste, Italy. When people arrive here, their condition is often far from good. The route might be the same, yet the individual stories are all different.

Photo Credit: Facebook


Strasbourg failing asylum seekers

Strasbourg City Council continues to fail asylum seekers arriving in the city. The city, which is the official home of the European Parliament, allows newly arrived asylum seekers to shelter in tents in Star Park — not at all suitable during the hot weather. Additionally, children are not being accepted into schools. The organisation D’ailleurs nous sommes d’ici 67 are demanding school places for all children, as well as appropriate accommodation.

People are also facing dire living conditions on the French-owned island of Mayotte. Asylum seekers there have taken to staying in Zaki Madi Square in the capital of Mamoudzou because no accommodation is provided (something required by international law). The people staying there have faced violence from the authorities attempting to remove them. The reception centres have been condemned by the Council of State as being unfit for purpose whilst asylum seekers are the targets of xenophobia. Organisation La Cimade calls for an end to the abusive force being used against vulnerable people.

More about Mayotte in this New Humanitarian article.


In good news, the city of Herne becomes the latest city to boast the title Safe Harbour for Refugees. This means that authorities have voted to “advocate for safe flight routes, state sea rescue missions and a humane reception of those seeking protection.” Herne joins Kleve and Neiheim, which also recently pledged to help and welcome those seeking safety.


Four empty vessels in the Libyan Rescue Zone were reported by the Ocean Viking rescue ship. The fate of the passengers of these boats will never be known, but the likelihood of a ‘pullback’ by the so-called ‘Libyan Coast Guard’ cannot be ruled out.


Search and Rescue vessels operated by NGO Seawatch were detained in Italy in 2020. This report examines the court case that followed, and the legal framework which was used to detain the vessels.

The tiny French island of Mayotte, a mirror of the Mediterranean?


In the growing discussion about people relocating due to climate change, the definition of ‘refugee’ is likely to alter. Here are some articles that discuss this.

Why we should abandon the concept of the ‘climate refugee’

Podcast: People are on the move. How will societies evolve as natural disasters and social unrest create large groups of refugees?

Uk Based Dazed: Climate Crisis: Why migrant justice is now more important than ever

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We strive to echo correct news from the ground through collaboration and fairness. Every effort has been made to credit organisations and individuals with regard to the supply of information, video, and photo material (in cases where the source wanted to be accredited). Please notify us regarding corrections.

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.