Become rich with this strategy (here is how)

Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2021

Hi crypto community! Have you read our first article on Medium yet? We were introducing the Ari10 ecosystem there. If you lasted till the end, you know that we mentioned DCA strategy.

You might have heard about it. DCA has been used on traditional markets for decades.

Even Warren Buffet has used it.

In the crypto world DCA is about buying assets systematically, no matter what’s the price level.

“But how to use that?”

“How can I earn and increase my income?”

No worries! Give us 3 minutes. We will show you.

#1 problem of all investors

95% of all crypto investors do not have a specified strategy. People always talk to themselves:

  1. “Is it a good moment to buy Bitcoin?”
  2. “And what if I lose money?”
  3. “There are so many strategies :/// Which should I choose?”
  4. “Damn. Too expensive.”
  5. “I hate transaction fees! I hate doing it on my own. I’m losing time.”

In fact, there are 3 categories of investors.

1) The people who love to invest, but they don’t know when. They don’t have a strategy and they are trying to be intuitive when it comes to investing.

2) “It’s too expensive” investors. They would like to buy BTC systematically, but when the price increases, the human instinct is saying: “It’s overvalued. Don’t buy it. Wait for a better moment.”

And the price increases more. New ATH. It’s overvalued again :)

Guess what: thinking like that leads to not even buying BTC.

What is more, “too expensive investors” are always losing opportunities.

It hurts, but the perfect dip doesn’t exist (even if you are a Salvador president).

3) “I hate fees” investors. These are people who invest regularly, they may have a strategy, but they hate fees (no doubt) and it destroys them mentally.

And they hate spending time systematically buying crypto.

Guess what:

The main reason why people get all the time crazy about investing is that there is no existing tool which allows You to invest:

  • without emotions
  • with low fees
  • fully automated
  • with specified strategy

The perfect tool doesn’t exis…

Actually, it exists. But not yet… Here is the thing:

The DCA strategy gives you emotional freedom. You buy BTC, no matter what’s the price.

But DCA has some disadvantages:

  1. It’s related to human minds.
  2. Fees on exchanges are high.
  3. It’s a manual strategy = wasting time strategy.

Ari10 will be launching a special service soon. The DCA feature, important part of the Ari10 ecosystem, will allow you to:

  1. Implement DCA strategy and add automation (you will be connecting your VISA or MasterCard with 3D secure v. 2.0, setting frequency, setting a specified amount of cash and that’s all).
  2. It’s simple and safe. It will allow you to invest without emotions, without wasting your time, and without doubt or mental issues. If you want to minimize your risk with Bitcoin investing, DCA can be for you!

“But hey, this strategy doesn’t work for me”

Really? Then have a look at this!

If you had systematically invested only 100 USD in Bitcoin monthly over the last 3 years, you would have had 20,270 USD in BTC now!

It works for everyone regardless of what you think. It’s hard to argue with facts.

It works because of buying it ALWAYS.

Averaging the price means that when the bull run begins, you earn.

We are going to launch the DCA system in Q4 2021. It will be working not only for BTC, but for ETH and for all digital assets added to the Ari10 ecosystem.

Wait and observe 👀

All in all

Huge things are coming.

DCA is the crypto market game-changer.

But improved DCA, Ari10-DCA is even better, isn’t it?

“The Market has been designed for transferring money from the impatient to the patient” Warren Buffet.

Conclusion? Wait and be patient.

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Remember: nothing in the article should be taken as investment advice. You are the only person who is responsible for your finances. You should do your own research before any investment decision.



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