WWE Did Not Erase Chris Benoit, They Basically Just Don’t Mention Him — Stop Spreading False Narratives

Carl Charlbury
Armchair Leg Drop
4 min readFeb 11, 2024


Images via WWE & Peacock TV

There’s been a lot of buzz over the years around WWE altering Chris Benoit’s presence on their archives. Some even claim he has been erased entirely, which is usually brought up to support claims of what will happen to another wrestler or figurehead, like the current situation with accusations against Vince McMahon and possibly Brock Lesnar.

The Controversy Surrounding Chris Benoit On WWE Network/Peacock TV

Image via WWE & Peacock TV

Chris Benoit, who is arguably the greatest wrestler ever, became the center of one of the most tragic and heinous incidents in wrestling history. In 2007, Benoit, along with his wife and son, were found dead in what was later ruled as a murder-suicide. It is a reality that needs to be wholly digested and considered throughout discussion: Benoit brutally disposed of his own family, and then himself. This incident sent shockwaves throughout the wrestling community and led to a significant reevaluation of wrestler safety and wellness protocols, because in short; brain trauma was likely the main cause. These changes are still present and evolving today.

With WWE’s migration of their archives to streaming in 2014 in the launch of the Network, and most of Benoit’s career residing in WCW and WWE, many fans speculated about the fate of Chris Benoit’s matches and appearances. Some claimed that WWE had entirely erased Benoit from their archives, while others insisted that they still saw his matches on the platform. This has gone on over the years, seemed to get hot when Peacock came in, and here we are again with the lawsuit.

Separating Fact from Fiction

Image via WWE & Peacock TV

Contrary to the claims of Benoit’s complete erasure, the reality is a bit more nuanced. While WWE has taken steps to minimize Benoit’s presence, they haven’t scrubbed him entirely from their archives, as noted in this Wrestlenomics interview. John Carlan states Benoit was “allowed,” on the WWE Network and explains some of the caveats. Even after the transition to Peacock, you can still find matches featuring Benoit.

WWE made a conscious decision to exclude Chris Benoit from their ongoing narrative. You won’t find his name mentioned, his face thumbnailed, and he’s not searchable on the platform. However, most of his matches still exist in the archives, albeit with alterations. For instance, his name might not be announced during the match, and his victories might not be highlighted as they once were, but they don’t have a giant black bar over him, and you can still seek out the shows you remember and watch him put on clinic after clinic in the ring.


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Why the Chris Benoit WWE Controversy Persists

Image via WWE

The persistence of Chris Benoit’s presence on Peacock has sparked countless conversations among wrestling enthusiasts. Some degree of oversight seems to make sense to most folks, but complete removal would mean taking away moments he shared with other beloved wrestlers who are not murderers. Should Booker T be punished for Chris Benoit’s crimes? It gets murky, there’s nuance, such is life on this hellball we call “Mommy Earth.”

Context is key. It’s essential to remember the contributions of a wrestler like Chris Benoit as it’s equally crucial to acknowledge the tragic events that tarnished his legacy. WWE’s approach seems to strike a balance between preserving history and respecting the sensitivities of fans and victims. That brings us to the next section, which some folks REALLY aren’t going to like…

Why Chris Benoit Shouldn’t Be In The WWE Hall of Fame

Image via WWE & Peacock

When we talk about the legacy of Chris Benoit, the WWE Hall of Fame is always going to come up. His in-ring feats are remarkable, yet the disturbing nature of his end sparks ethical debates about his Hall of Fame candidacy. This Bleacher Report article suggests Benoit should be included due to his in-ring accomplishments, but the WWE Hall of Fame isn't just about in-ring ability; it's about character and integrity. Including Benoit would disrespect his victims and establish a troubling precedent, possibly glorifying individuals with dark pasts.

The wrestling community will remain divided on this kind of issue. Separating personal lives from professional achievements can be tough as the characters we love are often exaugurated versions of the real performers behind them.

If the accusations in the Janel Grant lawsuit against Vince or others are proven, shouldn’t they be swiftly ousted from the WWE Hall of Fame and never mentioned or promoted again? Eliminating the decades-old, rotten elements of this business is essential for WWE and TKO’s continued improvement and long-term success.

In the end, Chris Benoit did everything he could to tarnish his legacy all on his own, and WWE has done everything to allow it to exist in some form for fans without drawing any attention to it.


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Carl Charlbury
Armchair Leg Drop

Carl Charlbury of ArmchairLegDrop.com is a lifelong professional wrestling fan who started with JCP/WCW & views the industry through the eyes of a "Humble Mark"