Unlock Creaky Joints And Open The Door To Dramatic Strength Gains

Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha
Published in
5 min readApr 23, 2024

Men over 50 often face a decline in mobility that can lead to reduced strength and muscle mass. However, there is good news: by adding a mobility routine to your workout regimen, you can improve your range of motion (ROM), flexibility, and posture, all while boosting your overall strength and muscle growth.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of mobility and how you can use the Orb massage ball, while drawing inspiration from Dr. Kelly Starrett & Juliet Starrett’s new book “Built To Move.”

First, let’s discuss what mobility actually means. It refers to the ability to move freely and easily through a full range of motion. It’s not just about stretching, but rather about moving your joints in all directions. Without proper mobility, your body will compensate by recruiting other muscles, which can lead to imbalances, pain, and injury. For example, if you have tight hips, your lower back will be forced to compensate, which can result in lower back pain. By improving your mobility, you’ll reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall performance.

One reason to improve your mobility: your golf game will likely improve.

Most Men over 50 are not driving the ball like they did 20 years ago. But that doesn’t need to be true.

Working on your mobility, specifically your hips and shoulders, can improve your ROM and allow you to add strength throughout your body. This translates directly into a full swing with more power.

You’ll add distance while asking less of your body. You’ll get more with less.

Dr. Kelly Starrett, a renowned physical therapist and also author of “Becoming A Supple Leopard,” believes that “the body is built to move well and often.”

He emphasizes the importance of practicing movement patterns that are natural to the human body, such as squatting, lunging, and rotating. By doing so, you’ll improve your mobility and reduce your risk of injury.

Additionally, he believes that mobility should be viewed as a skill that needs to be practiced and honed regularly.

It’s especially useful for targeting hard-to-reach areas, such as the hips, shoulders, and feet.

To use it, simply place it on the area you want to target and roll your body weight over it. You can control the pressure by adjusting the amount of weight you put on the ball. It’s a simple, yet effective tool that can make a big difference in your mobility routine.

The author’s “extreme” Orb massage ball.

Here is a list of items we recommend for a basic mobility tool set.

So, how does improved mobility lead to increased strength and muscle mass? It’s simple. When you have better mobility, you can move more efficiently, recruit more muscle fibers, and lift heavier weights. For example, if you have tight hips, your squats will suffer, and you won’t be able to lift as much weight.

However, by improving your hip mobility, you’ll be able to squat deeper and recruit more muscle fibers, which will lead to more strength and muscle growth. Additionally, when you have better posture and alignment, you’ll be able to engage your muscles more effectively, leading to more muscle growth over time.

When we created our training program (designed specifically for Men over 50), we built it around Dr. Peter Attia’s 4 pillars of fitness for longevity:

  • Stability
  • Strength
  • Zone 2 cardio
  • Zone 5 cardio

Our Director of Training, Brock Harling, enhanced Attia’s framework by incorporating mobility, effectively creating a fifth pillar of fitness for longevity.

The Men in Argent Alpha who are focusing on mobility improvement are seeing 35%+ improvements in range of motion over the course of 4–6 weeks. Improved ROM translates directly to increase strength and muscle mass.

Over half the Men who join Argent Alpha have some kind of shoulder issue and they have experienced not only reductions in aches and pains, but significant improvements in overall shoulder health. This has led to improvements in all overhead movements and improved performance in our monthly fitness testing.

And here’s a bonus tip: doing 10 minutes of mobility before bed work will improve your sleep. Take it from Dr. Starrett:

“If you can put some of this soft tissue mobilization input into your body, it’s one of the ways you can tell your nervous system to relax,” Starrett explains, comparing it to the sleepy feeling you can often get when receiving a massage. Around 10 to 12 minutes of soft tissue work can recreate this effect at home.

Grab your Orb massage ball or your foam roller and roll out your glutes, quads and back before bed. Focus on deep breathing while you do it. You’ll thank me later.

In conclusion, adding a mobility routine to your workout regimen can have significant benefits for men over 50. By improving your range of motion, flexibility, and posture, you’ll reduce your risk of injury and improve your overall performance.

Using tools like the Orb massage ball can make your mobility routine more effective and efficient. By practicing movement patterns that are natural to the human body, as outlined in Dr. Kelly Starrett’s “Built To Move,” you’ll improve your mobility and increase your strength and muscle mass over time. So, get moving and stay mobile, my friends!

There are no advantages or benefits to being overweight, obese or weak.

If you are a Man over 50 which path do you want to be on?

The easier to kill path or the HARDER TO KILL path?

If you want structure, accountability, a proven process and a band of brothers all focused on RESULTS, then the Argent Alpha path might be for you.

Go to our website or accelerate the process and complete this form and I’ll follow up directly with you on next steps.

Originally published at https://hardertokill.beehiiv.com.



Scott Jagodzinski
Argent Alpha

Founder of Argent Alpha, helping Men Over 50 Live Better, Longer. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jagodzinski/