Time To Sacrifice And Start Anew

A Phoenix rises, but first must fall

John Lewis
Teal Me!
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2022


Photo by Ryan Beltz on Unsplash

Let me tell you about my father, Sam Cooper.

He was an unassuming man making his way through life. Well-spoken, with several friends and a job not too demanding on his time, he lived in a modest home with my mother and me in the suburbs just like countless others.
After I finished college, my parents set me down one afternoon and we had “the talk”.

No, not THAT talk. This one was far more serious and completely rocked my world with the subject covered. For all the years I was growing up, the mysterious hero known as the Phoenix protected the city and the world from all sorts of baddies. Stories about the exploits of the Phoenix went back several decades. It was a shock to discover why that was.

My father, you see, was the Phoenix. As was my grandfather, and his father before him — an unbroken line of those who inherited the mantle and wore it as their own. Soon, they told me, it will be my turn to take over from Dad.

Become head of the secret family firm.

First I was going to have to be trained in the use of my dormant powers by my father so I could be ready to face the rigors of being a superhero.



John Lewis
Teal Me!

John Lewis was born in Europe, and came by both wanderlust and curiosity from that beginning. He considers this his Third Act in Life.