The Values Movement: Finally, Humanity’s Shared Values Can Drive the Global Economy!

Solutions Movement Team
The Solutions Movement
6 min readAug 18, 2021

A Tech Movement that puts your humanity at the center of every transaction in the global economy

Empowering humanity’s shared values

A Socially Advanced Marketplace

Imagine if we could deploy our humanitarian values to drastically restructure the traditional economic model. When we go online or out to stores, we’d have unprecedented levels of information and transparency about the social and environmental values and behavior of every business we buy from. When we browse the web, we’d no longer be trapped in information echo chambers or bombarded with unwanted ads that don’t align with our individual values. Technology wouldn’t be invasive, it’d be controlled by our humanity, driven by our human values, fluid with our daily lives and personalized for each of us.

We now have the technology and the power to make this a reality. Together, we can collectively shift our economy away from the stupidity and destructiveness of short term profit think. Do we want to continue to buy products that last a few years, but poison the food, water, and air that poorer communities and their children disproportionately consume for 100 years? Of course not! Then let’s stand up and stand together for all people, for our humanity! Let’s demand a paradigm shift in our economic model; let’s require that our humanitarian values become the prime directive of every small and large economic decision.

The Values Movement

We’ve always had the power to make this change by joining together. And now we know how to use technology to make our humanitarian values heard, felt, and upheld in every corner of the globe. The Values Movement™ was founded and created for this sole purpose. This democratic Movement is leveraging Arkius® (Pronounced: Ark-Eye-Us) open-sourced technology to empower this paradigm shift to a values-driven global economy.

The key to revolutionizing the global economy is simple: We need to take control of our attention.

“Our collective attention is the most valuable and powerful resource on the planet. Whatever we give our attention to thrives, moves us, gets funded, taught, built, deployed, and survives. And what we don’t give our attention to dies.”

Mark Publicover, Co-Founder of the Values Movement

©2021 Arkius®, All rights reserved

Today, corporations, AI, and algorithms control most of what gets your attention — the Values Movement puts the control in your hands, where it belongs. What’s the first step in our revolution to create a humanitarian values-driven global economy? We simply need to stand together and refuse to give our attention to any company that isn’t transparent about their environmental, social, and economic decisions and their outcomes. If just 1% of us stand together for truth and transparency, then the rest of the world will follow.

How does it work? The Values Movement is deploying a new, radically different, three-way marketplace that empowers truth and transparency in every economic transaction.

Explained: The Three-Way Marketplace

The Three-way Marketplace consists of community members, certifiers, and attention seekers.

The Arkius Three-Way Marketplace ©2021 Arkius®, All rights reserved

Member Experience: Community members are anyone committed to creating and building a global economy driven more by human values than price competition and short term profit metrics. By simply requiring that all companies, products, services, content, and ads be values-certified before reaching us, we, as community members, are joining together to create the first global marketplace for certifications. Members can subscribe to certifications to filter incoming content, including ads. We can start by blocking ads that are not certified.

Certifier Experience: Certifiers are individuals, companies, or members that certify the degree to which content, ads, products, services, and companies meet a range of social, economic, and environmental values. Certifications are based on vetted information about specific qualities of a company or organization (e.g., LEED certified, USDA Organic, customer reviews). Certifiers can create and edit their certifications based on feedback and changing preferences from individuals and the many diverse communities that will blossom from the decentralized Values Movement.

Attention Seeker Experience: Attention seekers, such as advertisers will be able to create and manage advertising campaigns, including advertising content, budget, and timeline as well as metadata including the product and company being advertised.

Over time, community members will create their own personalized values matrix or algorithm by picking certifications that align with their values and preferences. Members use their values-matrix to filter and pull-in content from attention seekers(e.g., companies) that are certified to be in-line with their values. Attention seekers pay members to consume their content (ads). Members pay a small portion of their ad revenue to certifiers when they use specific certifications to filter content.

The vision and implementation of Arkius has been a long time coming, and it’s important to understand the inventors, team, and global community that makes up Arkius.

Photo by Geralt on Pixabay

The Global Community

For Arkius and Values Movement co-founders Mark Publicover and William Foster, creating products that make a difference in the world is nothing new. They’re natural problem solvers with over 50 patents between them. Their friendship began long before the Values Movement, and both forged meaningful careers in their respective fields. Mark became an entrepreneur the day he left college. In 1996, Mark’s love for kids and a trampoline accident at his home drove him to invent and patent the trampoline safety enclosure that became the global standard. Mark’s economics education and 20+ years of global manufacturing experience, and especially the displacement of his manufacturing from the US to unregulated China, taught him how difficult it is for people and companies to stay true to their deeper, humanitarian values in an economy where these values take a backseat to profit. Also, as the Founder/CEO of JumpSport, he was the first trampoline maker to use keyword advertising and was top listed organically for years, but inevitably, transparency and quality search results were marginalized by the need for bigger profits. These and many other difficult and very troubling experiences formed the crucible that compelled Mark to imagine and create the Arkius core technology, the three-way marketplace. Several years later, Mark realized he needed help from someone with exceptional thinking skills and deep experience in electrical engineering and computer science. William immediately saw the great potential of Arkius, dropped everything, and moved west to work with Mark in California. After graduating from MIT, William spent much of his career working in the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) space. William has led engineering teams for a wide range of high-performance systems including network protocols at Saratoga Data Systems and EDA tools at Synopsys (SNPS) and Silicon Navigator.

The two have continued to innovate and build on Arkius’ core technology, knowing with all their hearts that the planet can’t survive unless our humanitarian values become the driving force of the global economy. Our current economic model must undergo a necessary and significant transformation to better empower and serve everyone. The belief that individuals can collectively cause a paradigm shift in our economy is core to Arkius’ culture. We understand that Arkius is for everyone, that’s why it will be open-sourced and liberally licensed. Arkius is the backbone of the Values Movement — a global community that includes everyone who wants to create a values-centric society. Technologists, thought leaders, and others will help strengthen the Values Movement community and collectively construct a world where human values matter most. If you are someone who wants to create a reality where your economic, social, and political values are reflected in every decision you make, join the Values Movement as a community member, certifier, or attention seeker and take part in a global movement of individuals working toward the greater good.

For more information on how Arkius and the Values Movement will affect the economy, follow our Medium account to stay up to date.

