The All-New Website is Live — The Simplest Way to Blockchain

Justin Renken | Blog
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2020 has always been the home for our online presence. Today, we reveal an all-new website to bring us into the future with a cleaner look and easier access to important information. In this article, let’s take a look at what we focused on for this release.

Visit our all-new site at

Embrace Simplicity

A primary theme we want to reflect in everything we do is simplicity. We believe that commitment to simplicity gives Blockchain its best chance to flourish for both users and developers. Our previous website served us well but grew busier over time. When planning our new website, we focused on fine-tuning messaging and essential content. We strive to cut through the noise of an often cluttered industry to deliver simple and elegant technical solutions, and we want this to be reflected in our new site., The Simplest Way to Blockchain.

Showcase the Products

We have been taking the penultimate steps to release an all-new product suite during Q4 of this year and in 2021. We will be releasing all-new products like MarketSquare and Nodem as well as major overhauls to existing products such as the ARK Desktop Wallet and ARK Mobile Wallet. With unified user experience in mind for our product suite, we have refactored the site to truly showcase the intuitive products we build and maintain (with the help of open source developers around the world). Our site now features a main navigation element for our products and services along with mini-menu introductions.

Our products and services are featured first on our new site.

Integrate the Blog

The ARK Blog has always been a treasure trove of information. And now with the new site redesign, we have opted to burn the 4-dimensional hypercandle at all ends to integrate it into our main site. We constructed an interface for the front and back ends from the ground up to publish our blog directly on our site and not rely on any third party services. It’s a big step forward from both branding and SEO perspectives. All previously released blog posts are now also residing on this new publishing platform.

We have finally integrated our blog into our website.

Champion the Documentation

As you may have read last week, we unveiled a new documentation hub built in-house. It gave you a first look into a live implementation of our new design approach. With our updated website now live as well, the two resources blend perfectly. Additionally, with more pride behind our new documentation hub, we can put the website in the backseat on a few things, making it more concise, while simultaneously bringing the documentation forward more often. Our new site has more entry points to our documentation hub than ever before, which is where we want developers to end up anyway!

Our new site has more entry points to our documentation hub.

Create a Family

You may have noticed that during this year we have started breaking out products and services into their own brands, complete with their own URLs as well. Interoperability and ease of use have always been at our core, along with the desire to bridge together different Blockchains as well as different people and ideas. Now, we have reached a point where you don’t have to be a die-hard fan of ARK to participate in the ARK Ecosystem.

  • Our all-new Desktop Wallet coming in Q4 will allow for the integration of multiple popular cryptoassets, not just ARK.
  • Our new product Nodem, coming in early 2021, will allow for simple graphical management of ARK-based nodes right within your browser without logging in to your server.
  • Protokol, the enterprise solutions provider subsidiary of, will use the ARK Blockchain Framework whenever it’s best suited for the client but isn’t afraid to explore additional options based on certain client needs.
  • Platform SDK, the simplest way for developers to interface with popular Blockchain networks, supports 10+ disparate protocols, not just ARK.
  • Businesses from every corner of the Blockchain industry will be able to showcase themselves on MarketSquare, regardless of which protocol they prefer.

We are creating a family of brands that speaks true to our vision of unifying the industry. Notably, this has the pleasant side effect of making our new website leaner and more to-the-point regarding our products and framework.

We are creating a family of brands with unique URLs.

Hey, what happened to the ‘Point. Click. Blockchain.’ slogan?

‘Point. Click. Blockchain.’ has been a staple in our branding since 2018. While it has served us well, we feel we are outgrowing it due to offering much more than intuitive user experiences. We are graduating to ‘The Simplest Way to Blockchain.’ It makes an assertion that we want you to test by using our products and become a satisfied user of our suite of products and services we have to offer.

As always, we welcome any community feedback that can help make using our products even simpler!

We look forward to seeing the ARK Blockchain Platform come to fruition in its new vision, and now there is no better place than our new website to show off what we’re building. Stay tuned on our social media channels for more updates.

Visit our all-new site at

Read our new whitepaper, follow us on social media ( Twitter | Facebook | Reddit | Telegram), join our community ( Slack | Discord ), and stay tuned to our blog on Medium, Minds, Parler and on Binance

