ARK Token Exchange Campaign bounties

Ark | Blog
Published in
6 min readOct 25, 2016

(note: some changes can still occur to this text below before TEC ends)

The ARK Crew shall reserve 2,500,000Ѧ i.e. ARK Tokens (2% of the total amount) for several bounties, which the ARK crew will distribute to everyone who supports ARK in any of the below listed campaigns. Bounty campaigns will be available all throughout the ARK Token Exchange Campaign period including some reserved for after the ARK TEC.

Detailed information about our bounty categories are listed below. As of now, our bounty campaign is open to everyone who would like to participate, and will end* on 11 December, 2016 20.00 UTC. ARK crew will distribute a majority of the bounties with our mainnet release but data showing earned bounties will be provided beforehand so that everyone will know how many tokens they will receive.

Because the total number of bounty campaign participants is unknown, the distribution of ARK bounties will be based on a predetermined amount allocated to each campaign listed below.

(* some bounties will have a longer time-span as noted in their description)


Signature/Avatar Campaign = 350,000 Tokens

Help us spread the word about ARK and you will receive a stake every week! All you need to do is add our official signatures to your Bitcointalk profile.
In order to provide a fair bounty distribution, register with this form .

We will randomly check all our Signature bounty participants once a week at to ensure participants are wearing their signatures at all times.

You can see list of all participants by clicking here: . ARK Crew will update this list regularly for the most accurate data.

  • You need to make one post per week in order for your bounties to count at the official ARK signature bounty thread at Bitcointalk or if you miss to post in that week have at least 5 new posts on Bitcointalk to count for that week.
  • Signature for Member, 20 stakes per week.
  • Signature for Full member, 40 stakes per week.
  • Signature for Sr. Member or Hero, 60 stakes per week.
  • Signature for Legendary, 70 stakes per week.
  • Avatar for Full Members and up, 10 stakes per week (only applicable when used in combination with the signature).

Sweepstakes bounty + Surprise Last Week = 430,000 Tokens

Randomly throughout the ARK TEC process, ARK Crew will provide links to our Sweepstakes where participants can complete tasks, like Tweets, Facebook Likes, Video Views, Social Media tasks and more for amazing Bounties! Sweepstakes will use the service provided at

Translations = 100,000 Tokens

We are going to be distributing tokens for selected languages only. In order to apply for your language open a thread here as we need to confirm you first : and create a request.

1.German — — dlow -8,000 ARK
2.French- 8,000 ARK
3.Portuguese —— 8,000 ARK-ShooterXD
4.Chinese —–8,000 ARK
5.Russian — — Skyrik — 8,000 ARK
6.Italian — — Ondin — 8,000 ARK
7.Indonesian- — JerryS — 8,000 ARK
8.Hindi — -8,000 ARK
9.Urdu-reserved — 8,000 ARK
10.Polish — — bioly — 8,000ARK
- Turkish-
- Hebrew-

12. Other languages, postings and minor translations jobs (500–2,000 ARK per job) — 20,000 ARK — if you language is not on the list and would still like to contribute contact us on (username ARK) and we’ll work something out for those that want to help ARK in their local communities.

(note: if you are found to be simply Google translating the thread we can nullify or reduce your ARKs and distribute them to other languages, also keep it updated when we update our ANN you should too).

All translations must be done at least 2 weeks before TEC ends (26th November 2016).

ARK Top Proposals Contest** = 300,000 Tokens

We’ll distribute 300,000 ARK tokens to the winners for our proposal contest which will be held on our forums Here you can brainstorm your ideas and develop/propose a Bridged Blockchain, ARK Tool, Forging Pool, or any other cool idea which works with ARK smartbridge. Proposals must be unique, well thought out, and possible to develop.

The top 3 ideas will be selected by ARK Crew and the Community to get funded* for development.
*(note: funding will be payed out in phases according to showing some progress with development to prevent someone just running of when winning, and to promote creativity and work to those that would like ARK ecosystem to grow).

Submissions —

NOTE** : if there won’t be enough eligible by the ARK-TEC end we can extend this until we get the best 3 proposals.

ARK Supporting Websites = 150,000 Tokens

This will be an ongoing bounty and we will select 1 or more websites each month (starting from main net launch) that will be eligible for 5,000 — 20,000 ARK / each as a thank you for doing a great work to promote and develop useful websites that benefit ARK ecosystem. Website can be anything ARK related, but the bigger the impact for community the more ARKs you will receive (some ideas : Paper Wallet / offline ARK address generator, supporting ARK chain explorer, website accepting ARK as payment, any other use case involving ARK promotion, … ) .

Once you created your website, submit your URL to:
You can see list of accepted websites here:

Blog Articles = 100,000 Tokens

ARK Crew will distribute 100,000 ARK tokens for bounty blog posts. Blog post may be published anywhere on the internet and must be publicly accessible. Posts must be written in English only. A blog that counts for Blog bounties must:

  • Have 300+ words or more.
  • Need to contain at least 2 links : one to and another one to — replace your username with your BTT username for verification — don’t forget the # in front (eg. your username is ARK link should be )
  • Have unique content (ANN translations do not count)
  • English only
  • ARK CREW will give out 10, 20, or 30 shares depending on the quality of the blog post.

You can see list of Blog posts here (stakes will be added at the end when we get a clearer picture on what is worth 10,20,30) :

(NOTE: This is ending the same time as TEC ends no further submissions will be accepted after that date)

Video Contest = 100,000 Tokens

ARK Crew will distribute 100,000 ARK tokens for a video contest. We will look at all of the submissions and select the best videos based on the below criterium:

  • Quality
  • Commercial Viability
  • Uniqueness
  • Length

You can see list of accepted Videos here:

To speed up verification process you can include your BTT username in the description of the YouTube /Vimeo / Facebook or any other video hosting provider. After you see it accepted in the upper form you can delete your username from the description.

All winning media content will become the property of ARK Crew and may be used for commercial purposes.

Submissions —

Rewards :
1st Place = 40,000 ARK
2nd Place = 20,000 ARK
3rd Place = 10,000 ARK

To provide incentive and provide opportunities to those that will spend some time making a video we provide “honourable mentions program”:
4th-10th Place = 3,000 ARK / each
11th Place onwards-> Will split the 9,000 ARK proportionally, but cannot receive more than 3,000 ARK / each (if there is only 13 eligible submissions each from 4th-13 will receive 3k/each).

If there will be less videos (eg. only 8) or they won’t qualify for submissions the first three videos will split the left difference from those honourable mention places.

(NOTE: Video is ending the same time as TEC ends no further submissions will be accepted after that date)

GITHUB development or bug bounty = 400,000 Tokens

ARK Crew will distribute 400,000 ARK tokens for helping out with the development of our platform with either GitHub commits or finding out bugs/security vulnerabilities.
(note: this will be an ongoing bounty that will be paid starting from second month of the main net launch — payment structure to be determined).

Post ARK TEC promotional bounties = 570,000 Tokens

To be announced later on.


If you have questions about our bounty campaign, we kindly invite you to join us in our Slack chatroom or Bitcointalk Announcement thread.

To be able to receive the bounties, you will need to register an account on our Token Exchange page. Here you will be able to claim your exchanged ARK after the token exchange campaign ends.

ARK Token Exchange Campaign Page — Click Here

