Employee emporwerment in the workplace: the secret weapon

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2 min readNov 19, 2020
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Most people are aware or at least know the basic concept of empowerment at work, which could be described as the process of giving employees authority, resources and freedom to make important decisions to solve problems. But do you really know why it is so important and how beneficial it can be?

The objective of empowerment is to enhance and train employees at work. To make this happen, the company should evaluate employees individually and define specific roles and skills in order to provide them with the required tools, such as training and information, as this will be the key to achieve the company’s objectives.

The principles which define empowerment are the following:

  • Authority & Responsibility- Assign authority and responsibility over tasks.
  • Candid Feedback- Provide timely feedback on the performance of the members of the process and recognize achievements in a timely manner.
  • Trust- Trust your team and treat employees with respect.
  • Training & Information- Provide the necessary training, information and any other tools to achieve the objectives and goals.

Once you have the basis and principles, you need to apply them accurately. Empowering is no longer a one-day process, but a step-by-step process. It is important to implement it progressively and continuously. To make this strategic tool work, you might need a change in the organization’s work culture. You should replace the hierarchical model of issuing orders from the highest level of the company. Teamwork should be strategically promoted, as it allows greater human and professional performance.There must be an environment of mutual trust as well as a united team spirit.

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with others.”

So, what are the benefits of empowerment?

  • Improvement in teamwork performance.
  • Higher level of productivity and production.
  • Promotes quick decision making.
  • Motivates employees to be taken into account and considered as an important part of the tasks.

At the same time, it brings positive results to the person as an individual, since it allows them to carry out a greater variety of activities; they are able to recognize their accomplishments, accept their mistakes and work on their improvements.

Nowadays, a job is no longer seen as a “ place to make money “. Now it has become embedded in our lifestyles and thus micromanagement is no longer seen as the correct course of action. As soon as we understand employees are not only hired to meet deadlines, but also to surpass expectations and to be part of the decision making process in order to improve the business, we will make sure empowerment is a profitable process for everyone.

