Armada Chain releases Proof of Location Open Source for OA

Jackie Zhang
Armada Chain
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2019

Proof of Location

For Hedera Hashgraph Open Access, Armada Chain released the Armada Proof of Location to encourage understanding and development on Hedera Hashgraph. The Proof of Location module allows the user to post his/her location, derived from browser, to Hedera Hashgraph via a smart contract. The previous location can be added to the map from the smart contract storage. While smart contracts are not the preferred way we store information with Armada, it good way to understand how data works in DLT. The code is publicly available on our github to help developers build on Hedera and use the Armada Ecosystem.

Armada Ecosystem

The Armada Ecosystem consists of two core parts: The Armada Platform and Armada Applications. The Armada Platform handles the flow of data to and from Hedera Hashgraph, ensuring the security and privacy of information. Armada Applications utilizes trusted data from the Armada Platform for communication, analytics, provenance, or third-party solutions.

The Armada Platform centers around the Port, the main portal users engage with for Armada. Here users can view data from different partners, use Armada Applications, and manage activities. Activities define partnerships interactions on Armada. Create an activity, add your partners and start securely sharing data with DLT. Various integrations allows users not only to submit data, but also pull data from the Port, allowing users to incorporate shared data into their workflows.

Armada Applications allow users to leverage their data to bring new value to their business. Users can use Armada Applications, which sync with the data from activities, to handle track & trace, enhanced collaboration channels or securely share data to 3rd parties to handle trade finance.

