Passive Income With Ari10 Gateway For News Sites

Published in
7 min readMar 13, 2023

The web3 industry is growing at an incredibly fast pace. In just 2022, corporate companies have invested more than $6 billion in building blockchain infrastructure around the world. Here we would like to start a series of articles on the benefits of the Ari10 Gateway. It is a digital tool that allows our business partners to easily enter the cryptocurrency market and earn passive income. In the first episode, we will focus on publishers of news sites. We will show how they can monetize traffic to their websites in the innovative crypto and NFT industry.

Blockchain is a cutting edge technology that is developing rapidly and inevitably entering the mainstream. Stores are beginning to accept bitcoin as a payment method, and blockchain itself is gaining more and more use in everyday applications. And on top of that, if we take into account the speculative value of cryptocurrencies, it turns out that we are dealing with a modern market with huge financial potential.

A growing number of entrepreneurs are looking for ideas to enter this industry, but it is not always that easy. It is true that stories about projects like EOS, which at one point raised more than $4 billion for its business, are impressive. However, the crypto market is relatively new, so there are not yet many universally ready-made solutions that guarantee success.

Why should you consider entering the web3 market?

One of the advantages of the web3 industry is undoubtedly its relatively short history. This makes it clear that any entrepreneur, any company that wants a piece of this “pie” for itself in the future, should enter this industry now!

The early stage of development of any innovative market, often involves an incredible opportunity for the future growth. Whoever takes a position in the industry first gains an advantage over the rest. Whether we want it or not, blockchain will inevitably enter the mainstream. The development of this technology has been taking place for many years. The number of blockchain-based businesses is increasing, and people are more and more using apps & crypto assets.

The question remains one of whether we will get on the wagon with the web3 end stop, or let this train leave without us.

Website monetization opportunities for news publishers

Ari10 Gateway

As we mentioned earlier, Ari10 Gateway is a digital tool that allows our business partners to earn passive income in the blockchain industry. This is undoubtedly an amazing opportunity for many different companies looking to enter this market. On the other hand, in this article we will focus on news site publishers, because here we see incredible potential for passive income in a relatively simple and unobtrusive way.

Ari10 Gateway is a white-label solution, so any company can become an Ari10 partner and use this tool. However, news websites have one huge advantage — naturally high user traffic to the site. If the portal gains tens-of-hundreds-of-thousands-millions of page views per month on a regular basis, there is a great potential for stable profit with the help of the gateway.

The gateway created by Ari10 is an automated fiat-crypto exchange tool in the form of a small widget on the website. This solution allows you to earn commissions from selling popular cryptocurrencies or NFTs for fiat money (USD, EUR and PLN). And what’s more, Ari10 company provides all the liquidity and transaction flow.

This is certainly an excellent way to monetize the daily user traffic already acquired, but not only. Statistics show that websites also gain new fans who specifically visit their domains to buy crypto or NFTs available on the Ari10 Gateway. In one “word” — this product attracts new customers!

Only for crypto-related sites?

The digital gateways developed by Ari10 provide a simple way to monetize the website traffic, not just for cryptocurrency-related services. This simple widget can be deployed by any news or educational platform. A collaboration with Ari10 allows for flexibility and freedom.

Of course, a crypto platform may seem the most natural fit for Ari10 Gateway. However, financial news sites and educational blogs can also benefit from selling web3 products. As an example, we could write a blog post explaining what cryptocurrencies are, or a short text in the “finance” category with a link to a fiat-crypto gateway. That sounds like the perfect plan, doesn’t it?

On the other hand, this is nothing new, after all most popular news sites already have a section dedicated to crypto topics. So there is nothing stopping you from monetizing the already existing traffic generated by loyal users.

What to sell with Ari10 Gateway?

Example of tokens on Ari10 Gateway

As we already know, you can monetize returning visitors and attract new ones with the Ari10 crypto gateway. Consequently, they may all become your loyal customers. Of course, this should result in more traffic to the website and the opportunity to make even bigger money!

Ari10 Gateway deployed on a news portal can sell a wide range of web3 products and any tokens on the Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain or Bitcoin networks. You can easily earn commissions on fiat-crypto transactions, but not only!

If you are preparing your own NFT collection or raising funds for a new project, it’s no problem for us! The gateway will also allow you to sell your own company’s tokens or NFTs on the blockchains mentioned above. Having lots of readers visiting your site may help raise money for your newly launched project! And in this case, you take all the money from the sale, not just commissions!

Another option is to mix your company’s tokens with the popular ones together within one widget on the website, and that’s fine too (ex. your token + ETH, MATIC, USDT, BTC). As we said, you decide how many and which specific assets are available on the gateway! And let’s remember that all sales work automatically.

Ari10 Gateway benefits for partners

Any news site that enters the web3 business world opens up to more than 300 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. In our experience, regular readers often use the fiat-crypto gateway when visiting the site. This means additional profit for the publisher! What’s more, Ari10 Gateway’s KYC identity verification threshold starts from just 2,000 PLN/500 USD, which also attracts new users who often become loyal readers later!

Thanks to the solution from Ari10, we are able to kill two birds with one stone, namely: additional traffic to the site and passive income from sales commissions!

Moreover, the layout of the fiat-crypto gateway can be adjusted individually for each page. As a result, the widget’s appearance will harmonize with the site’s colours. This is undoubtedly a big advantage for Ari10, as our developers can make changes in a relatively short time. It is also possible to get the Ari10 Gateway API and customize it on your own.

Of course, appearance is important, but the other functionalities of Ari10 Gateway should also be strongly emphasized. Because, as we mentioned earlier, this groundbreaking tool not only gives your visitors access to the world’s most popular cryptocurrencies.

Above all, it is an opportunity for news sites to sell their own utility tokens or NFTs for fiat money! Ari10 developers can easily add them individually to the gateway along with other tokens. What’s more, you don’t have to worry about the liquidity of transactions on the widget, as it is provided by Ari10. Data shows that Gateway earns more than the average banner ad placed on the site. True daily passive income.

In summary, with Ari10 Gateway you can get 3 things: additional traffic to your website, passive income from commissions and funds from selling your own token during, for example, presale round!

New features on the Ari10 Gateway

Ari10 Gateway undoubtedly shortens the distance between the traditional user and the cryptocurrency world. Even a newbie is easily able to buy tokens directly with fiat money. And this is all thanks to a wide range of payment methods. The Ari10 gateway currently offers BLIK, fast bank transfer or card payment.

This is called true crypto adoption! Because, for example, during fundraising, traditionalists are able to invest in blockchain projects “without touching” crypto. The investor pays in fiats, and the project receive cryptocurrencies. This is how it happens at our gateway. Some only talk about adoption, Ari10 has been active in this field for a long time!

On top of that, web3 products will soon be available for purchase on the Ari10 Gateway using prepaid card codes. As a result, crypto purchases will be even more anonymous. Prepaid cards are widely available in more than 900,000 stores around the world. This will certainly have a great impact on crypto adoption.

The process of implementing Ari10 Gateway

Implementation in itself is nothing difficult. Indeed, it’s just two lines of code to paste into the site. Simple right? Of course, before that, according to the current law, the applying company needs to go through an uncomplicated AML procedure. Fortunately for our partners, all legal issues are on Ari10’s side.

You don’t have to worry about anything, because literally all the work Ari10 company did for you a long time ago (documents, AML, liquiduty transaction on the Gateway). We have a specialized legal compliance department to support partners in every aspect.

If you are interested in implementing the Ari10 Gateway on your website, please contact us via this page Our dedicated support will answer all the required questions and provide you with the necessary details.

PS. This is how we started our cooperation with one of the biggest news crypto sites in Poland — Our fiat-crypto gateway has been monetizing their traffic for many years.

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