Breaking Free: The Power of the Pattern Interrupt

Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2024

As men, we often find ourselves stuck in the relentless grip of unsuccessful patterns. These patterns can manifest in various aspects of our lives, including relationships, career, health, and mindset.

Other manifestations include an expanding waistline (that 38" pant is vanity sized, you probably measure 42"), poor sleep, rising blood pressure, low or no sex drive and 3–5 medications.

We keep repeating the same actions, expecting different results, only to find ourselves trapped in a cycle of disappointment and frustration.

However, there is a way out-a transformative tool called the pattern interrupt. Today we will explore how a pattern interrupt can liberate men over 50 from their unproductive routines and pave the way for a life filled with improved health, vitality, and a revitalized mindset.

The Comfort Zone Conundrum

It’s no secret that with age comes a certain level of comfort. We become creatures of habit, seeking stability and security in our established routines.

Unfortunately, this very comfort can become a breeding ground for mediocrity and complacency. The patterns we’ve grown accustomed to, while once effective, may no longer serve our changing needs.

Meet John: An Unassuming Example

Let’s consider John, a 55-year-old man who has spent the last two decades working in a sedentary office job. His routine consists of long hours spent sitting, dining in restaurants daily and evenings parked in front of the television.

His workout routine has decreased in frequency and intensity over the years and today it’s a stretch to call it a true workout. He regularly promises himself he will “start Monday” when things “settle down.”

He doesn’t have an approach to nutrition…he just eats without any real intention behind his choices.

Over the years, John’s health has taken a hit. He’s on multiple medications. He struggles with weight gain, low energy levels, and a declining sense of purpose.

If he were a stock, his financial advisor would recommend selling.

The Pattern Interrupt: The Wake Up Call

One day, John experiences a pattern interrupt-an unexpected event that jolts him out of his monotonous existence.

It could be a health scare, witnessing a friend’s transformation (good or bad), or a simple realization that he desires more from life. This interruption becomes a catalyst for change, propelling John into action.

Note : it’s better to make the pattern interrupt a conscious and deliberate decision vs. the ticking time bomb alternative. Create your own wake up call.

Embracing the Pattern Interrupt

Rethinking Routine: John starts by consulting with a coach who helps him realize the default settings of his lifestyle can be switched to designed settings. John follows a process to help him create standards in key aspects of his life and starts designing the life of the person he wants to become.

This mindset shift and lifestyle design produces positive changes in John’s sleep, nutrition, fitness and outlook on life.

By incorporating regular physical activity into his life and swapping out poor food choices for healthier ones, John experiences newfound energy, restorative sleep and improved overall health. He breaks free from the sedentary trap and embraces an active lifestyle that supports his physical well-being.

Nourishing the Mind : John understands the importance of mental health and engages in activities that stimulate his intellect. He joins a Mens’ group, invests in personal development, and immerses himself in topics that reignite his curiosity. This pattern interrupt allows him to break free from stagnant thinking, expand his horizons, and foster a positive mindset.

Building New Relationships : John realizes that his social circle consists primarily of colleagues and acquaintances. He seeks out new connections and joins communities of like-minded individuals. Engaging with people who share his interests and aspirations provides him with a fresh perspective, new ideas, and a support network that bolsters his confidence and growth.

The Ripple Effect

By embracing the pattern interrupt, John experiences a ripple effect of positive changes in multiple areas of his life.

His newfound vitality and confidence spill over into his relationships, career, and overall sense of purpose. He becomes an inspiration to others, encouraging them to break free from their own unsuccessful patterns.


Men over 50, now is the time to break free from the shackles of unsuccessful patterns. The pattern interrupt is a powerful tool that can propel you towards a life filled with improved health, renewed vigor, and a revitalized mindset.

While experiencing a health scare can be a powerful pattern interrupt, waiting for such a moment is risky. We all have relatives, friends and colleagues who have had this pattern interrupt and it was fatal.

Here are some proactive steps you can take to create your own pattern interrupt before it’s too late:

  1. Reflect and identify areas of your life where you feel stuck or dissatisfied.
  2. Seek advice and guidance from individuals who are living a life you admire and aspire to.
  3. Embrace discomfort and be open to new experiences, perspectives, and habits.
  4. Surround yourself with a supportive community of individuals who uplift and inspire you.
  5. Set clear goals and develop an action plan to implement positive changes.
  6. Practice self-compassion and patience, as change takes time and effort.
  7. Continuously evaluate your progress and adjust your approach when necessary.

Embrace the discomfort of change, for it is within the uncharted territories that the greatest rewards lie. The time has come to step outside your comfort zone and start making some magic happen in your life.

The pattern interrupt can unlock your true potential, allowing the 2nd half of life to be the best half!

Argent Alpha is the ultimate pattern interrupt. Our process incorporates all of the aspects described above with a clear focus on results.

Join dozens of Men over 50 and create your own pattern interrupt — apply now.

Originally published at



Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha

Founder of Argent Alpha, helping Men Over 50 Live Better, Longer. Connect with me on LinkedIn: