AYS News Digest 3/7/23: Lighthouse Reports — evidence of Greek involvement in shipwreck

Aurora back to the rescue // Kurdish man faces deportation from Germany & more news

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
3 min readJul 4, 2023



Lighthouse report — evidence of Greek involvement in shipwreck

Photo Credit: Lighthouse Reports

Evidence shared by survivors of the disastrous shipwreck on 13th June near the island of Pylos confirms that the Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG) was involved when the vessel capsized. This accusation has been strongly denied by the Greek government. The presence of the overloaded boat, with up to 800 people on board, had been communicated to the HCG by Frontex and NGO groups a day before the disaster occurred.

The Lighthouse report analysed published materials, including witness statements from survivors taken very shortly afterwards. One of the translators used was a member of HCG, whilst others were members of the general public. The fact that identical phrases were found in several interviews indicate that the interviewees weren’t able to express themselves independently of the translator. The other part of the report involves direct interviews with 17 survivors carried out by journalists from the same country as the individual.

You can read the full report here.

Since the shipwreck, several people have been arrested on charges of people smuggling, causing a shipwreck and manslaughter. Reports from the survivors state that people had to pay 5,500 Euros for the crossing, and were lied to about the duration of the trip.

Only 104 people were rescued. This link has details on how to contact authorities if you think someone you know was onboard.

SEA and Search and Rescue (SAR)

Aurora back to the rescue

The rescue ship Aurora has been released by the Italian authorities. The vessel was detained 20 days ago for breach of the decree made this year by the Italian government to travel only to the assigned port. The Aurora made port in Lampedusa instead of Trapani — the assigned port which would have been a 39 hour journey. Full details in this previous Digest.

Zussamenland — who operate the rescue ship Mare*Go are hosting a talk about their activities this Thursday. Details available via their Instagram

Rescue organisation Sea Punks is in urgent need of a Captain and Head of Operations. Can you help?!


A Kurdish man faces deportation from Germany.

Muhiddins Fidans was detained following a traffic incident and now faces deportation to Turkey. Fidans has lived in Germany for 27 years and has a family there.

Fidans residency permit wasn’t renewed in 2021, with the reason given that he is politically active with the Kurdistan Kassel Society Centre. Kurdistan spans Turkey, Iraq and Iran and its people face discrimination from civilians and authorities in those countries. Germany considers his involvement “terrorism”, whilst his life would be at risk if he were deported to Turkey. Seebrücke are campaigning for his release.

Photo Credit: Seebruecke

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Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?

News digests from the field, mainly for volunteers and people on the move, but also for journalists, decision makers and other parties.