ARK Announces a MarketSquare Partnership with Bosagora

Ray.Alva | Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2020

As we approach the launch of MarketSquare, we want to give our community an inside look at some of the partnerships we have formed. These strategic partnerships will not only help make MarketSquare the new homepage for the decentralized web but will also create inroads between ARK and other projects looking to build and collaborate together. Today we would like to introduce you to Bosagora.

Background on Bosagora

Bosagora was launched in South Korea in 2017 and was regarded as the very first Korean ICO. The project is managed by the Bosagora Foundation which was established on April 7, 2017 in Zug, Switzerland. BOS Platform Foundation Korea (BPF Korea), which has 100% ownership of the Foundation develops and promotes BOSAGORA’s underlying technical protocol and applications.

BOSAGORA’s vision is to make a better world with blockchain technology as a project enabler. Underlying values upheld by BOSAGORA are democracy, legitimacy, fairness, transparency and efficiency. BOSAGORA uses a Modified Federated Byzantine Agreement (mFBA) consensus algorithm based on Stellar’s Consensus Protocol (FBA). Agora protocol is based on PoS and is a full node based on open membership, meaning that the network is open to anyone who is willing to participate and earn incentives.

Learn more about Bosagora by reading their Whitepaper

BOSAGORA’s distinctive feature lies in the public financing of project proposals using the Commons Budget. The members of the Congress can vote on what proposals are attractive and doable and support two types of proposals, system and funding proposals.

MarketSquare & Bosagora

One of the driving forces behind MarketSquare is the idea that all projects and businesses can build communities together. Bosagora is one of the first projects onboarded onto MarketSquare and they already have plans on how they would like to utilize the platform.

Like many projects in the industry, Bosagora has multiple sources where community members research and learn about their project. With MarketSquare they hope to create one central spot where new users can discover Bosagora and have access to all their information and social links in one convenient place. In addition, they are looking forward to connecting and interacting with the MarketSquare community once social features are enabled. The team at Bosagora will also be looking to list bounties on the MarketSquare platform that will incentivize people to interact with their project, as they are heavily involved in campaigns and events that promote and practice UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

As our partnership develops we will explore additional ways to continue working together and consider our new partnership a great first step.

Remember, to join the MarketSquare beta, you can join via the signup page on:

If you would like to learn more about Bosagora, you can check out their Website, CMC, Telegram, Twitter, Medium, & Github

Read our new whitepaper, follow us on social media ( Twitter | Facebook | Reddit | Telegram), join our community ( Slack | Discord ), and stay tuned to our blog on Medium, Minds, Parler and on Binance



Ray.Alva | Blog

Ray has a background in Law, Finance, and International Politics. He is the Strategic Partnerships Manager at