Meet David, IT Infrastructure Division leader at Arkafort

Elaine Falzon
Published in
4 min readNov 19, 2020
David Zammit — IT Infrastructure Division Leader

What is your role at Arkafort?

At Arkafort, I lead the IT infrastructure Division. Essentially our job is to offer solutions to our clients in relation to any infrastructure works needed for their IT set-up. From a simple copper network expansion, to a whole active network solution with redundancy and failover. Works include certified data network installations — both copper and fibre — LAN Solutions, WLAN solutions, CCTV and more. I also focus on implementing and supporting VoIP solutions for our clients.

What do you enjoy doing most as part of your job? Why?

Well, most certainly the fact that the work is never repetitive. A bit of a cliche, I know, but there is truly never a dull moment at Arkafort! Each client requires a specific set of solutions and every new job brings about its own new challenges.

I must admit, I am not very good at sitting behind a desk; never been and don’t think that I ever will! So I mostly enjoy the fact that our work takes us to different places and spaces every day. In the past years we basically travelled all around Malta and Gozo and worked in historical places, underground tunnels, office spaces, remote places, hospitals…. I was also part of the team who carried IT Infrastructure works in Istanbul, Turkey and I must say that that was quite a unique experience for me.

Gordon & David on their way to Istanbul

How do you describe your experience as a team leader?

Certainly challenging. To shift from working on your own and in your own time to having a team requires a change in mindset. I had no previous experience in managing a team so it took me a while to learn the ropes in terms of how to manage people, how to take care of a team, how to approach different personalities, how to motivate team members. Both Justin and Gordon offered their help and guidance throughout and that allowed me to grow professionally. Things are now moving forward at a steady pace and I am confident that together with my team we are truly offering the best solutions to our clients.

What do you think of the Arkafort team? Does Arkafort, as a company, allow you to grow on a professional level? If yes, how?

I started as a part-time intern with Arkafort and I am now leading my own team and division. So definitely, my answer is yes! I think that as a company it really does identify the individual’s potential and allows you to learn, grow and develop further on a professional level. I honestly think that we have a great team made up of a number of different professionals who each contribute in their own ways to the growth of the company.

Which Arkafort projects would you describe as most exciting and innovative in terms of Infrastructure?

Well, plenty of projects to choose from! But I would say that the most exciting project so far was the installation of a CCTV, WiFi and PA system at St’ Pauls Catacombs in Rabat. It was definitely a unique experience!

How do you actively contribute to creating better workplace for people to work in?

Our aim is to offer solutions that will help our clients achieve a better working experience. Nowadays IT and the Internet are ingrained in the way we work, and we try to make this experience as easy and as straightforward for our clients. Simplifying complexity is the motto we go by. And truly that is the case! We make sure that our clients do not have to deal with any disconnections or similar unpleasant situations that could affect their day-to-day business.

What, do you feel, is most challenging in your work. And why?

I would say that it is sometimes difficult to keep up with technology updates and changes are challenging. And also to address the very specific and different needs which each and every client has. But at the same time, that is what makes our job interesting and engaging!

What’s next?

Our ambition at this stage is to keep developing the IT Infrastructure Division even more, helping Arkafort grow into a bigger company.



Elaine Falzon
Editor for

Elaine is a freelancer, working on a number of projects which include strategies, project management and communications.