What’s Your Podcast Really About? Your Podcast.

Richard Clark
Area Code Audio
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2022
Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

What is your podcast about? The answer could (and should!) vary. It could be about being single, living in a pandemic, videogames, or the visual arts. But, no matter what your topic is, there’s really one primary thing your podcast should be about: your podcast.

Implicit in a given podcast’s audience is a highly invested audience. They’ve seen the cover art, read the description, maybe skimmed the reviews, and then they proactively subscribed. Then they listen, every single week. As a general rule, your core audience cares about your podcast just as much as they care about the thing your podcast is about (if not more).

The key narrative arc of your podcast should be centered first and foremost around your podcast, and more importantly, you.

You’re building a relationship with your listener, one that is renewed and strengthened every week.

So while print reporters might avoid first-person pronouns, podcast reporters will often lean into telling their own stories of reporting (Just listen to The Daily, or any season of Serial). Tell the story of how you ended up securing a particular guest onto your show, and why you’re personally excited about that. Tell people what you want to accomplish with your podcast, and update them throughout the season on how it’s going. Lean, however you can, into self-disclosure.

The more you let them in, the more they’ll join you. The more you tell them privileged information, the more valuable they’ll see that information. The more you confide in them, the more they’ll see you as a confidant.

