My 5 Favorite Tips For Startups

Joe Weaver
Ario Stories
Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2018
Photo: Johnson Wang.

After two years of startup life I have done a lot wrong and a few things right, here are my 5 tips

1. KISS your ideas and products

da Vinci was certainly on to something…

KISS is an acronym for “Keep it simple, stupid” as a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided. If your idea or product is too complicated, you will have a hard time selling it and making it. The value is making things simpler or more manageable for people, always look for ways to make things simpler.

2. Learn how others make money

It hasn’t changed much, but it’s become more reliable.

Don’t reinvent the wheel, make it better. The wheel is great, it rolls, and I know you wish you invented it but someone else beat you to the punch that doesn’t mean you can’t add to it or make the wheel better. Learn what adds value and how others make money. If you begin a startup without a clear understanding of how you will make money, you won’t last long.

3. Teamwork

Everyone has their unique strengths. Create an atmosphere to highlight them.

The heart of your product is your team. You can’t do everything, and truthfully there is no such thing as a startup of one, build a team and get the right people. Listen to your team, and learn from others all the time. Build an environment where anyone can question anything, having constructive conversations helps build a better product

4. Keep focus

Even when it’s difficult, be persistent.

Make your ideas, keep focus. Everyone has a great idea, the ones that turn it into realities are the ones making money. Make your app, produce your product, build your idea, make make make make.

5. Hang in there

Sometimes it feels like hanging by a thread, but push through.

Hang in there, it takes time to make money and hard work. Some of the most successful people have failed more times then I have ever tried. Starting a business is never easy, and you will be stressed all the time, but you are the master of your future. Wake up early, take out the trash every morning, be the first to open the doors and build!

What the road to success really looks like……….

The reality is, that pathways aren’t always straight and narrow.



Joe Weaver
Ario Stories

Building a smarter workforce with augmented reality.