Which One Is More Suitable for IOS Project, Flutter or Swift?

First of all, what are we comparing? Let’s take a look.

Ulaş Renas ORDU
9 min readOct 9, 2023


What is Flutter?

Flutter is a cross-platform user interface tool kit made especially for enabling code reuse between different operating systems, such as Android and iOS. It is free and open-source and built using the Dart object-oriented programming language.

All the best Google ideas and technology have been combined to create Flutter, a powerful mobile framework.

Many features that have never been seen before in a cross-platform environment are included in Flutter for iOS developers. The Skia graphics library and Material Design combination results in the creation of mobile apps for start-ups that enable lightning-speed transitions and come packed with design elements that are known to integrate into the native self of Android and iOS seamlessly. While we’ve already discussed what makes Flutter perfect for cross-platform development, let’s focus on why it benefits start-ups with limited budgets and time.

What is Swift?

Swift is a programming language created by Apple. It is said to be an improved version of Objective-C language in terms of syntax, readability, safety, and maintainability. Swift is built on standards shared by JavaScript, Ruby, and Kotlin, among other modern programming languages.

Since its invention and launch in 2014, Swift has expanded significantly, as has the developer community surrounding it.

When you want to create an iOS-specific app with functionality as your main concern, you should use Swift. Swift is reasonably chosen for scalable apps with complex architecture and requires a high standard compared to other benefits of a cross-platform development tool like faster time-to-market and ease of development.

Since it has clean syntax, the app is developed in lesser time and cost. Also, Swift uses the fastest algorithm calculation metrics, increasing speed. Due to this, it is a popular choice among iOS app developers.

Benefits of Using Flutter for Mobile App Development

1. Fast Interface Development

Building an interface for a mobile app is necessary for every development project. This is what Flutter iOS does amazingly well. Compared to native development, it provides a faster way of developing the app’s interface and scales across different form factors. The framework works perfectly even on Android and iOS, which is why it has become so popular in the last couple of years.

2. Hot Reloading

A hot reloading feature falls under smooth development compared to traditional methods involving manual steps for every change you make in code. It means no more hit or miss and allows you to make changes in your code without having to rebuild your app.

3. Cross-Platform Development

You need to note that Flutter-built iOS apps do not require any platform-specific code, which is why almost all apps can be developed using this framework. It is one of the primary reasons why Google choose this framework, and other companies are following suit.

4. Tooling Support

Flutter for iOS has its own set of tools, IDE, and compiler, ensuring that developers easily work with Flutter code. The tooling support includes tools such as flutter editor, flutter simulator, etc.

5. Debugging

Debugging tools for the Flutter iOS app are easy to use and effective compared to native development tools. The reason for this is that flutter developers gain the advantage of hot reloading and the further advantage is that developers can check their progress on real devices with just a few clicks.

Benefits of Using Swift for Mobile App Development

1. Performance

The primary benefit of using Swift to develop apps is that the performance is excellent, and the code is easy to read and write. For this, you do not have to worry about numerous layers of memory management or complicated objects, as in Objective-C, which eases development and ensures faster coding. As an iOS programming language, it gives developers more freedom than ever.

2. Safety

Both beginner and experienced mobile app developers can easily understand the script without having to learn new syntaxes, making it easier for newbies to learn. It cuts down on several hours of development time, which greatly boosts efficiency levels.

3. Robust Tools

Regarding tooling support for Swift, Apple provides various tools for developers. It is what makes it easier for developers to learn Swift and use it as their development language. The tools include static code analyzers, compilers, etc.

4. Versatility

Unlike other languages, Swift is not much restrictive in choosing the libraries or framework you want to use as part of your app’s development. It means you have an open choice when choosing a framework that improves the development process’s quality by leaps and bounds.

5. Open Source

The Swift ecosystem is supported by a wide range of open-source libraries and frameworks that help you customize and improve your app. It allows you to reuse features worldwide and enhances your app development skills.

Flutter vs. Swift: A Comparative Analysis

When evaluating the capabilities of Flutter and Swift in building the same application, we can assess them based on several key criteria:

Integration and Development

The approach to integration and development differs significantly between Flutter and Swift, and this plays a crucial role in the development process.

In Swift app development, ensuring the seamless delivery of iOS apps involves relying on the XCode server for continuous integration. While this approach is effective, it may pose limitations when it comes to scaling the apps. Apple has addressed this challenge with BuddyBuild, which, although useful, may not be considered an ideal solution.

In contrast, Flutter adopts a more streamlined approach to development. Flutter’s development tools encompass the entire process, from detecting and building to testing and packaging any application. What sets Flutter apart is that this process doesn’t require extensive configuration. This ease of use is one of the reasons why Google’s Flutter is selected as the superior choice in our comparison of Flutter vs. Swift.

In summary, the development and integration process in Flutter is more straightforward and user-friendly, offering an advantage over Swift, which relies on additional tools and may have scalability limitations.


Accessibility features play a critical role in enhancing the user experience for individuals with disabilities, and their implementation differs between Flutter and Swift in iPhone app development.

In the context of iPhone app development with Swift, ensuring accessibility is relatively straightforward. Apple’s native tools come equipped with built-in accessibility support within the UI Kit framework. Developers are required to provide accurate accessibility information for each UI component in their iOS application using the UI Accessibility method. This seamless integration of accessibility features in native iOS development is a notable advantage.

In contrast, Flutter requires developers to invest additional effort in ensuring accessibility support for users with disabilities. The Flutter guide should contain information and guidelines to help developers enhance the accessibility of Flutter apps. This is an area where Swift outperforms Flutter in our comparison of Flutter vs. Swift, as it offers a more straightforward and integrated approach to accessibility.

In summary, Swift’s native iOS development provides a more accessible experience out of the box, while Flutter may require additional developer effort to ensure optimal accessibility for users with disabilities. This makes Swift the preferred choice for accessibility in this comparison.

Onboarding Process

The onboarding process is a crucial factor when comparing native iOS development with Swift and iOS app development using Flutter.

In native iOS development with Swift, the onboarding process is generally considered to be less tedious and requires less configuration. All that is necessary to get started is a macOS machine and XCode, the official integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS development. There are ample online resources, tutorials, and books available for learning Swift and iOS development, making it accessible to a wide range of developers. Creating iOS apps with Swift is a straightforward and well-established process.

On the other hand, Flutter’s onboarding process may appear more complex by comparison. To begin Flutter app development, developers need to install not only XCode but also additional Flutter tools. Furthermore, compared to the well-established ecosystem of Swift and iOS development, there are relatively fewer development resources available for Flutter, as it is still considered a relatively new technology in comparison to Swift.

In conclusion, Swift has an advantage in terms of the onboarding process for iOS development, as it offers a more straightforward and well-supported path for developers. However, the choice between Swift and Flutter depends on individual preferences, project requirements, and the desire to leverage Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities for both iOS and Android development.


When comparing performance in the context of Flutter vs. Swift, it’s important to consider various factors that impact the execution and efficiency of mobile apps.

Swift, as the default language for iOS app development, does indeed have an advantage in terms of performance. This advantage becomes particularly evident when dealing with tasks that require significant computational power. Developers can rely on Swift to provide efficient and optimized performance, making it a strong choice for high-performance applications. It excels in terms of execution speed and resource utilization.

However, it’s essential to note that Flutter does not lag significantly in terms of performance. There are a couple of reasons for this:

  1. Dart Garbage Collection: Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which includes a garbage collector to manage memory efficiently. This helps prevent memory leaks and ensures that resources are used effectively.
  2. Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation: Flutter employs AOT compilation, which means that a significant portion of the code is compiled into machine code before running on the device. This results in faster startup times and more responsive interactions with the device.

In practical terms, Flutter apps can achieve performance levels that are very close to native Swift apps in most scenarios. However, there may be specific use cases where Swift’s fine-tuned control over the iOS platform provides a performance edge. Developers should carefully evaluate the performance requirements of their projects and consider all mobile app performance indicators when making a choice between Flutter and Swift.

In summary, Swift offers a performance advantage, particularly for resource-intensive tasks, but Flutter’s use of Dart and AOT compilation ensures that it can deliver robust and competitive performance, making it a viable option for a wide range of mobile app development projects.

Application Size

Comparing the sizes of native iOS apps developed with Swift and Flutter apps is an essential consideration when evaluating these two development options.

In the case of native iOS apps developed with Swift, the app size is approximately 25 MB. This size is derived from XCode-generated data and represents the typical size of a native iOS app.

For Flutter apps, the build artifacts are generated in the build/iOS/Debug-iPhone simulator directory. A locally created Flutter app has a file size of approximately 52.4 MB. It's worth noting that this Flutter app size is slightly larger than the native iOS app's size.

The larger file size of the Flutter app is partly due to the inclusion of embedded app icons and other components. However, it’s essential to consider that app size may vary depending on the specific project and the assets and libraries used.

In conclusion, Flutter apps tend to have a somewhat larger file size compared to native Swift iOS apps. The choice between Swift and Flutter should not be solely based on app size but should consider other factors such as development speed, platform compatibility, and performance requirements. Developers should evaluate their project’s needs and goals when deciding whether to learn Swift or Flutter.

In conclusion provides a fair assessment of the trade-offs between Flutter and native development with Swift (for iOS). Let’s summarize the key points:


Continuously improving with quality documentation and gaining popularity.
May offer cost-efficiency and easier maintenance due to cross-platform capabilities.
Provides a consistent user experience across platforms.
May not fully utilize the unique features and capabilities of each platform.
Access to device hardware may be limited, impacting performance in specific cases.


Apps are optimized for their specific platform, leveraging OS features and capabilities fully.
Direct access to device hardware (microphone, camera, GPS, etc.) for enhanced performance and user experience.
May require separate development efforts for iOS (Swift) and Android (Java/Kotlin).
In essence, the choice between Flutter and native development depends on project requirements and priorities. Flutter excels in cross-platform development and cost savings, making it an excellent choice for many projects. Native development with Swift and Java offers unparalleled performance and platform-specific optimization but may come at the cost of increased development time and resources. Developers should carefully consider these factors when deciding which technology best suits their needs.

Ultimately, choosing between Flutter and Swift depends on your project requirements

♥♥♥But I love my little bird♥♥♥

