Work remotely, stay safe

Gordon Grech
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2020

We knew that we were slowly heading towards a work environment which fully supports teleworking and remote set-ups. However, in these exceptional and abnormal circumstances, remote working became a necessity and a reality for most of us.

This past week, many companies had to take the tough decision to temporarily close their doors and send their employees home. As with all immediate necessities, this could lead to rushed decisions in favour of a ‘business as usual’ attitude. But it is very important that you still take all the necessary precautionary measures and take security into consideration.

So here are some tips.

Make sure that your devices are all protected and encrypted. Whilst it is probable that your devices are already secure and have inherent systems to protect your data, double-check that all is fully in place. Create a secure connection with your office; you do not want to risk your data on its way. This is a little more challenging so you might want to refer to IT experts in order to install a proper Virtual Private Network.

If you have not done so already, you might want to resort to a cloud platform to store away your data and files. We have tackled this subject at length in our previous blog, check it out for more specific information about using a cloud system.

Other points to consider for a safe and secure remote set-up are controlling mobile devices and managing the use of removable storage and peripherals. Make sure that your email protection is updated and inform your employees about phishing and how to avoid such traps when using their email.

It is obviously unlucky that the Covid-19 situation has had to force us into this (we are humans, and really hate being forced into anything right?) but at this stage we can — and maybe should - turn it into an opportunity for our future.

The future is now apparently, so act fast… and sensibly. Onwards and upwards!

At Arkafort we can help you set up your remote system efficiently, quickly and securely. Our team will gladly share our expertise with you and let you into insights and offers which we have created on purpose to assist you further.
And although we would love to meet you in person, it will have to be another time. Check out our
website for more information.

