Aurora ecosystem grant and partnership.

Ariadne Project
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2021

Ariadne is happy to announce its strategic partnership with Aurora — EVM built on top of NEAR protocol and a project of unique architecture, enjoying both NEAR scalability and throughput and backwards computability with biggest protocols with lowest possible fees.

Ariadne is a DeFi marketplace — a system that gives a low-cost and blockchain agnostic access to yield farms and builds financial products on top of that.
Retail users of DeFi are plagued not just by the gas costs on mainnet, the APYs you see in DeFi are largely misleading in a multi-chain world since “when you get there” the swaps/slippage and bridging costs will eat into your profits, not to speak of auto-compounding costs, vaults etc.
Ariadne takes a shot of solving this, the v.1 currently on ETH testnet and Aurora lets you access farms outside of Aurora network, reaping and compounding profits. Access best incentivized farms from BSC, Polygon, Ethereum and Solana without leaving your home network.

How does it work?

On the blockchain native for the given farm, Ariadne smart contract enters the farm(s), and mints the aFarm tokens that can be purchased/swapped on the same blockchain. At the same time, wrapped versions of aFarm tokens are deployed on all participating blockchains. Initial farming liquidity is provided by Ariadne and its partners (sections of stables, high risk/reward etc), (later to become a DAO governed process).
Result: the user can instantly purchase and sell (limited by cooldown), the tokens exiting/entering farms that would otherwise be too costly to enter (in case of small capital) or too much hassle to move to.
IL and risk of the eventual farms are carried by the user, although Ariadne intends to offer a system-wide insurance at a later stage.
Ariadne also has a “fail safe” mode where the user would be able to liquidate farming tokens in case Ariadne itself goes down.

Why Aurora and Ariadne?

Ariadne is one-stop shop that interfaces with the whole DeFi ecosystem, farming in v1 and more operations coming soon. Aurora users get instant benefits of other chains’ protocols without loosing user base and without users having to go through bridging gymnastics.
At the same time Ariadne connects future Aurora farms to the wider web3, where users chasing higher yields can jump into new farms quicker.

Aurora grant program

Ariadne is enjoying direct tech support from Aurora core developers and a grant program set up to sponsor extra Aurora-specific development. The system is currently succefully deployed to Aurora testnet.

About Aurora

Aurora is an EVM built on the NEAR Protocol, delivering a turn-key solution for developers to operate their apps on an Ethereum-compatible, high-throughput, scalable and future-safe platform, with low transaction costs for their users.
NEAR Protocol is a public, sharded, developer-friendly, proof-of-stake blockchain. It is a highly scalable, low-cost platform for developers to create decentralized apps on top of. While it’s built on top of the NEAR Protocol blockchain, the NEAR Platform also contains a wide range of tooling from explorers to CLI tools to wallet apps to interoperability components which help developers build much more easily and the ecosystem to scale more widely.

About Ariadne

Ariadne is a cross-chain DeFi marketplace that is lowering the fees to enter/exit farms on multiple blockchains and saves swaps and bridges costs for both EVM and non-EVM chains.
Ariadne enables users of any supported chain to enter/exit yield farms on a multitude of blockchains, with virtually no lower limit of investment, and without having to deal with bridges, swaps and slippage, transaction costs on receiving blockchains etc.

