Producing Consistent Developer Marketing Content

Barry Winata
Argon Labs
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of the DevEx Dispatch, where we provide you with the latest musings on technical marketing and developer experience to help educate and inform you on building the best content strategy for your team and organization.

Today we wanted to talk about why producing consistent and genuine technical marketing is so important for a company, especially for a technology-focused startup that might not have a strong brand, presence, and domain authority as incumbents in your space — the good news is that you don’t need a lot of money and resources to get started.

Let’s dive in.

But first, here’s a few things that caught our eye.

What Caught Our Eye

Producing Consistent High-Quality Technical Marketing Content

Producing high-quality developer marketing content consistently is a hallmark of building strong domain authority, even if you’re working with limited resources. But it doesn’t have to be hard, challenging, or put aside in favor of product development.

Here are a few ways you can think about getting started on building good strategies and habits.

Know Your Audience

Let’s face it. You need to understand your audience inside out. Who are they? What motivates them? What problems do they face? By developing buyer personas and conducting research, you’ll gain valuable insights that will guide your content creation process and make it resonate with your target audience.

This becomes even more important when you’re appealing and potentially selling to developers. They get bombarded daily with new tools, frameworks, and products. It’s your job to give as much value as you can. The trick is to sell without selling. Educate your audience and find ways to solve their specific problems and the benefits they can gain from learning about your product and service.

The more you know about your ideal audience (or Ideal Customer Profile) the easier it becomes to craft quality content for them.

Leverage User-Generated Content

Encourage your developer community (or general audience) to contribute their own stories/testimonials, tutorials, and experiences.

It also provides low barriers to entry and reduces friction to get started since you don’t have to create anything from scratch.

You can get started by requesting (outbound) specific key community members for content. They may be the super early adopters and one of your true fans who came along the journey with you.

Alternatively, you can create a campaign to request for submissions (inbound) from your entire community on content they would like to create on a variety of specific topics. Do this via Typeform or other tools to gather results.

User-generated content not only fosters authenticity but also builds a sense of community around your brand.

Keep it Simple and Authentic

Keep your content simple and authentic. Write in a conversational tone that resonates with your audience.

Remember that just because you’re selling and promoting a technical product/service, doesn’t mean that it has to be complex to understand. One good way is to frame the content in a way that is practical and educational and helps solve a problem.

Moreover, it’s not about talking down to you the audience. It’s a matter of cutting through all the non-sensical fluff and giving them direct value in clear terms with minimal jargon.

This will help you build a connection with your audience and establish your brand as a trusted authority in your space.

​Repurpose and Reuse

Creating fresh content every time can be overwhelming, especially with limited resources.

You can repurpose your existing content into different formats such as blog posts, videos, webinars, or podcasts. Break down longer pieces into bite-sized social media posts or create infographics.

Doing this allows you to quickly fill your content calendar with consistent content. Additionally, your audiences typically have short-term memories so it’s another opportunity to provide them with distilled content that reinforces your brand and product.

Doing this not only saves time but also extends the lifespan of your content.

Engage and Listen

Building strong relationships with your community requires active engagement.

Respond to comments, questions, and feedback promptly. Participate in relevant forums, communities, and social media discussions.

Doing this also allows you to learn more about the pains, questions, and general feedback from the community, thus allowing you to generate further content to answer burning questions from the audience and make it available to the wider community.

By actively listening and addressing their concerns, you’ll build trust, loyalty, and a reputation for being responsive and reliable as a brand and authority.


Develop a content calendar and commit to a regular publishing schedule — get together with your team. Even if it’s once a month, make sure you stick to it — we can’t emphasize this enough.

We believe that consistency is more important than volume. It’s better to have a good cadence of content production than an ad-hoc schedule of high-volume content. Doing this doesn’t give your audience any peace of mind or expectation and doesn’t keep them engaged over the long term.

Consistency builds anticipation and trust with your audience, and they’ll come to rely on your valuable insights.

Argon Labs is a specialized team that works with subject matter experts to help you ​produce world-class technical content that is easy ​to understand and digestible to help educate, ​inform your audience, and stand out from the rest. We partner with global early-stage to growth-stage ​companies to help advise and build their technical ​marketing programs.

