Weekly Report for Ares, October 29–November 4

ACE - Ares Chief Editor
Published in
5 min readNov 7, 2018

1.1 October 30-November 2, Ares Learned the Situation of Ethereum Community through Prague Tour

The 4th Ethereum Developer Conference, (Devcon 4) has been held in Prague, the capital of Czech, many tech-savvies took their new research results there. Jack Li, Ares Tech CEO and Christian Gehl, Ares Tech CTO also attended the conference and communicated with participants.

Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, also showed up at the conference and put the atmosphere into climax. P.S.: Vitalik still wore the watch with cheshire cat on it.

Besides that, Fabian, the rule maker of ERC20 standard also attended the conference. Fabian explained the RICO which was put forwarded by Vitalik Buterin, he thought RICO is a new way of crowd funding which aims not only supporting enough fund but also protecting investors’ interests. RICO combines the advantages of ICO and DAO, and adds a smart contract between investors and projects, in this way it will protect their fragile consensus.

There is no perfect system in the world, we should take RICO as a progress though it has the problems of low efficiency and assignment of rights.

Ethereum as the most mature underlying architecture platform is not only Vitalik Buterin’s one man show, but a prosperous open source community supported by many developers. Based on this situation, Ethereum will still be alive even when Vitalik retired.

1.2 November 1, Enter into Hacker Party Berlin and Feel the Charm of Hacker Gathering!

On November 1, Hacker Party@Berlin, cosponsored by Ares & DoraHacks, invited many projects’ representatives to communicate and share their views and experience on blockchain. The team members from Ares talked with them face to face and discussed the practicability, creativity, usability and overall functions.

1.3 November 3–4, Hackathon: Ares X Dorahacks Use Technology to Improve Quality of DApps

The theme of this hackathon is about DApps development, and it aims to find more innovative DApps. We wish to take this chance to cultivate and inspire more potential community developers to build Ares’ ecosystem.

NO. 9 is the winner of this Hackthon, he demonstrated the building of blockchain based on Tendermint, including P2P communication, consensus mechanism and code analysis and compile. He not only won the 2000 USDT awards, but also got the attention of media and capitals.

We can still see the potential of DApp changing game industry though it is just at the beginning stage.

2.Event Notice

2.1 On November 6, Ares and Its Partner Games: Net Berlin Brandenburg Will Jointly Promote The Games: Net INDUSTRY DAY 2018.

The Games: Net INDUSTRY DAY 2018 will be held on November 6 in Berlin, Germany. Ares’ partner games: net berlin brandenburg is one of the organizers, and Ares will co-operate with it to match candidates for positions such as system engineer, application engineer, industry consultant, security expert and digital asset investment consultant for each company, according to the job skill requirements in blockchain industry.

3.Ares Wallet Will Be Launched Recently.

Ares Wallet will be officially launched on various platforms recently. To Be Announced !!

The beta version of Ares Wallet has several highlights.

(1) Manage All Your Currencies: Multiple contracts Support in one wallet, like BTC, ETH, ERC20, ERC233 and ERC721 tokens. EOS, Ripple and more are on the way;

(2) Check All Your Collections: Dominate all your crypto pets, fighters and assets in one page;

(3) Connect All Your Devices: Make transaction in laptop, phone, pad and watch in any time.

