Hotfix (Patch Notes) Update — 28th of January 2021

Arena of Valor TiMi
7 min readJan 28, 2021

Dear Challengers,
on 28th of January 2021, AoV will hold a Hotfix to perform some adjustments to Hero Balance. Please check the information below for more details.

I. Antaris Battlefield Adjustments

  • Ilumia — The Seer (Adjust)

We believe that Ilumia' first skill makes a great offensive interaction, however, at the same time due to the cooldown she relies on her second skill to have an escape possibility; at the end ending to never use her second skill to deal damage. Therefore we are lowering her cooldown to strength the interactions of her first, second skill and provide a strong backup to her teammates. Furthermore, we will nerf the damage output of her first skill to keep the balance regards the cooldown buff.

Skill 1: Divine Light
Base Damage: 400/440/480/520/560/600 (+45% of AP) > 350/390/430/470/510/550 (+40% of AP)
Cooldown: 4 seconds > 3 seconds

  • Dirak — Supreme Mage (Nerf)

After we have nerfed the jungle hero’s HP regen, the advantages of Dirak' ultra-long-range poke become more obvious. Dirak can hide in the distance and poke the enemy’s HP without risk, therefore, we have reduced the range of his first and second skill.

Skill 1: Astrolobe
The maximum distance that can trigger knockback has been reduced by 0.5 meters.

Skill 2: Fallen Star
Range: 11 meters > 10.5 meters

  • Murad — The Wanderer (Buff)

As mentioned already; our changes to the equipment that regen HP affected the positive interaction rate of certain heroes—started to have issues while farming in terms of development and general survival due to our changes. Therefore, we are going to buff Murad, Nakroth and Quillen to compensate for the development ability and general survivability.

Basic Attributes
HP Growth: 215 > 250

Skill 1: Thorn of Time
Base Damage: 120/144/168/192/216/240 (+100% of AD) > 150/170/190/210/230/250 (+100% of AD)
Cooldown: 12/10.6/9.2/7.8/6.4/5 seconds > 10/9.2/8.4/7.6/6.8/6 seconds

  • Nakroth — The Executioner’s Blade (Buff)

Basic Attributes
HP Growth: 246 > 260

Skill 1: Jury Fury
Base Damage: 135/151/167/183/199/215 (+62% of AD) > 150/170/190/210/230/250 (+70% of AD)
Cooldown: 10/9.2/8.4/7.6/6.8/6 seconds > 9/8.4/7.8/7.2/6.6/6 seconds

  • Quillen — Purifying Blade (Buff)

Skill 1: Mutilate
Base Damage: 175/200/225/250/275/300 (+45% of Bonus AD) > 175/200/225/250/275/300 (+50% of Bonus AD)
Ultimate: Assassinate
HP Regen: 70/105/140 (+15% of Bonus AD) > 100/150/200 (+25% of Bonus AD)

  • Superman — The Man of Steel (Buff)

Superman' adjustments with Beta29 did not take the effect we have had planned for him on the Antaris Battlefield — especially—his first skill is in our internal data in a pretty negative spot. Therefore, we’re going to buff his first skill to ensure facing Superman' is not something his enemies can ignore easily.

Skill 1: Kryptonian Strength
Breath Damage: 150/300/450/600/750/900 (+120% of AD) > 175/350/525/700/875/1050 (+150% of AD)
Laser Damage: 175/350/525/700/875/1050 (+130% of AD) > 175/350/525/700/875/1050 (+150% of AD)
Reserve time: 10/9.2/8.4/7.6/6.8/6 seconds > 10/9/8/7/6/5 seconds

  • Hayate — The Ghostwalker (Nerf)

Since the adjustments of critical damage and the physical damage changes in the latest Beta, Hayate' immersive true damage output has achieved a great but too strong interaction—putting him in an advantaged position compared to other markspeople. We’re going to nerf Hayate’ true damage-output for more balance between the markspeople on the Antaris Battlefield.

Passive: Blood of the Dragon
True Damage: 72 (+2/LVL) (+25% of AD) > 40 (+25% of AD) and can crit

  • Thorne — The Silent Dissenter (Adjust)

After the last changes, Thorne' performance in Abyssal Dragon Kraydus Lane is still underwhelming, on the other hand, his performance in the jungle position is relatively strong. Therefore, we’re going remove the purple bullet’s damage against non-epic monsters, but at the same time, the damage against epic-monsters and minions will be buffed — combined with the adjustment of the blue bullets. We hope that Thorne' ability to clear lanes will shine in the early-game and mid-game, again.

Skill 1: Magic Bullet
Purple: 60/90/120 upper limit for non-hero units > no effect against non-epic monsters, upper limit damage 300/450/600

Cyan: additional 50% physical damage > additional 100% physical damage and cannot crit

Skill 2: Excite
Purple: 60/90/120 upper limit for non-hero units > no effect against non-epic monsters, upper limit damage 300/450/600

Cyan: 100% physical damage >200% physical damage and cannot crit

  • Omega — Sage (Nerf)

Omega’s dominance in the support position is still high after our internal data. In interaction with the hero in the middle, Omega can almost make the opponent’s minions vanish instantly. Therefore, we are going to nerf Omega’ lane clear ability.

Passive: Surviving Memory
Additional damage to creeps: 200 (+30/LVL) (+8% of Max. HP) > 150 (+25/LVL) (+6% of Max. HP)

Skill 2: Veda Tech
Slash Damage: 75/130/185/240/295/350 (+100% of AD) > 25/75/125/175/225/275 (+100% of AD)

Percentage bonus: 5/6/7/8/9/10% > 4/5/6/7/8/9%

  • Mina — The Reaper Queen (Nerf)

Mina’ interactions, strength in Dark Caesar Slayer lane and the win rate in the support position have increased beyond our expectations. Therefore, we are going to focus on nerfing the base damage of Mina’ skills.

Skill 1: Whirling Scythe
Base Damag: 200/240/280/320/360/400 (+50% of AD) (8% of own Max. HP) > 125/165/205/245/285/325 (+50% of AD) (8% of own Max. HP)
Ultimate: Dark Dominion
Cooldown: 40/35/30 seconds > 45/40/35 seconds

  • Keera — Nightingale (Nerf)

The ability power assassin' in the jungle position in comparison with the physical damage assassin’ in the jungle position have a strong overall performance in this Beta, especially, Keera' performance is particularly outstanding. Therefore, we are going to slightly lower the movement speed of her ultimate to reduce her excessively strong pursuit and supportability.

Ultimate: Fading Phantom
Additional Movement Speed: 50% > 40%

  • Butterfly — Death’s Whisper (Nerf)

The interactions against a Butterfly in the jungle position are not within our expectations, and the ‘cannot be target’-effect shrinks the interaction possibility in such a manner that enemies can only sit and wait for their death. The original purpose of this design was to improve her interactions with the ultimate, and not to avoid damage. Therefore, we are going to change it to an ‘iron-body’-effect—meaning she is no longer immune to damage and can be targeted.

Ultimate: Backstab
Can be targeted while backstabbing

  • Wisp — The Firecracker (Buff)

Skill 1: Loose Cannon

Damage Secondary target: 40% > 50%

  • Loki’s Curse (Nerf)

Basic Attributes

+120 Ability Power > +100 Ability Power

Unique Passive—Elemental Power

+60% ability power >+50% ability power

II. Bug Fixes and Optimisations

  1. Fixed an issue where the special effects of Sephera' fishes would stay in place when moving while casting ultimate under certain particle quality settings.
  2. Fixed an issue of the match stats being incorrect in Death Match.
  3. Fixed an issue that caused some devices could not turn on the high frame rate-mode.
  4. Fixed a Duo Race issue where a challenger could run half a lap faster than expected by entering on a teammate’s vehicle at some special points.
  5. Fixed an overlapping issue that occurs on the UI button text of the gem exchange interface.
  6. Fixed a disappearance issue of Butterfly’s and Laville’s weapons under certain circumstances.
  7. Fixed a sharing issue of heroes in the relationship system.
  8. Fixed an issue where Wisp’s passive magic damage can be triggered under any circumstances.
  9. Fixed an issue where the in-game chat report guide animation would freeze when it appeared.



Arena of Valor TiMi

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