In the beginning there was chaos

Actually… no. In the beginning there was Bitcan. But then what?

5 min readOct 5, 2021


Hi crypto community! Welcome back to another Medium article. Today you will get to know what was first — Bitcan or chaos? ;)

FIRST, we created Bitcan — our unique cryptocurrency exchange and users quickly began to appreciate its simplicity and useful features. HOWEVER, over time, we recognized new needs of the crypto market…

What do we mean by this? How can you earn with us? What does the product owner say about… BitcoinWidget?

Keep reading, crypto geek!

The story begins…

In 2017, we created Bitcan. It is an online crypto exchange. And guess what: later we noticed the need of whitelabelling (crypto exchange without our branding).

BitcoinWidget on

But how to scale it?

We invented BitcoinWidget, a white-labelling tool. It allows buying BTC from the website of the company. Also it’s a good idea for entrepreneurs who want to have BTC exchange on their site!

The main idea was to create a simple tool for partners (entrepreneurs).

Why is it helpful?

Because of having BitcoinWidget, our partners can monetize their experience and improve website traffic.

It’s the easiest way to enter the crypto business game!

Partnership: quick implementation on the website

Ari10 gives all the infrastructure and ensures law background. If you decide to have a widget on your site you will get the code (ex. Wordpress) to integrate your website with plugin.

It’s simple as that:

And that’s all.

The partners are happy because of their commissions. Additionally, they can control their profit through a panel with earnings analysis.


Simplicity is the key.

Other BTC exchanges vs our widgets — what’s the difference?

Who uses widgets the most? - Early investors. They want to buy small amounts of bitcoin.

Imagine being them for a moment. You have 3 options:

  1. CEX (centralized exchange).
  2. DEX (decentralized exchange).
  3. BitcoinWidget.

Which one will you choose?

To use CEX you have to complete the registration process, make KYC and do 1000 more things. It takes time. The investor is impatient and wants to buy now.

Or someone wants to buy BTC month by month, using the DCA strategy (check one of the previous articles), but he or she is lazy.

To log into CEX you have to do many things (2FA, go to trading view/convert etc.) and it takes time!

More to the point, to use DEX, you have to be in the crypto world for some time. It’s often not an option for early investors.

To use BitcoinWigdet you don’t have to do anything more than… buying BTC .


  1. Set a specified amount of PLN.
  2. The system will automatically convert it into BTC.
  3. Provide your phone number and you will receive an SMS code.
  4. Type in your email and BTC wallet address. Voila!

That’s all. Without problems. Fast and without KYC (to 1000 PLN cash limit).

You don’t need anything more.

Product owner about BitcoinWidget

Jacek Kubiak (Product Owner of BitcoinWidget)

Take a look at what our product owner said about the widget:

For today, you can buy BTC using a widget. By the end of this year (Q4), you will be able to sell BTC. We will also add ETH and USDT. Another interesting thing is that we reduced required data from the user to a minimum! Email, phone number + BTC address and… that’s it. Users can buy BTC without KYC to 1000 PLN cash limit. Above this limit you can buy BTC too, but verification is needed. Moreover, we are going to enable selling cryptocurrencies soon through a widget in connection with our points of sale (Cryptoterminals).

POV: You are our business partner

Imagine being an Ari10 business partner for a minute.

Now you can monetize your experience (no matter what you do). We give you everything — from API to law background.

In this cooperation Ari10 took on the hardest task.

We exchange FIATs into BTC and we are trying to match bank security standards (simply we do everything legally as required).

Next thing:

You can start with 0. Money is not required. We will provide liquidity for your customers.

When it comes to safety — Ari10 actively fights with scammers. We are keeping an eye on AML procedures and analyzing the behavioral habits of website visitors.

All in all — you get the know-how and the product.

Aim: make the way to enter the crypto world easier!


We are currently establishing partnerships with entrepreneurs and creators only from Poland. BUT in the near future we will be providing widget service for other countries as well.

The FIAT currency available in our widget is PLN (polish zloty). BUT here also we intend to expand our offer with other FIAT currencies.

POV: You are using widget

Now the perspective changes. Imagine being a widget user for a minute.

Now you can buy crypto without problems using this widget. The key word: WITHOUT problems.


Other widgets on the market actually work… but to be honest they have their own issues. Of course, we are not here to focus on others…

Let’s move to the point.

Our BitcoinWidget works seamlessly and it is safe because of monitoring the fraud rate (we also have our own behavioral analyzing software).

The transactions are also safe because we are licensed for providing financial services (including money transfers), managing virtual wallets, acquiring and issuing payments instruments.

Full safety, man.

We think that the safety aspect will drive you new clients. Honestly!

How can you and your site visitors use a widget on a daily basis?

  1. Imagine buying something in the online store. Some shops enable crypto payments. Simply, go to one of our BitcoinWidgets and pay with FIATs. In the wallet address gap type in the store BTC wallet address. Done!
  2. Are you using the DCA strategy? You don’t have to log into CEX! Just do it with the widget and complete the task in 2 minutes.
  3. Do you want to buy BTC for a low amount of cash? You don’t need CEX. You need a widget! :)


Thanks for reading!

Pssst… You must know one thing: we will move every Ari10 product to one place soon!

Another thing is that if you want to become a partner of us, just let us know. We will give you know-how and you will start earning your commissions with BitcoinWidget.

Fair enough.

Thanks for your time! Look forward to the next article. Bye!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our other social media:




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