ARIA20 Q1 2021 Quarterly Status Update

Luc Jodet
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2021


Q1 2021 was our first full quarter of trading. These were three eventful months for crypto markets in general, and for ARIA20 in particular. Below is a quick recap of the most important facts.

💦 Liquidity and trading volumes

Between January 1st and March 31st, $9.1M worth of ARIA20 was traded. Moreover our liquidity on DEXs was multiplied by 15x and our amount of on-chain holders grew 10x.

While we experienced steady growth in January and February, everything accelerated in March. Let’s see what might explain this.

✔️ Listings

ARIA20 was first listed on November 15th 2020 on Uniswap. The ARIA20 was added to Sushiswap and to Balancer at the beginning of the year, which further increased liquidity.

Coingecko and CoinMarketcap listed our token in early January which helped discoverability even though it took a couple more months for our circulating market cap to get the seal of approval from their research teams.

Finally, with gas costs reaching historically high levels on Ethereum, we decided to list ARIA20 on a layer 2. This radically reduced the costs of trading our token and it enabled smaller holders to start filling their ARIA20 bags. More on this below.

We ❤️ Polygon

Gas fees did not seem to have any chance to come back down to earth throughout this first quarter. This made Uniswap unusable for many smaller holders. In order to remedy this and offer everyone a chance at trading ARIA20, we decided to go on the search for a layer 2 solution with a good DEX option. We landed on Polygon (formerly Matic) and Quickswap Exchange. The ARIA20 token was mapped to Polygon on February 23rd and early bag holders proceeded to list on Quickswap faster than even we could! Instantly, you could trade ARIA20 for less than $0.01 per swap as opposed to $40+ on Uniswap 🤯

👩‍🌾 $QUICK farming

But the good news did not stop here. On March 7th, Quickswap added us to their liquidity farming program. Since then, liquidity providers have been able to farm $QUICK with APY between 100% and 400%, depending on market conditions. It is still going strong! Join the club here.

The launch of $QUICK farming led to a significant increase in liquidity and a modest increase in volume. But that was nothing with what was about to happen a week later.

💸 Fundraise annoucement

On March 11th, we announced that Arianee closed an €8M round of financing led by ISAI and BPI. ISAI is on of the top early stage VC’s in France. But this round is particularly special because it is a first for an institution BPI, a public investing institution funded by the French government. The fundraise was a mixed equity and token round.

The coverage was massive, but it took a couple of days for traders to join the party. Over the week-end, trading volumes went vertical and we experienced our largest single day trading volume on March 15th with more than $1.6M traded on that single day.

🔮 The future looks bright

This first full quarter of trading for ARIA20 started with a steady progression and ended with a bang! With all the news and announcements we have planned for the next few months, we are quite confident Q2 will keep this pace.

Fasten your seatbelts, Arianauts! We’ll see you on the other side!



Luc Jodet

Building a digital identity on the blockchain for every object @arianeeproject . Instigator @sandboxers . Streetart watcher and injury-prone amateur triathlete.