Reverse Your Perspective: Measuring Backwards Is The Key to Unlock Massive Progress

Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha
Published in
5 min readApr 9, 2024

As men over 50, it’s natural to reflect on our lives and consider whether we’ve achieved what we set out to accomplish.

We also think about our health, both physical and mental, and wonder if our best days are behind us.

Once you get on the other side of 50, it’s easy to lean on age as a crutch and settle. The golden years become the struggle years, limiting beliefs prevent growth and society tells you it’s “part of the aging process.”

The Men of Argent Alpha reject this thinking.

We are always thinking in terms of trends… are we trending up and to the right (growth) or down and to the right (decline)?

A huge part of your trend line is how you view your life, how you measure progress, growth and success and the actions you choose to take everyday.

It’s important to shift our perspective and focus on what we have accomplished instead of what we haven’t. This is the concept behind Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy’s book, “The Gap and The Gain.”

In this issue of Harder To Kill, we’ll explore the key concepts of the book and provide tips on how to apply them to your life and course correct your trend line.

The Gap and The Gain

The gap is the distance between where we are and where we want to be. It’s the space between our current reality and our ideal life. The gap can be overwhelming and demotivating if we focus too much on it. We can become fixated on our shortcomings, regrets, and failures. We may feel like we’re not good enough or that we’re running out of time. This mindset can lead to a sense of hopelessness and resignation.

On the other hand, the gain is the progress we’ve made and the achievements we’ve earned. The gain is what we’ve learned, how we’ve grown, and how we’ve contributed to the world. When we focus on the gain, we can appreciate the journey we’ve taken and feel proud of what we’ve accomplished. We can acknowledge our strengths and skills and use them to continue to improve.

Tips for Applying the Concepts

  1. Focus on the gain. Instead of dwelling on what you haven’t achieved, focus on what you have accomplished. Write down your successes, big and small. Celebrate your progress and recognize your strengths. When you focus on the gain, you’ll feel more motivated to continue moving forward.
  2. Set goals based on your gain. Use your achievements as a starting point for setting new goals. Build on your strengths and skills to create a vision for your future. Instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on what you can do. Use your past successes as evidence that you can achieve your goals.
  3. Practice gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of acknowledging and appreciating the good in your life. When you focus on what you’re grateful for, you’ll naturally shift your attention away from the gap. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re thankful for, whether it’s your health, your relationships, or your wins (big and small). Adding this to your morning and evening routine is a simple way to implement a gratitude practice.
  4. Accept your current reality. It’s important to acknowledge where you are in your life right now. Accepting your current reality doesn’t mean giving up on your goals or settling for less than you want. Instead, it means being realistic about what’s possible and taking steps to move forward from there. As Dan Sullivan says “all progress starts by telling the truth.” Acceptance and denial cannot exist at the same time.
  5. Embrace a growth mindset. A growth mindset is the belief that you can develop your abilities and intelligence through hard work and dedication. When you have a growth mindset, you view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. You’re not limited by your current abilities or circumstances. Instead, you’re focused on improving and achieving your goals.
  6. Welcome Challenges. Challenges are a natural part of life, and they can provide an opportunity for growth and learning. Rather than focusing on the difficulties of a challenge, try to embrace it as an opportunity for growth. Think about what you can learn from the experience, and how it can help you move closer to your goals. We do monthly challenges at Argent Alpha and they deliver so many benefits, including making you more resilient and increasing your ability to get “comfortable being uncomfortable.”
  7. Surround Yourself with Positive, Like Minded People. The people we surround ourselves with can have a huge impact on our mindset. Seek out positive, supportive people who encourage you to focus on the gain. These individuals can help you stay motivated and on track, and they can provide a source of inspiration when you need it most.


In conclusion, the concepts in “The Gap and The Gain” by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy can provide a powerful framework for men over 50 who are looking to find more happiness and fulfillment in life. By focusing on the gain rather than the gap, we can appreciate the progress we’ve made and stay motivated to continue moving forward. Pick one or more of the tips above and start living in the gain!

Monthly challenges are a staple at Argent Alpha and help Men adopt new habits, improve their skills and engage in some friendly competition.

Here are the challenges from 2023:

January 2023: Cold Shower Challenge

February 2023: Push-up Challenge

March 2023: Longevity Book Challenge

April 2023: Carb Control Challenge

This month we are doing the “2 Hour Wall Sit” — accumulate 120 minutes or more of wall sitting during the month of May.

Many Men will initially laugh at how easy the wall sit looks. And then they try it.

Out of the gate, a 1–2 minute wall sit is pretty common (but not easy). With practice, these times double over the course of a few months.

Last Saturday, we had our first guy break the 10 minute mark.

Here are 3 of our guys “getting comfortable being uncomfortable” last weekend, right around the 4:00 mark.

Tom,Scott and Steve enjoying themselves.

If you are looking to take action on tip #7 above, Argent Alpha might be your answer. And joining our ranks will help you apply the other 6 tips.

Take the next step and go to Argent Alpha. We are holding a spot for you.

Originally published at



Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha

Founder of Argent Alpha, helping Men Over 50 Live Better, Longer. Connect with me on LinkedIn: