Pauline Flavier
Arenson Office Furniture
2 min readSep 20, 2019

You might think that your office décor is a peripheral business concern, with a limited impact on your bottom line. Most companies try to put a little “extra” in the design of those spaces where they have direct contact with their clients, such as the conference room, but employees also benefit in numerous ways from office furniture and space design that is functional, comfortable, and efficient. Employees who are proud of, inspired by, and productive in their work spaces manage their time more effectively, reduce the number of breaks they take, and remain more organized.

Many employees spend at least eight hours per day in the same room, seated at the same desk. Maintaining physical energy and mental freshness is especially difficult in this circumstance, but can be mitigated by the right office furniture. Any source of discomfort, such as a wobbly chair or inadequate legroom, can distract them from their daily tasks. High-quality, ergonomically-designed furniture is more affordable than you think, and will directly translate into improved employee morale, increased productivity, and enhanced job satisfaction.

Common spaces, such as the dining area and the conference rooms, are also ripe for updating. Modern conference tables that enable people to collaborate, to maximize the use of technology, and to remain seated comfortably for extended periods, is critical to working effectively. Large conference tables must be wide enough and paired with ergonomic chairs that can easily fit around the table. Many modern conference tables are able to accommodate routine and advanced technology, like projectors, speakers, telephones, cables and chargers.

The results are in! Office furniture and space design really can have an enormous impact on your place of business, your employees, guests, and business partners. Let Arenson Office Furniture be your partner in transforming the way you work!

