Will.i.am Takes His Decadent Startup To CES 2024

The Entrepreneurial DJ will now turn your drive into movie soundtracks.

Monetise w/ Lu
Areas & Producers
2 min readJan 13, 2024


Photo by Obi - @pixel8propix on Unsplash

As we speak, Will.i.am is making waves at the prestigious CES 2024introducing his newly developed technology in partnership with Mercedes.

Following the success of his AI app supporting remote creative collaborations, in July 2023, the artist invested his time in a visionary project called, Sound Drive.

The pitch?

Sound Drive system adjust music parameters while navigating the twists and turns of the road.

As we know, people love playing their music while driving. Will.i.am recognized the need for change by creating an ‘interactive musical experience’ integrated into a car.

Mercedes-Benz — the initial research partner, has collaborated to compose tracks synchronized with your driving functions — recuperation, acceleration, steering, and braking — turning the Mercedes cars into an ‘orchestra’.

The basic idea is not just to create an in-car soundscape that reacts to what you’re doing, but to create and remix tracks in new ways every time you drive. - Will.I.Am

Set to launch in mid-2024, Sound Drive will be available to owners of Mercedes-AMG and Mercedes-Benz vehicles equipped with the second generation of the MBUX system.

Drivers will be able to activate Sound Drive through their infotainment* screen.

*Infotainment — also called soft news- is distinguished from ‘official’ journalism, and is a combination of Information & Entertainment.

As a teaser, Mercedes shared future exciting options such as geotagging to link auditory cues with memories, allowing users to create a personalized song route commemorating significant life moments.

For those with a Need-for-speed, note that the music will not enhance beyond a certain speed limit. ;)

Will.I.Am — the Mercedes brand ambassador — expressed his optimism regarding the technology which will redesign the consumption of music while driving.

Looking forward to hearing how my driving sounds.

-Break On Through



Monetise w/ Lu
Areas & Producers

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