The Importance of Disability Awareness: Home and School

Narmeen Shigri
ARISE Impact
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2018

An individual’s disability can play a major role in his/her life: whether it’s positive or negative. But overcoming the challenges and developing confidence is vital and admirable. As a society, it is our utmost duty to allow people with disabilities to experience a life they deserve. We are all different but very much alike at the same time.

The importance of disability awareness has been given prominence over the recent decades, making it easier for the people with disabilities and the society to develop empathy for one another. Disability awareness helps in subsiding the stereotypical mindset of the society, hence providing vast opportunities for everyone to get involved in creating a positive, inclusive society for all. According to The World Bank:
“One billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability, and disability prevalence is higher for developing countries. One-fifth of the estimated global total, or between 110 million and 190 million people, experience significant disabilities”. It is also stated that people with disabilities are more likely to experience a discriminatory attitude in the prevailing fields of education, health, social economy, employment and justice.

Furthermore, disability awareness signifies in educating the society regarding disability and how we as an individual can bring about the necessary changes. Learning acceptance is the fundamental of having an understanding approach to the disability awareness which hence can take place anywhere such as at home, school, workplace, health institutes, etc. However, we often see discrimination towards the people with disabilities and that can lead to the undesirable outcomes for communities as a whole. Therefore, for a better future, we must try to minimize the discriminating culture and promote disability awareness through platforms for each and every individual, so that the foundations of empathy originates and helps in breaking social barriers.

Nowadays, we see communities changing and accepting diversity which helps in making our work easy. ARISE Impact firmly believes in creating opportunities and forming modules which aid people with disabilities in establishing confidence and relying on self-learning methodologies.

“Disability awareness programs are influential to the overall environment of a school. Disability awareness in schools is extremely important because it educates students so they may become better citizens.” (Lindsay & McPherson, 2011). Researchers have found that disability awareness programs at schools have led young children to gain empathy and have positive attitudes. This particular attitude then further grows on an individual, making them better citizens as they mature. Another great aspect of disability awareness at school is that the classrooms are more inclusive and diverse which allows a student to learn more from his/her peers.

“Many outside influences shape a child’s attitude. They may develop ideas about diversity, life and people from home, peers, and life experiences but school plays an important role in developing attitude. School is the place where students learn surrounded by other people with many differences. At school, students should learn to be accepting, understanding and friendly”. (Rillotta & Nettlebeck, 2007)

In addition, promoting disability awareness starts from home. A place where the positive attitudes, values and customs are reinforced on a regular basis. Home is dear to everyone, a place of comfort and understanding towards every aspect of life. Teaching your children about disability will help in breaking social barriers and allow a better, wholesome approach to inclusion of people with disabilities. The most essential factors when teaching your child about the importance of disability awareness involves: empathy, acceptance and diversity.

Importance of disability awareness is said to constitute a positive approach towards people with disabilities. There are millions of people dealing with some form of disability and it’s our duty to help make their lives a better one, by contributing and promoting awareness through all types of medium to amplify our voice. We, the ARISE Impact team, strongly believe in empowering people with disabilities so that they are willing to learn and explore different concepts on their own.

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