AYS News Digest 5/6/2023: Yet another rescue ship detained in Italy

A group of 24 people remains trapped on an islet in the Evros River // Unaccompanied minors with disabilities in Greece to be made homeless at 18 // Child dead from fire in German refugee shelter // Worth reading and more

Are You Syrious?
Are You Syrious?
5 min readJun 6, 2023



Yet another Rescue Ship Detained

Photo Credit: Sea Eye via Twitter

The rescue ship Sea Eye 4 has been detained by the Italian authorities. On Friday evening, after passengers from two rescue missions had safely departed, the vessel was seized in the port of Ortona, Italy.

As first reported in this Digest, the new Italian law, which was passed in February, states that a rescue ship must proceed immediately to the assigned port (wherever that might be), without diversion, making it illegal to give assistance to a second group of people whilst en route. The law also essentially makes it possible for authorities to waste the time and resources of the ships and crew by making them travel to distant ports, even if that involves sailing past other safe harbours.

The German office for Foreign Affairs has lent its support to Sea Eye and another vessel, the Mare*Go, both of which are registered in Germany and have been seized under the same circumstances. Both ships face 20 days of detainments and a fine.

A minister from the German Foreign Office has stated that they are in contact with Italian authorities to ensure this issue is resolved.

“It is important that the ships that have been arrested can quickly carry out their life-saving task again,” German Foreign Ministry spokesman, Berlin Zeitung.

In further news from the Search and Rescue sector, the Aurora is back patrolling the seas. The fastest rescue ship in the Mediterranean is part of Sea Watch International and was initially intended for use in UK waters, and was then detained after being blocked by UK authorities for operating outside of the initially intended area.

“People have drowned while our ship — a lifesaving vessel previously operated for years as a rescue boat on behalf of the UK department of transport — is blocked in port. Hannah Wallace-Bowman, Search & Rescue Coordinator at Sea-Watch.

This article covers in more depth the difficulties being faced by rescue vessels since the new Italian law.


A group of 24 people remain trapped on an islet in the Evros River.

The Evros River represents a border crossing between Turkey and Greece and both countries attempt to shirk responsibility for those in need of assistance. This is certainly the case with this group, who have been trapped for several days. The group has now run out of food and water, and one of the five children is reported to be in need of medical attention. Alarm Phone have informed the Greek authorities.

Unaccompanied minors with disabilities to be made homeless at 18

In a change to Greek legislation, those with disabilities currently being housed in hostels for unaccompanied minors will no longer be able to extend their stay. The hostels provide holistic support for residents. This legislation is against the Human Rights Convention — this post details why— and the group of social workers who published it call for immediate action to be taken.


Child dead from fire in refugee shelter

The body of a child has been recovered after a huge fire at a refugee centre. The child is suspected to be that of a nine-year-old from Ukraine, who was one of 245 residents at the centre in the state of Thuringia. As of publication, the cause of the fire is unknown.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has stated that children and families should be exempt from proposed asylum border checks. This comes as EU ministers meet this week to discuss revision of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), the rules by which all member states must behave. The proposal is that initial asylum checks take place at external EU borders.

The “Stop Deportation” camp near Berlin’s Schoenefeld airport has been taking place. The camp is in protest against the deportation flights that are taking place from the Berlin airport and the camp included protest marches, speakers and music. You can read all about it here or follow their Instagram for further actions here.


More protection is needed for those with disabilities

Following the visit to Denmark of Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, concerns have been raised about the application of human rights to vulnerable people, including refugees, migrants and those with disabilities. Over the last ten years, Denmark has offered only temporary protection to those seeking asylum — meaning people could be deported back to their home country if conditions there change. This has understandably led to an environment of instability. Criticisms were also made of the two detention centres which are frequently for immigration detention which were described as having “harsh conditions”. Since the last Commissioner visited in 2013, some progress has been made towards ensuring people with disabilities have their human rights protected, but there is still more to be done.


Frontex are expanding their border regime north. This Tweet announcing a new cooperation with other EU agencies in the Baltic Sea.


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Are You Syrious?

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