A Call To Arms

Griffin The Dog
2 min readMar 25, 2021


From now on, major Argos101 charity events will be called: Call To Arms, and there will be two major events a year. One in the spring, and one in the winter months.

The Spring Call To Arms (CtA) will be a rotating charity each year and will be decided upon by the Argos101 team, with additional input from the community at large.

The Winter CtA will always be in support of Extra Life, a Children’s Miracle Network program that unites gamers all over the world to raise money for sick and injured kids across the United States and Canada. The donation page for Extra Life will be created early on each year and will close on December 31st.

Drum Roll Please

The Spring 2021 Call To Arms was announced on the stream on 03.25.2021. It is in support of “Take This.”, an organization specializing in

“…decreasing the stigma of mental health in the gaming enthusiast community and inside the game industry.”
-(Taken from the about page of Take This.)

Let’s face it. 2020 sucked. With a certain worldwide event that affected many, and abysmal policies that may have helped in some ways, but left a major mark on most people’s mental health (among other things). In the Argos101 team, we have had our eyes opened to how prominent mental health issues really are. The Tiltify page is now open! You can donate from now until sometime in the middle of May. During the month of April, all tip links will redirect to the Tiltify page. (The main Extra Life leader board panel will be removed, but the “About Extra Life” panel will remain).

The campaign page is not 100% complete, more events, incentives, and milestones will be added within the next couple of days. We thank you in advance for your continued support.

For more dates and details about any and all events, keep an eye on Argos101’s Twitter, here, or Argos101’s website.

Now it’s time for me to go. Rose needs me.
-Griffin The Doggo



Griffin The Dog
Editor for

Just a D&D Doggo that can be found in Argos101’s Tavern Heroes