Arianna Rocca Chiavazza
Arianna Rocca
Published in
Nov 15, 2019

the present takes care of the past

The goal of a restoration project is to ensure the conservation of a building or an artifact, to enhance its historical and artistic value.
I’ve always been fascinated by the historic environment, that’t the reason why I became an architect and in my business I try to sensitize customers to pay attention to uncover the history and increase their understanding of the past.

so what exactly constitutes a restoration project?

The first phase involves the historical analysis of the building or the artifact, subsequently it is necessary to study construction techniques and materials used.

Another fundamental phase consists in the analysis of the state of deteriorating structures and the sratigraphic surveys, then the subsequent preparation of precise and exhaustive graphic scripts.

After reviewing the information collected and preparing a strategic plan for the delivery of the whole project it is the time to choose the materials for structure repair and the best restoration techniques of surfaces.

restoration, historical preservation, architecture, techniques, methods

