How to Check if Your LISK TX Withdrawal from Poloniex Is Truly Complete

Rok Černec
3 min readNov 10, 2016


It has come to our attention that some participants in the ARK TEC have been noticing issues with Poloniex Withdrawals. The most common of these issues involves a transaction being marked complete in the Poloniex account, while the transfer fails to show on the Lisk network.

We have put together a brief tutorial for everyone still having issues that will help you check to make sure your transactions get processed. Please use the following steps to verify whether or not you may need to submit a ticket to Poloniex so that their support team can rebroadcast your transaction.

1. Go to and sign-in

2. Once you are signed-in go to this link :

3. Look for a withdrawal that you initiated to ARK-TEC. If it says PENDING it means it has not been put on the blockchain, so you should wait. However, if it says COMPLETE follow these steps below:

  • Select Txid in question and either press CTRL+C or right mouse click and click on Copy

4. Go to and click on the left upper search box where it says “search for block, transaction or address” and either press CTRL+V or right mouse click on that field and click on Paste. Your TXID should appear in that field as image below. Press ENTER!

If it says NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND it means Poloniex did not actually complete the withdrawal. It only broadcasted it on a forked or non-working LISK blockchain.

If, when you press ENTER, it takes you to the Transaction page (something like the image below) it means it went through okay and you should check to see if its status is marked as CONFIRMED or RECEIVING.

What to do if I get “NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND” ?

You should contact Poloniex via this link : and open a new ticket look at the image below for a reference:

-In the requester field input your email and optionally your name,

- in the subject line explain your Lisk withdrawal is not complete,

- Mark type as a “Withdrawal Issue” ,

- In the Poloniex Username write your Poloniex username (email address),

- In description explain that transaction is marked as complete, but its not showing on the LISK blockchain, also paste you TXID that we used in previous steps (if more TXIDs are affected paste each one of them so they check them all),

- Click on Submit.

We understand your frustration and are doing everything we can to reach out to the Poloniex and Lisk teams to offer any assistance we can.

If you are still having issues, please reach out to us personally through with your specific problem and we will help you find a solution. Thank you again for supporting ARK!

Your ARK Team.

