From Gaza to the Horn of Africa — A World in Crisis

Monica Paraipan
Areas & Producers
Published in
11 min readJun 3, 2024
Photo credit: UNHCR/Arwa Al Sabri

In 2024, our world faces multiple humanitarian crises that demand immediate and sustained global attention. From conflict zones to natural disasters, millions of people are suffering, and the international community must act decisively to alleviate these crises. One of the most contentious and long-standing conflicts, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, continues to dominate international headlines. However, while the situation of the Palestinians remains critical, other equally devastating humanitarian crises also require urgent attention.

This article provides an overview of the most pressing humanitarian issues and outlines key action points needed to address them.

The Palestinian crisis

Current situation: The occupied Palestinian territories has reached its highest-ever position on the IRC’s Emergency Watchlist due to escalating violence causing a humanitarian emergency that will endure long after the fighting ceases.

Palestinians are suffering severe consequences from the recent hostilities between Israel and Hamas, marked by a lack of adherence to international laws and norms meant to protect civilians in extreme circumstances.

Gaza has become the most dangerous place for civilians and aid workers globally. Israeli military operations have resulted in over 100,000 Palestinian civilian casualties, with the numbers increasing daily. The violence escalated after Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups launched a deadly attack on southern Israel on October 7, 2023, killing 1,200 people and taking over 200 hostages, many of whom remain captive. In response, Israeli airstrikes and ground operations have caused widespread death, destruction, and displacement throughout Gaza, particularly in the north, killing more than 36,000 Palestinians and injuring over 81,000 others. Reports indicate that more than 70% of the fatalities are women and children.

Action points:

  • Lift the blockade: International efforts to lift the blockade on Gaza to allow the free flow of goods and services. This includes pressuring Israel and Egypt to open borders for humanitarian aid and commercial goods. Improving the movement of people and goods can stimulate economic recovery and improve living conditions.
  • Humanitarian aid: Increase humanitarian aid focused on healthcare, education, and infrastructure rebuilding. Donors should prioritize projects that enhance self-sufficiency and economic development. Special attention should be given to mental health services and support for children affected by the conflict.
  • Peace negotiations: Revive peace negotiations aimed at an immediate ceasefire and two-state solution, ensuring mutual recognition and security. This requires the involvement of international mediators and a commitment from both sides to compromise and dialogue. Confidence-building measures and a phased approach to peace can create a conducive environment for negotiations.
Photo credit: Getty Images

The conflict in Ukraine

Current situation: The war in Ukraine, which began in 2022, has continued to escalate, leading to widespread displacement, destruction of infrastructure, and significant civilian casualties. Major cities like Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Mariupol have been heavily bombarded, leading to a humanitarian catastrophe. Over 15 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, and more than 8 million have been internally displaced or forced to flee to neighboring countries. The economy has collapsed, healthcare facilities are overwhelmed, and basic services like water, electricity, and sanitation are severely disrupted.

Action points:

  • Increased humanitarian aid: The international community must expand the delivery of food, medical supplies, and shelter to the most affected areas. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international agencies should coordinate efforts to maximize reach and efficiency. Priority should be given to winterization efforts as the harsh winter season approaches.
  • Diplomatic efforts: There is an urgent need to intensify international diplomatic efforts to negotiate a ceasefire and initiate peace talks. This includes leveraging diplomatic channels and international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) to mediate. A comprehensive peace agreement should address territorial disputes, security concerns, and political reforms.
  • Support for refugees: Enhance support for Ukrainian refugees in neighboring countries by providing them with access to basic services, educational opportunities, and job training programs to help them integrate and become self-sufficient. Host countries should receive adequate financial and logistical support from international donors to manage the influx of refugees.
Photo credit: POLITICO

Famine in the Horn of Africa

Current situation: The Horn of Africa is experiencing one of the worst droughts in decades, compounded by ongoing conflict and economic instability. Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya are facing severe food shortages, with millions at risk of starvation. In Somalia alone, over 7 million people are facing acute food insecurity, and the situation is similar in parts of Ethiopia and Kenya. Livestock deaths and crop failures have devastated livelihoods, leading to widespread displacement as people search for food and water.

Action points:

  • Immediate food aid: Scale up emergency food distribution to the most affected regions. This includes pre-positioning food stocks and ensuring that delivery mechanisms are efficient and secure. Special attention should be given to vulnerable groups such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly.
  • Sustainable agriculture programs: Invest in long-term agricultural development to enhance food security. This includes introducing drought-resistant crops, improving irrigation systems, and providing farmers with training and resources. Support should also be given to community-based projects that promote sustainable farming practices and increase resilience to climate change.
  • Conflict resolution: Support peacebuilding initiatives to address the root causes of conflict and instability. This involves engaging local communities, promoting dialogue, and supporting efforts to resolve territorial and ethnic disputes. Regional cooperation and international mediation can play crucial roles in achieving lasting peace.
Photo credit: Reuters

The Syrian Civil War

Current situation: The Syrian Civil War, now in its thirteenth year, continues to devastate the country. Millions of Syrians are internally displaced or living as refugees in neighboring countries, with limited access to healthcare, education, and employment. The infrastructure is in ruins, and the economy is in tatters. Over 12 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, with many living in makeshift shelters and relying on aid for survival.

Action points:

  • Protection of civilians: Enforce international laws to protect civilians and ensure humanitarian access. This includes advocating for ceasefires in civilian areas and ensuring that aid convoys can reach those in need. Establishing safe zones and humanitarian corridors can provide temporary relief and protection for vulnerable populations.
  • Reconstruction efforts: Begin planning and funding the reconstruction of critical infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, and water systems. This also involves clearing landmines and unexploded ordnance. International donors should commit to long-term funding and technical assistance for rebuilding efforts.
  • Support for refugees: Increase funding for refugee programs in host countries, focusing on education and job training to help refugees integrate into local economies and societies. Providing psychosocial support and legal assistance can also help refugees rebuild their lives and secure their rights.
Photo credit: Getty Images

Climate-induced disasters

Current situation: Climate change has intensified the frequency and severity of natural disasters worldwide. In 2024, regions like Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Sub-Saharan Africa have been particularly hard hit by hurricanes, floods, and droughts. These disasters have displaced communities, destroyed homes, and strained resources. In Southeast Asia, typhoons have caused widespread flooding, while in the Caribbean, hurricanes have led to significant loss of life and property. Sub-Saharan Africa continues to suffer from prolonged droughts that have crippled agriculture and led to severe food insecurity.

Action points

  • Disaster preparedness: Strengthen early warning systems and disaster response plans. This includes investing in technology and infrastructure that can predict and mitigate the impact of natural disasters. Community-based disaster preparedness programs can empower local populations to respond effectively.
  • Climate resilience: Invest in infrastructure and community programs that enhance resilience to climate impacts. This involves building flood defenses, retrofitting buildings to withstand extreme weather, and developing sustainable land management practices. Promoting renewable energy and reducing dependency on fossil fuels can also contribute to long-term resilience.
  • Global emission reductions: Accelerate efforts to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate future climate disasters. This requires international cooperation and commitment to policies that transition towards renewable energy sources and reduce carbon footprints. Countries must honor their commitments under international agreements such as the Paris Agreement.
Photo credit: UNICEFROSA

The Rohingya crisis

Current situation: The Rohingya Muslim minority continues to face persecution in Myanmar, with many living in overcrowded refugee camps in Bangladesh. The situation remains dire, with limited access to basic necessities and ongoing human rights violations. Over 900,000 Rohingya refugees are in camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, living in conditions of extreme hardship. The camps are plagued by poor sanitation, inadequate shelter, and a lack of educational opportunities.

Action points:

  • International pressure: Apply diplomatic pressure on Myanmar to ensure the safety and rights of the Rohingya. This includes sanctions, international legal action, and diplomatic isolation until human rights are respected. The international community should support accountability mechanisms to bring perpetrators of atrocities to justice.
  • Support for camps: Improve living conditions in refugee camps, including access to healthcare, education, and sanitation. NGOs and international agencies should work together to upgrade infrastructure and provide essential services. Vocational training and livelihood programs can help refugees gain skills and become more self-reliant.
  • Long-term solutions: Work towards sustainable solutions, including potential resettlement in third countries or safe repatriation to Myanmar under international supervision and guarantees. Efforts should be made to address the root causes of persecution and ensure that repatriation is voluntary, safe, and dignified.
Photo credit: Observer Research Foundation

The crisis in Yemen

Current situation: Yemen remains one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, with ongoing conflict leading to severe food insecurity, a collapsed healthcare system, and widespread poverty. Over 24 million people, approximately 80% of the population, require humanitarian assistance. The blockade of ports has restricted the flow of essential goods, exacerbating the suffering. The healthcare system is on the brink of collapse, with frequent outbreaks of diseases such as cholera and COVID-19.

Action points:

  • Ceasefire and peace talks: Renew efforts to broker a ceasefire and facilitate inclusive peace negotiations involving all parties to the conflict. This should be supported by the UN and regional powers. A comprehensive peace agreement should address political, security, and humanitarian dimensions.
  • Humanitarian access: Ensure unrestricted access for humanitarian organizations to deliver aid. This includes negotiating safe passage for aid convoys and removing blockades. Establishing humanitarian corridors can ensure that aid reaches the most vulnerable populations.
  • Economic support: Provide financial assistance to stabilize the economy and rebuild essential services. International donors should commit to long-term funding to support recovery and development. Supporting local businesses and promoting economic diversification can create job opportunities and reduce dependency on aid.
Photo credit: NRC

Crisis in Burkina Faso

Current situation: Burkina Faso is grappling with a severe humanitarian crisis fueled by armed conflict, displacement, and food insecurity. Violent extremism has led to widespread instability, with thousands of people forced to flee their homes. Over 1.5 million people are internally displaced, and food insecurity affects more than 3 million people. The displacement crisis has overwhelmed local communities and aid organizations, and access to basic services such as healthcare and education is limited.

Action points:

  • Security measures: Strengthen security measures to protect civilians and curb violence by extremist groups. This includes training and equipping local security forces and enhancing intelligence cooperation. Regional and international partnerships can support counter-terrorism efforts.
  • Humanitarian relief: Scale up humanitarian relief efforts to provide food, shelter, and healthcare to displaced populations. International aid agencies should coordinate to ensure efficient distribution and avoid duplication. Psychosocial support and protection services are also crucial for vulnerable groups, particularly women and children.
  • Development programs: Implement development programs aimed at economic recovery and social cohesion to address underlying causes of instability. This involves creating job opportunities, improving education, and fostering community-led development initiatives. Promoting good governance and addressing grievances can also help reduce the appeal of extremist groups.
Photo credit: NRC

Crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

Current situation: The DRC faces a multifaceted humanitarian crisis driven by armed conflict, political instability, and disease outbreaks. Over 5 million people are internally displaced, and there are frequent reports of human rights abuses. The healthcare system is under severe strain, struggling to cope with disease outbreaks such as Ebola and measles. Food insecurity affects over 27 million people, and access to clean water and sanitation is limited in many areas.

Action points:

  • Conflict Resolution: Promote peacebuilding efforts to address the root causes of conflict. This involves engaging with local leaders, mediating peace talks, and implementing disarmament programs. Supporting local peace initiatives and reconciliation processes can help build trust and foster long-term stability.
  • Healthcare support: Strengthen the healthcare system to better respond to disease outbreaks and provide essential medical services. This includes training healthcare workers, improving infrastructure, and ensuring a steady supply of medical supplies. Vaccination campaigns and public health education can prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Support for displaced populations: Provide comprehensive support for internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees, including shelter, food, and access to education. Efforts should focus on both immediate relief and long-term reintegration. Livelihood programs and community-based support can help displaced people rebuild their lives and contribute to local economies.
Photo credit: CNN

Crisis in Sudan

Current situation: Sudan is experiencing significant political and economic instability, exacerbated by armed conflicts in various regions such as Darfur, South Kordofan, and Blue Nile. The transitional government faces challenges in stabilizing the country, leading to widespread humanitarian needs. Over 13 million people require humanitarian assistance, and more than 2.5 million are internally displaced. The healthcare and education systems are under strain, and food insecurity affects a large portion of the population.

Action points:

  • Political stability: Support the transitional government’s efforts to stabilize the country through inclusive political processes and institutional reforms. International actors should assist in building democratic governance and rule of law. Supporting civil society organizations and promoting human rights can strengthen the political transition.
  • Humanitarian aid: Increase humanitarian aid to conflict-affected regions, ensuring that aid reaches those in need despite logistical challenges. Focus on providing food, clean water, and healthcare services. Emergency shelters and protection services are also essential for displaced populations.
  • Development assistance: Invest in long-term development programs to address underlying economic issues. This includes improving agricultural productivity, creating job opportunities, and enhancing educational infrastructure. Promoting economic diversification and sustainable development can reduce poverty and build resilience.
Photo credit: CNN


The current humanitarian crises around the world highlight the urgent need for a coordinated and compassionate global response. Governments, international organizations, and civil society must work together to provide immediate relief and address the root causes of these crises. By implementing these action points, the international community can alleviate suffering and pave the way for sustainable recovery and development in affected regions. The time to act is now, as millions of lives depend on our collective efforts.

