How To Move from Reactive Sick care To Proactive Healthcare

Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha
Published in
9 min readJul 9, 2024

In a world increasingly driven by reactive, symptom-focused healthcare, adopting a functional, proactive, root cause-centered approach to your well-being can make all the difference in your overall health and vitality.

Rather than merely addressing symptoms as they arise, this method involves understanding the underlying factors that contribute to your health, empowering you to become the CEO of your own well-being.

By creating a personal health strategy rooted in proactive and preventative measures, you can take an active role in optimizing your health and wellness.

In this article, we will explore the key components of such an approach, from assembling your healthcare board of advisors to initiating a solid foundation for your journey.

Start Here: Laying the Foundation

Creating a personal health strategy is akin to building a solid structure. Begin by establishing a strong foundation that comprises several core elements:

1.Mindset Shift: To embark on this journey, it’s crucial to shift your mindset from a passive healthcare consumer to an active leader in your well-being. Embrace the idea that you are the CEO of your health, responsible for making informed decisions. This mental shift is pivotal in taking charge of your well-being and moving away from a passive, symptom-focused approach. See issue #024 about taking Extreme Ownership for more about this mindset.

2.Self-Reflection: Understand your body’s unique signals, sensitivities, and strengths. Reflect on your past health experiences to identify patterns and triggers that can inform your strategy.

What are your priorities? What do you want to achieve with your health strategy? How do you want the last quarter of your life to play out?

For me, it was addressing a bone-on-bone knee that caused constant pain and limited movement. I avoided knee replacement, eliminated pain, regained 90% range of motion and got my active life back by focusing on points #1 and #2. It started with me realizing that orthopedic surgeons were not a source of solutions; they had one solution — knee replacement. I assumed the CEO role in my health and found alternative solutions.

3.Holistic Approach: Recognize that health encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Adopting a holistic perspective will guide your strategy towards comprehensive wellness.

4.Proactive Mindset: Instead of waiting for issues to surface, adopt a proactive approach by addressing potential concerns before they manifest as symptoms. Having a proactive mindset also includes taking extreme ownership of your health. No one cares more about your health than you.

5.Education : Empower yourself with knowledge about functional healthcare. This approach emphasizes identifying and addressing the underlying causes of health issues, rather than merely treating symptoms. It’s about proactive and preventative care.

Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Peter Attia, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, Joel Greene, Ben Greenfield, Dave Asprey, and Dr. James DiNicolantonio are just a few of the experts providing valuable content via books, podcasts, blogs and websites.

Functional Healthcare: Going Beyond Symptoms

Functional healthcare is rooted in the belief that health issues are often interconnected and stem from underlying imbalances or dysfunctions within the body. Instead of just addressing symptoms, functional medicine seeks to identify and treat the root causes of health problems. Here’s how you can incorporate functional healthcare principles into your personal strategy:

1. Find a Functional Medicine Practitioner: Start by seeking out a qualified functional medicine practitioner. They will work with you to understand your health history, conduct comprehensive lab tests, and create a personalized plan to address your specific health concerns.

Note: There are similarities between Functional, Integrative and Naturopathic practitioners. They all tend to share the belief in treating root causes so include these descriptions in your search. See a listing of resources at the end of this article that will help you in your search.

2. Comprehensive Testing: Functional medicine employs cutting-edge tests to assess factors such as nutrient levels, hormone imbalances, gut health, and genetic predispositions.

3. Nutrition as Medicine: Recognize the critical role of nutrition in your overall health. Work with a nutritionist to develop a tailored dietary plan that supports your well-being and addresses any nutritional deficiencies or imbalances. Comprehensive testing (#2 above) might play a role in fine tuning your nutrition. Food sensitivities, food allergies, and microbiome issues can all be addressed by nutritional adjustments.

4. Alternative Healthcare: Consider complementary therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic care, recovery spas (cold water therapy, infrared sauna, red light therapy, compression, and PEMF to name a few popular therapies) and mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga and breathing practices. These can help address both physical and mental health aspects.

5. Lifestyle Modifications: Evaluate your lifestyle choices, including sleep patterns, stress management, substance use and physical activity. Functional healthcare emphasizes the importance of these factors in maintaining optimal health.

6. Gut Health: Understand the significance of gut health in overall well-being. A healthy gut microbiome can have a profound impact on digestion, immunity, and even mental health. Work with experts in this field to optimize your gut health. One of our members is co-founder of Optimal Integrative Health which offers testing and consultation in this area.

7. Detoxification: Learn about natural detoxification methods that support your body in eliminating toxins. This can include dietary changes, sauna sessions, or specialized detox programs.

Becoming the CEO of Your Health: Assembling Your Healthcare Board of Advisors

Just as a CEO relies on a team with complementary skills for business success, you can create a healthcare board of advisors to guide your health journey.

These advisors should be experts in various fields, each contributing a unique perspective to your strategy. You may not need all of the “seats” filled on day one so focus on the roles that can help you address your most obvious challenges.

  1. Functional Medicine Practitioner: A functional medicine practitioner focuses on uncovering the root causes of health issues rather than just alleviating symptoms. They use advanced testing and personalized treatment plans to address imbalances in the body.
  2. Nutritionist/Dietician: Food is medicine. A nutritionist can help you design an optimal diet tailored to your individual needs, considering allergies, sensitivities, and nutritional deficiencies.
  3. Fitness Coach: Physical activity is essential for well-being. A fitness coach can create a customized exercise plan that aligns with your goals, taking into account your fitness level and any limitations.
  4. Mindfulness/Meditation Coach : Incorporating mindfulness practices can enhance your mental and emotional resilience, contributing positively to your health strategy. And while breathing and meditation are helpful, they aren’t the only options.
  5. Holistic Practitioner: Modalities such as physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, and herbal medicine can complement your strategy by promoting balance and healing.
  6. Mindfulness/Meditation Coach: Incorporating mindfulness practices can enhance your mental and emotional resilience, contributing positively to your health strategy. And while breathing and meditation are helpful, they aren’t the only options.
    One of our members went to the Mayo clinic to get treated for migraines that he has been experiencing for 40 years. He was asked if he tried meditation and he said “Yes, I didn’t like it”. The doctor then asked what is your ”ZEN” — defined by what makes you CALM, RELAXED AND MOST IMPORTANTLY PRESENT. He said “shooting baskets; I can’t think about work and make a basket at the same time”. His doctor told him to buy a basketball hoop and shoot 20 minutes a day. He hasn’t had a migraine in 2 ½ months when he was getting them every 3 weeks.
    Find what works for you.
  7. Sleep Specialist : Quality sleep is fundamental for restoration. A sleep specialist can identify and address issues that might be affecting your sleep patterns. Doron Lazarus, founder of Sleep Coach Academy , recently spoke to our members and talked about his 3 pillar approach to improving sleep. One takeaway: if your cortisol is out of balance your sleep will be too. Comprehensive blood and saliva labs can help find underlying root causes of sleep issues.
  8. Health Coach: A health coach can help you set and achieve realistic goals, providing ongoing support and accountability throughout your journey.
  9. Wearable Technology: The emergence of wearable healthcare technology is helping move the needle towards proactivity. Smart jewelry, biosensors, fitness monitors, wearable ECG monitors and wearable blood pressure monitors are some of the most popular. These devices are increasing consumer/patient engagement and can assist in early issue identification.

Proactive and Preventative Measures: The Pillars of Your Strategy

  1. Nutrition: Nourish your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods. Tailor your diet to support your specific needs, and avoid inflammatory foods that may trigger sensitivities. We focus on a protein centered approach with minimal processed foods and a focus on quality (organic, grass fed, pasture raised, wild caught, whole foods).
  2. Physical Activity: Engage in regular exercise that aligns with your abilities and preferences. Whether it’s some form of cardio, strength training, walking, biking or hiking, movement is essential.
  3. Sleep: Prioritize quality sleep by creating a calming bedtime routine and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. Make sure your bedroom is dark and cool. Stop eating at least 3 hours before bed so your digestive system is resting when you are and not working overtime.
  4. Stress Management: Incorporate stress-reduction practices into your daily routine. Mindfulness, meditation, and spending time in nature can help alleviate stress. I like the app and the reset meditations that are in the app.
  5. Mind-Body Connection: Cultivate emotional well-being through practices like meditation, journaling, and seeking therapy when needed.
  6. Toxin Avoidance: Minimize exposure to environmental toxins by choosing natural and organic products for your body and home. Avoid beverages from plastic containers and consider an air purifier in your bedroom. Avoid wireless earbuds and keep your phone on airplane mode.
  7. Community and Relationships: Foster meaningful connections with friends, family, and social groups to support your mental and emotional health. Find a band of brothers or start your own.

Embracing the Journey: Patience and Persistence

Creating and following a personal health strategy requires patience and persistence. Results might not be instantaneous, but the gradual improvements in your well-being will be worth the effort. Regularly reassess your strategy, making adjustments as needed based on your progress and changing circumstances.

In a world where healthcare often focuses on treating symptoms, taking a functional, root cause-centered approach can empower you to proactively manage your health.

By becoming the CEO of your own well-being and assembling a diverse healthcare board of advisors, you can create a holistic, personalized strategy that promotes lasting health and vitality. Remember, you have the power to shape your health destiny through informed choices and dedicated self-care.

Argent Alpha is designed with these principles in mind.

Goals determine process and as our members progress on their journey to become Harder To Kill, our goals and processes (as a community and as individuals) continue to evolve and expand.


The Institute for Functional Medicine — if you are a fan of Dr. Mark Hyman, you are a fan functional physicians. Find one here.

Dr. Mark Hyman is also co-founder of Function Health. I’m a member of their beta launch, learn more here.

American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine — find a physician trained by the A4M.

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians — naturopathic doctors are focused on the root cause of illness (similar to functional medicine) and focus on the body’s ability to self-heal. Find one here.

Andrew Weil Center For Integrative Medicinefind a Integrative Trained Healthcare Practitioner.

If you are a Man over 50 with a growth mindset, I would like you to take the next step and make an investment in your most valuable asset: YOU.

Our process, community, accountability and focus on results works for successful Men. But you have to believe in yourself. You need to be willing to bet on yourself. That’s why having a growth mindset is so important.

Go to Argent Alpha and apply now. You’ll hear back from me personally within 24 hours.


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Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha

Founder of Argent Alpha, helping Men Over 50 Live Better, Longer. Connect with me on LinkedIn: