ARK Desktop Wallet v2.9.3 Released

Rok Černec | Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 9, 2020

The new ARK Desktop Wallet has been released. This version addresses the input we received in the last week from the updated ‘Send/Transfer’ modal introduced in the previous version, making it easier to switch between single and multi transfers. There are also more improvements, let’s go over them now.

You can download the ARK Desktop Wallet at or use the new download feature from within your current wallet (available in v2.7.0+).

What’s New?

  • Improved Single / Multi transfer modal — after the changes introduced in the previous version we have received a lot of reports that normal transfers aren’t as intuitive as we have hoped for. We went back to the drawing board and changed the flow now to have an option to easily switch between single or multi transfers. This can be done by pressing either the ‘Single’ or ‘Multiple’ tab button for the transfer you are about to initiate.
Single and Multiple transfer options from within same modal
  • Fixed ARK URI Scheme — URI scheme (prefilling transfer data) has now been fixed to work as expected when interacting with ark: addresses. It now gets properly populated and can be initiated.
  • Fixed fresh ARK Desktop Wallet initialization loading screen — when you have installed a fresh version of the ARK Desktop Wallet v2.9.2 (previous version) without any prior installs of it, it got stuck at the initialization screen. This has now been fixed and fresh wallet installs work normally (no more stuck at the loading screen).

What’s Next for Desktop Wallet?

We are deep in the development phase of our all-new Desktop Wallet V3 which will bring a totally new design based on our unification across the board. Built with ReactJS and using our new Platform SDK underneath it will heavily improve user flow. Stay tuned for more information as we are very excited to tell you about all the new additions coming to the ARK Desktop Wallet!

Changes In Numbers

Since the previous release:

  • 3 different developers contributing to the ARK Desktop Wallet.
  • 4 new commits to the ARK Desktop Wallet.
  • 10 files changed in the ARK Desktop Wallet.
  • 237 lines of code added to the ARK Desktop Wallet.
  • 120 lines of code deleted from the ARK Desktop Wallet.

Hashes for v2.9.3 of the Desktop Wallet (SHA256)

  • Linux (ark-desktop-wallet-linux-x64–2.9.3.tar.gz)
  • MacOS (ark-desktop-wallet-mac-2.9.3.dmg)
  • Ubuntu (ark-desktop-wallet-linux-amd64–2.9.3.deb)
  • Windows X86 & X64 (ark-desktop-wallet-win-2.9.3.exe)
  • Linux-AppImage (ark-desktop-wallet-linux-x86_64–2.9.3.AppImage)

I found a bug / an issue — what do I do?

Please open an issue with all of the details on ARK Desktop Wallet Issues page.

I want to help with development — what do I do?

Please open a pull request, and don’t forget, we are also running Github development bounty, so you can earn some extra ARK.

Read our new whitepaper, follow us on social media ( Twitter | Facebook | Reddit | Telegram), join our community ( Slack | Discord ), and stay tuned to our blog on Medium, Minds, Parler and on Binance.

