Challenger Project In Web3. Next Level In Gaming? (Ari10’s New Collab)

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5 min readMay 18, 2023

Ari10 went into collaboration with Challenger Project to assist them in the process of entering the web3 space. Challenger Project is an online esports gaming platform for casual players of the most popular video games in the world. Challenger Project enables organisation of casual esports competitions. The fact that they’re joining web3 gives a big opportunity to those who aren’t professional gamers. Through the blockchain protocol, competitions on the platform will be even more transparent, fair, and have lower entry barriers. $CHLL token will be fully utilised in the platform and games ecosystem.

How does Ari10 serve the project and help them to be introduced into web3? Read this article to find out more:

  1. What is Challenger Project in more detail? 🤔
  2. Key features of the platform.
  3. Why is Challenger Project joining web3?
  4. Their goals and plans for the near future.
  5. How does Ari10 support the project?

Challenges Gamers Have Never Played Before! 🎮

Challenger Project is a casual esports gaming platform for players of popular video games like League of Legends, Valorant, or PUBG. They are bringing a fresh competition format to casual esports by offering AI-protected challenges such as “Best average distance of headshots” or “Best healing per minute on support”. In 2022, Challenger Project was named the third-best esports startup in the world at ESI London. Plus, they became a member of the Google Cloud for Startups program in 2023, and got a grant for an R&D project co-funded by the European Union. Their business model is to sell tickets for the native $CHLL token to players in order for them to enter challenges, with 5–30% deducted as protocol fees. Their ultra-fair tokenomics is based on cooperation between all members of the ecosystem.

Somewhere Between Casual/Training And Pro/Esport Platforms 🤼‍♂️

Challenges (competitions) on the platform are meant to be a response to the tournament format typical of pro-esports. Their premise is that casual (home) players can’t play at certain hours because they are either at school, work or sleeping. Usually, on other platforms, only top players can participate in tournaments, while on the Challenger Project platform, all you need to do is be good at one activity, e.g. healing, sniper shooting, covering the team, etc. — depending on the challenge and game.

Key features in short

👉 New esports competition format of Challenger Project means:

  • casual challenges
  • for both — low and high skill players
  • no time commitment required

👉 Academy:

  • players can try for free and win real money/tokens
  • allows to rebuild players’ wallet if they lost a challenge

👉 Share to earn:

  • users can win money/tokens if their friend wins in a challenge!

👉 WASD collection:

  • it gives bonuses to owners when playing on the protocol!

Interesting, huh? Keep reading further!

Reasons For Entering Web3

Blockchain protocol gives a full transparency of the challenge token/money flow, as the is a true protocol. There is no company fee, but just a protocol fee. If a company wants to participate, it has to stake its own tokens to get a share in protocol fees.

Moreover, gamers earn even if they lose. In this web3 platform each player stakes tokens during a challenge instead of freezing the capital like it’s in web2. Thanks to this, winners win more and losers lose less.

In their unlimited web3 Academy, all qualified players win instead of just few best players in a challenge as it happens in web2 competitions. Additionally, there are no payment limits in various territories — the protocol is available for all players around the world.

Ambitious Plans And Goal 🏆

The ultimate goal of Challenger Project is obviously to be number 1 casual esports protocol in the world. In 2023 they are going to release MVP of the blockchain protocol (Polygon). Also this year, Challenger Project will announce sales rounds IDO and TGE (Token Generation Event) of their $CHLL token.

In 2024, they will also publish a super-easy-to-use API which will allow developers to tap into the protocol with their games (opportunity for web3 developers). In the same year, Challenger Project will release the full version of that protocol.

Ari10’s Contribution To Challenger Project?

Ari10’s mission in the crypto market is to support beginners, small and large investors. Similar in nature, but in the gaming industry, is the Challenger Project, that allows people involved in amateur e-sports to compete in video games.

Challenger Project wants to develop its capabilities based on the blockchain protocol, in which the utility token $CHLL will play a key role. Ari10 will support the project technologically in the process of distributing tokens and exchanging them on the platform when it is ready.

The world of gaming is growing very rapidly, so this is a double opportunity. On the one hand, our partnership helps show cryptocurrency investors that gaming offers opportunities to make money, and on the other side, it is expected to attract new crowds of people — gamers to cryptocurrencies (crypto adoption).

Ok, that’s it for today! Thanks for reading us and see you next time! 🙂

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