The Unknown Things About John Lewis

We are the sum of our experiences

John Lewis
Teal Me!
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2022


Source: Handsome devil of an Author

Someone has asked me how it is that I know so much about so many things that I can write about or have an opinion on them.

Simple. Setting aside the fact I was born in the middle of the last century, I’ve lived long enough to have done things and learned from mistakes. Mistakes made by myself and others over time. This doesn’t make me smarter or wiser than others; just not as likely to repeat the same mistakes.

This can at times be troubling, as those who think they know everything are annoying to those of us that DO.

So what are some of the things that make up the background of my life?

Former karate instructor. Fought three times in the Texas State Championships, twice in the United States Championships, and once in the International Championships in Long Beach. Didn’t place in any of them, but it was an experience never forgotten.

Former SCUBA instructor. Retired when a hemorrhagic stroke failed to kill me but left one side of my body paralyzed for life.

World traveler who had the good fortune to meet people at destinations all over, so it wasn’t just all insular resort stays. Learned some about how the rest of humanity lives.



John Lewis
Teal Me!

John Lewis was born in Europe, and came by both wanderlust and curiosity from that beginning. He considers this his Third Act in Life.