Think Like a CEO for Better Health: Applying Business Frameworks to Your Life

Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha
Published in
5 min readMar 19, 2024

As men over 50, it’s easy to get bogged down by the daily grind and lose sight of our personal health and well-being. We may be successful in our careers, but neglecting our personal lives can lead to burnout, stress, and a host of health issues. One way to take control of our personal lives and prioritize our health is by applying the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) principles to our personal lives.

EOS is a comprehensive system that helps CEO’s, business owners and leaders run their organizations effectively. It is based on six key components: vision, people, data, issues, process, and traction. These same principles can be applied to our personal lives, helping us identify and achieve our goals, improve our relationships, and enhance our overall well-being.

I have used EOS in multiple companies and applied the framework while testing the concepts that ultimately became the core of Argent Alpha.

Below are the six components of EOS and the Argent Alpha equivalents.

Vision: Setting Goals and Priorities

The first step in applying EOS principles to our personal lives is to establish a clear vision for our future self. This involves setting goals and priorities that align with our personal values, aspirations and the person we want to become. To do this, we need to ask ourselves some important questions, such as:

What do we want to achieve in the 2nd half of our lives?

What are our core values and beliefs? Are we living them?

What do we want to be remembered for? Will we live at a high level, fully functional or are we hanging it up?

What limiting beliefs do we need to shed in order to become the best version of ourselves?

Once we have a clear vision, we can start setting goals, priorities and habits that will help us move towards the vision we have for our future self. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound, and should align with our future self.

People: Building Strong Relationships

The second component of EOS is people. This involves building strong relationships with the people around us, including family, friends, and colleagues. Good relationships are essential for our personal well-being, and can help us achieve our goals and overcome challenges.

And ask yourself if the people you spend the most time with are helping you move towards your future self or are they keeping you where you are?

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

― Jim Rohn

The people component at Argent Alpha is our community of Men over 50 who interact daily. We share challenges, wins, struggles, ideas, learnings all with the intent of helping each of us become Harder to Kill. It’s the X factor in achieving results. Our coaches, advisors and guest speakers all contribute to this community.

Iron sharpens iron.

Data: Tracking Our Progress

The third component of EOS is data. This involves tracking our progress towards our goals and using data to make informed decisions about our personal lives. This can involve tracking our physical health, rate of aging and other key metrics that are important to us.

We track multiple data points on a daily, weekly and monthly level which contribute to our individual progress. The data helps us make course corrections and adjustments, so we minimize plateaus and continue making consistent progress.

Data is a key piece of the feedback loop so we can assess what’s working and what needs to be adjusted. Without data, you are simply guessing.

And data also contributes to accountability, covered in the next component.

Issues: Addressing Challenges and Obstacles

The fourth component of EOS is issues. This involves addressing challenges and obstacles that may arise on our path to achieving our goals. These challenges can include personal and professional issues, such as health problems, competing priorities, old habits and relationship conflicts.

Each week we have a R.A.D. meeting which stands for Recurring Accountability Drivers. Men will share their results for the last week and if they are encountering any kind of issue, they are encouraged to share with the group so we can “IDS” the issue, EOS parlance for Identify, Discuss and Solve.

Process: Establishing Habits and Routines

The fifth component of EOS is process. This involves establishing habits and routines that support our future self-vision and goals. Habits and routines are essential for maintaining our health and well-being, and can help us stay focused and productive.

Our version of this component is the Alpha 5. This process focuses on creating standards in 5 areas:

  • Mindset
  • Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Hydration

We measure our performance for each area and raise our standards over time. This is the core process that moves each Man towards his future self.

Traction: Achieving Our Goals

The final component of EOS is traction. This involves taking action and achieving our goals. To achieve our goals, we need to stay focused and motivated, and take consistent action towards our desired outcomes.

All of the other components contribute to gaining traction. This final component is what determines success. This quote by Robin S. Sharma summarizes the idea:

“Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.”

Many Men are content learning, consuming content, buying wearable tech, supplements and labs but don’t get results because they aren’t consistently applying the knowledge. Our system addresses all of the key areas to ensure a Man achieves the future self he has designed . if he takes action

Action Step

Applying a proven business framework to your personal life can set you on a path to achieving your goals. Recruit some like-minded friends and work together to implement these concepts.

Or skip the trial-and-error approach and join the dozens of Men over 50 making progress every day.

The clock is ticking…

Below are the results of one of our members who is 60+.

In 6 months, he went from 24.4% body fat (considered overweight, approaching obesity) to 14.8% body fat (considered fit).

Nearly 23 lbs. of fat burned while maintaining muscle mass. Bonus: he is now doing a dozen strict pull-ups. Did I mention he is 60+?

And his biological age is 5 years younger than his chronological age.

Anyone can get results like this if they follow the principles of our program and community. Apply now.

Originally published at



Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha

Founder of Argent Alpha, helping Men Over 50 Live Better, Longer. Connect with me on LinkedIn: