AYS News Digest 28.08.23: Militias, Racism and a Climate of Fear in Greece

Obstruction of SAR vessels leading to more deaths // Turkish President Erdogan targets refugees in political ramp-up // Thousands protest new French immigration law // Fire Brigade Union legal action against UK Home Office // Frontex active in Senegal

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
6 min readAug 29, 2023


(Photo Credit: Aegean Boat Report)

FEATURE: Militias, Racism and a Climate of Fear in Greece

A video has emerged of the continued presence of militia groups in the Evros region. It shows a man wearing dark glasses, his friend, and the four people they have forced to the floor, one of whom looks like he has been beaten. These groups ‘hunt’ people on the move and ask, with apparent impunity, for support for their actions on social media. Previous documented incidents record the use of hunting rifles.

Racist and anti-migration public and political discourse is exacerbating the danger people face and allows for circumstances which range from the outright bizarre — a group of 49 people, including children, being forced to sleep for four days on a flight of steps on Kastelorizo without access to food, water, or hygiene facilities — to the outright illegal — the kidnapping, imprisoning and beating of 13 people by a vigilante militia group.

In the cage, we had trouble breathing and we were terrified because we didn’t know what these men were and what was going to happen to us. After a few hours, police officers unlocked the crate and released us. — testimony taken by the PressProject

The militia took these people to the police and claimed they had committed a citizens arrest of arsonists. All 13 have now been released as there was absolutely no evidence.

This climate has also created an increasingly deadly environment in Greece for people on the move with one person killed and four injured near Doriko in Evros on Saturday and five lives lost at sea off Samos and Lesvos on Monday.

People continue to make the journey because they have no choice but to. Yet the situation means that their lives are still at risk even when they reach Greece. Families hide in the woods from the police despite serious medical conditions for fear of pushbacks and beatings. Their fates are hard for people in solidarity to track as their phones and possessions are so often taken and communication can cease suddenly. This is the case for 13 of the 43 people who arrived to the islands just this weekend. Another group of 13 were recently known to be in Evros, including one woman with a broken arm, but now they are uncontactable, while the death toll from the fire in the same region has risen from 18 to 20.

Some people are never found, and if they are many bodies are never identified. It is far too easy for a person to disappear in Greece and to be buried with no name, far from what was once their home, and without their family’s knowledge.

This is the true face of Europe and the reality of Greece.

SEA / Search and Rescue (SAR)

Obstruction of vessels leading to higher numbers of deaths

Photo Credit: Missing Migrants Project

56 organisations call for an end to obstructing humanitarian efforts by detaining rescue vessels. Since the beginning of the year when new legislation from Italy came into effect, there have been eight cases of impounding vessels in Italy for “illegitimate reasons” — totalling 160 days of reduced presence in the Mediterranean.

The need for civil rescue vessels is completely evident in the number of people rescued in the last two days. MSF report 168 people, Louise Michel report 124 whilst approximately 39 people remain at risk in the SAR Zone around Malta.

Four people have also died off the island of Lesvos and the Greek Refugee Council has released a policy brief addressing the current situation. The policy document makes the following recommendations, with details available here.

1. Establish a common search and rescue mechanism at high seas

2. Ensure proper implementation of the Smuggling Protocol

3. Establish effective accountability mechanisms

4. Support the surviving families searching for dead or missing migrants

5. Provide refugees and migrants with safe pathways to reach Europe


Turkish President Erdogan targets refugees in political ramp-up

As local elections approach, Erdogan has outlined how tough Turkey is becoming dealing with refugees and other migrants. This article outlines how 25,000 people have already been deported and 143,000 people “blocked” from entering the country. People from Syria are also to be deported to a newly created residential area in Northern Syria. People being used in political games once again.


Melilla Massacre — one year on

“We are witness to all these silenced and invisibilised deaths” Alarmphone.org

More than a year ago, on 24th June 2022, 37 people were killed at the EU border in the Spanish city of Melilla. As first reported in this News Digest, hundreds of people stormed the border, leaving both civilians and police/border guards dead and injured. Alarmphone reflects on the events with a new blog post, sharing the eye-witness testimony of someone identified as L.

“It was really horrible the day when R. and I decided to follow the crowd to go take on the fences of Melilla. The Force Auxiliaires beat me until I saw Death knocking on my door. My only friend, R., did not survive and he gave up the ghost before my very eyes. R., may your soul rest in peace, a soldier never dies.” Alarmphone

Since the tragedy, various commemorations have taken place resulting in poems, marches and more. Read more here.


Thousands protest new immigration law

On Saturday 26th August, thousands of people took to the streets. The proposed new immigration and asylum law includes making deportations easier as well as offering temporary work permits to undocumented people in limited circumstances. ‘We are in danger. We are not dangerous’ is the chant, as the draft law links new measures with security issues. The law is to be debated in September.

No Border Medics vacancy

No Border Medics, based in Dunkirk is searching for a new medical coordinator. Full details here


Fire Brigade Union files legal action against Home Office

The Fire Brigade Union (FBU) has filed legal action against the Government over safety concerns regarding the barge intended for asylum seeker accommodation. The Bibby Stockholm has come under criticism from every angle. As reported in this News Digest — the first intended residents were swiftly removed again when the water was found to be unclean. The government must respond by 4pm on 31st August.

“It is disgraceful that the Home Secretary is not even willing to meet us to discuss these concerns. Throughout this episode, the government has displayed a lack of transparency and a callous disregard for the safety of both firefighters and those who are due to be housed on the barge.” Matt Wrack, FBU


Frontex active in Senegal

The EU border enforcement agency Frontex is active in Dakar without there ever being an agreement to this effect. Since 2016 Frontex has been allowed to be present in non-EU countries and is currently working in four non-EU Balkan countries. February 2022 saw talks between Dakar and the EU Commission, yet no agreement was signed. This article details exactly how Frontex has been receiving information and explains a mission called “Hera” which reportedly reduced numbers of people crossing from Senegal to the Canary Islands up until 2019. Citizens have noticed the pressure of Frontex involvement and protests have been occurring.

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.