Introducing the Powered by ARK Program — Expanding Support For The Bridgechain Community

Katie Phillips | Blog
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2019

As the ARK Ecosystem matures and the number of bridgechains running on the ARK Blockchain Platform grows, we’re also maturing our partnership and support models to help support our ever-expanding community. Today we’re introducing a new initiative, the “Powered by ARK” Program, to help do just that. This new initiative will create stronger ties between ARK bridgechains, allow projects to benefit from greater support from the ARK Development Team, and ultimately create a stronger and more cohesive ecosystem for all involved.

To learn more about the program visit the Powered by ARK website

It’s Time to Build Bridges!

Over the past few months, the ARK team has made significant progress on the development of our core technology and solutions, including the release of the ARK Deployer.

Since then, we’ve not only seen the number of ARK bridgechains increase, but we’ve also seen increased interest from projects and developers who want to know more about starting their own ARK-based project or migrating an existing project to run on the ARK platform. With this in mind, we believe it’s time to focus our attention more squarely on capturing and encouraging that enthusiasm with a formal system for vetting, collaborating with, and supporting these projects via the Powered by ARK Program.

The Powered by ARK (PBA) initiative is a formal program that aims to help us to better recognize, support and collaborate with projects building on ARK’s technology.

We believe that through this new program, we can create stronger bonds within the ARK Ecosystem by connecting our most enthusiastic and capable bridgechains not only with the ARK team but with each other as well.

Essentially, by fostering an environment ripe for collaboration and idea-sharing, the Powered by ARK Program will enable projects to better tap into the rich resources available across the ecosystem to help grow their project, aid their development and ultimately maximize their success.

Why Join Powered by ARK?

By becoming a PBA member, bridgechains will unlock a number of key benefits that will help support their growth initiatives, including:

  • ARK Development Support
    If you’re a bridgechain looking for additional help or support from the ARK development team, then the PBA program could be just what you need. Those bridgechains inducted into the PBA program will benefit from priority access to and support from, the ARK Development Team. You’ll get a dedicated Slack channel monitored by our team where you’ll be able to ask questions, receive feedback, and get all the help and support you need to push your project to the next level.
  • Relationship Building and Networking
    The main goal of the Powered by ARK Program is to bring the ARK Ecosystem closer together. As a PBA member, you’ll be able to build stronger ties with other bridgechains in the ARK Ecosystem. We’ll introduce you to other PBA members who can provide help, support, knowledge, ideas, and feedback that can help grow your project.
  • Audience Expansion & User Acquisition Opportunities
    As part of the PBA application process, you’ll be introduced to the vibrant ARK community via the ARK Crypto Podcast and our AMA features. This means exclusive access to an open and engaged blockchain, crypto and development focused community who always love to learn more about projects building on ARK.

We see this as just the beginning of what we hope will be a new era of collaboration and support within the ecosystem. As we add new partners, we’ll continue to expand and adapt the program to include more opportunities for growth, support, and outreach — allowing us to provide the best possible guidance to the growing roster of bridgechains supporting ARK and ARK Core development.

What Are the Requirements?

The Powered by ARK Program is open to all projects building (or intending to build) with ARK’s technology. It’s a free initiative run by ARK. There’s no financial commitment to join and no financial incentive for doing so. Any bridgechain that brings value to the ecosystem has the potential to be accepted into the program. But, in order to join, projects must first go through a short formal application process.

Throughout the application process, the ARK team and community will get to know applicants in more detail, we’ll use the process to understand more about what you hope to achieve, and gain valuable insight into what you bring to the ecosystem.

At a high level, the process that PBA members will need to complete includes the following:

  1. Register your interest for an application at Powered by ARK page
  2. Complete the initial application form, submitting all relevant information for review
  3. Ensure proper licensing and credit is present on your project’s Github repositories and/or website.
  4. Complete a podcast interview and an AMA with the ARK Community
  5. Sign an MOU and satisfy a few other technical requirements
  6. Submit a final application for review by the ARK team.

But don’t worry, we’ll be on hand to walk you through each and every step of the process. Once all of the above has been completed, we’ll review your application and let you know whether you’ve been accepted into the Powered by ARK Program.

Then that’s it! Welcome to the ARK family!

How to Apply?

To apply for the PBA program, the first step is to get in touch with us. Eligible projects and bridgechains can register their interest here — Powered by ARK.

After this, ARK’s Strategic Partnership Manager will be in touch to walk you through the application process. Good luck!

Building the ARK Ecosystem

The Powered by ARK Program is just the first step in our overall plans to increase the collaboration and cohesiveness of the ARK Ecosystem, but we believe it is an important one. By bringing ARK and our bridgechain community closer together and giving them the tools they need to succeed, we can ensure greater success for the entire ecosystem as a whole.

We are excited to see more projects picking up the ARK mantle and we look forward to working with you all in the future. Together, we can take the next step in growing the ARK Ecosystem into the thriving digital economy it was always meant to be.

For more information, or to start your application to the Powered by ARK program, please visit:

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